Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Here is little guidance from UCSB. Undergraduate Research Opportunities | College of Engineering - UC Santa Barbara

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A lot of my D’s friends are waiting for today. I’m praying they all should hear positive news. Wishing all the kids are parents waiting for ivy results, a very best of luck.


Echoing @lkg4answers the university web pages should have some information. You might also try using google to find the pages of individual research labs. Since you are just trying to compare the opportunities at each school there are some web pages that rank schools by the number of research papers published - that might serve as a good metric ??


I feel satisfied with my son’s current acceptances and would be happy if he chose one of the current ones. Not sure the others are meaningfully better but I am sure my 18 year old feels differently :grinning:


That’s absurd. How is she supposed to prove that she doesn’t have contact with her father? Show them the birthday cards he didn’t send? Pinky swear that she doesn’t have his email address? Ridiculous.


So sorry to hear your story. I really hope there’s someone sensible in their FA office who can sort this out while treating you and your daughter with respect and empathy.
Hope it works out!


Outstanding results!!! :tada: :tada: :tada: If you could choose, which would it be? :smiley:

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Maybe this tips the scale toward Tulane.


That’s exactly what she said! The financial aid office also told her if she can’t get this information then they would have to disregard her entire CSS profile and only work off her FASFA which would be excluding her from about $60,000.

Did they give an example of what might constitute satisfactory evidence?

Serious suggestion - have a lawyer prepare an affidavit for her to sign. It should be a 15 minute task for a litigator. Any sympathetic lawyer reading this want to help her out?


have her join my D at Tulane in the fall :smiley:


I know she has been in love with W&M ever since we visited the campus, however she is the type that still wants to work out a four year course plan for each school. Sorting through the universities and major requirements to really shine light on the differences between schools.

She did the same in 8th grade when she was admitted to 2 local magnet programs.

This is so not me :rofl: I was the kid that rolled with the gut feeling.


They said her school needs to show they don’t have her father’s contact info on file, but the school does. He just doesn’t answer calls, texts, or emails and he hasn’t for years. But according to UMiami, having an absent father isn’t good enough and she should still try to reach out for tax info :roll_eyes:

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Could you ask the school principal to write a statement or sign something for her stating that the biological father has never attended any school events, been listed a parental or an emergency contact, or had any contact with her at school in 4 years.

Do you have anything from a lawyer demonstrating that he has no custody and has not paid for anything in x number of years?

Her school got a new principal the year she went fully online (last year) so her principal doesn’t really know her. She also got a new guidance counselor this year so her guidance counselor can’t speak on the situation either. The only teacher she felt somewhat close to transferred last year.

We didn’t get a lawyer involved because I don’t want the situation to affect my children more than it has to, and last I heard, her father does not live in America.

Would a medical doctor be familiar with the situation?

Not really, our family doesn’t have a regular doctor. We just go to whatever healthcare provider takes our insurance.

We have an identical situation but only one school(so far) has asked for additional back up. Waitlisted there so not sure it will matter. Similiar to you our situation with the father is basically unknown, there was never a reason to have to discuss it at school. I do understand schools needing to do their due diligence, or everyone would “claim” the same situation, but its VERY upsetting for the kids that have lived with having a parent that has zero presence in their lives
 Seems like they should have accepted the Guidance Counselors statement
so sorry for both of you!!!


A nightmare that I can understand. Our school technically has contact info, because when I enrolled him in Kindergarten I had hoped that he would play a role. At the time we were attempting Unification, but ot never amounted to more than a few brief 30 minute visits every few months. The info just stayed, it made my son feel more “normal”. It never occurred to me that 12 years later it would be an issue for college FA, I should of but it honestly didnt. To be honest, I would trade any FA offer for the opportunity for my son to have had that relationship, but it never happened.

Did you submit the Profile Waiver Request for the Noncustodial Parent in CSS?