Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Oh, it’s not the program at all. He’s just not an outdoorsy type and didn’t connect with the feel of the town. I think he is also trying to individuate from his parents who are self-proclaimed hippies. :slight_smile:


thats nice list of schools, congrats !!

Thank you!

Those are some fabulous choices!

Haha love it! :peace_symbol: :v:

Yes, we talked with many people and they are thinking UIUC is no brainer in this case. However, I want our D to look at pros and cons of each based on her priorities before picking one.

I told her that when it is cold and snowy in the middle of winter at UIUC, all the great ranking/ opinion about UIUC that her friends have is not going to help her. It will be good to know that she outweighed all pros and cons of each school and picked UIUC based on the merits she found rather than some rating agency. The winter will be more tolerable in her mind that way.


We are visiting Alabama in a couple weeks. Private tour so already customized to what we think the interests are, but anything you’d recommend we see or ask about that maybe we haven’t thought of? Thanks.


I second that. I know a lot of bayarea companies hire big time from UIUC. Are you OOS to both @saathvik ?

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Sorry, may be I over-reacted for the weather being in in-state :smiley:. Its not that bad in winter & kids will enjoy. UIUC is very beautiful campus and lot of university buses. Very safe campus, students are walking all the time.


I heard it has been relatively milder there these past few years because of global warming.


No, in-state with regents for UCSB.

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Good to know that. Yes, sometimes it is better to get out of your comfort zone and to learn a different perspective of another state. I can understand why your kids are leaving a great in-state program like UIUC for Georgia Tech.


We are done as well, all results are in and decision is made.

accepted at:
George Washington
Agnes Scott
Ole Miss
this list might seem random but there was rhyme and reason behind it ;-). All offered merit.



Top three contenders were Tulane, Lehigh and George Washington. But in the end Tulane was the first to accept her in EA, she liked the campus and people she met and they offered the most money. Her future is green :smiley:


I am thinking tonight’s 7:00PM EST outcome will be a game changer for lot of kids.
Good Luck !!! :crossed_fingers: :+1: :partying_face:


Good luck on Ivy Day to all the kids waiting for decision today. My son is doing well at his school but his friends who are at our public university are doing just as well and are happy at their schools!


Congratulations on a successful season and a happy future to your DD. :partying_face: :smile:

I love your optimism, wish I could be the same :slightly_smiling_face: I am so anxious and nervous even though I know the outcome.
My kid has worked really hard, has put together a wonderful application, still did not get his top 2 choices yet. Maybe I am just biased as a mom. BTW, he is less worried than I am


Daughter is absolutely heartbroken by the UMiami financial aid office. They’re withholding financial aid until she can provide documentation that she doesn’t have contact with her father, because the documentation that her college counselor already provided was too vague according to them. She was in tears when she explained to them that no one else knows about her home life because it’s private and they basically told her to figure it out.

How do one usually find research opportunities during freshman year? Do they contact the professors directly? Is this what you are asking me to research if the school has a program to match students to research opportunities. May I ask how you son managed to find research at his school?

Thank you and same to your DD. Hoping she makes the right decision for her :smiley: