Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Good luck to all awaiting decisions from Stanford today!


First, hugs to her (and you as well, I know her disappointment hurts your heart). My advice would be for her to embrace the opportunities she has now, and if certain schools continue to appeal to her, look at them for grad school. Speaking as the parent of a Princeton grad, who is currently at Duke working on a Ph.D, I will say that sometimes the dream of studying at certain schools does not match the reality. Yes, there are positives, but there are negatives too. The first year of college was rough emotionally for my Ivy kid, as was the first year of grad school until recently. My current applicant will attend a safety, and, honestly, she would be miserable at either of her sisters’ schools.

The other option, of course, is to plan a quality gap year, re-work the application, and reapply next year as a freshman.

Stamps is awesome. One of mine got Stamps at Ga Tech and ultimately turned it down. It’s been a few years and I still feel sad about that. The program sounded fantastic.

Hugs to both of you!

Such a competitive major. I am impressed with the waitlists, actually! I’m glad he has good choices. Georgia Tech CS is incredible!!


I have a D20 who is thriving at Northeastern and very much enjoys city life. I agree that the parent FB is an excellent place to start.


Thanks !
That’s exactly we told our son. In this year, getting wait listed is a major accomplishment.
We are extremely happy with his achievements & very grateful for everything/everyone.
I see kids stats in this forum, really amazed with their hard work.
Good luck to everyone!! :partying_face:


I’m sorry to hear she’s disappointed. The whole process is so overwhelming and to end up with regret is tough for everyone, especially a teen I think.


Good luck everyone on Stanford RD (I think its today).

We did not apply Stanford. :smiley:


Congrats on the great options!

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Today is the last decision for my D and today marks almost a year from where we started out this college journey. It was really nice to meet lot of parents at CC, we all received a lot of support from here and we will do our job to pay it forward. I’m completely neutral on today’s outcome. Here is what the journey has given us so far,

Acceptances : MIT, Caltech, CMU SCS, Georgia Tech, Harvey Mudd, UMich COE, UCB, UCLA, UCSB Honors, UIUC, UWashington, UT Austin Turing Scholars, Purdue, Calpoly SLO, ASU Barrett and UMN (90% she applied as CSE, 1 or 2 as EE and Math+CS at MIT)
WaitLists : UCSC. UCI, UCSD, UCD
Rejections : Harvard (probably she was not meant to be there), Stanford

D has already set her college in mind, she would go there this fall. It was so grateful for other AOs to look her through her ECs and essays. I’ll definitely comeback to post on how today goes and where she will go for fall. But at this point it’s a little secret. Congrats to all the kids and parents for their brilliant achievements. Looking forward to hear more about the college plans and commitments soon enough. Its still early enough to say a good bye!!! See you all around.


After keeping one for herself, If these seats she secured were auction-able, you could have easily raised a few million $$… hehe

Congratulations and best wishes.



Should be getting fun here now…


Pooh Stanford.
You know she’s going to MIT with my son!
whoop whoop MIT!


Congratulations! Must be struggle choosing from all this great option.

Congrats to your daughter! I’m just chuckling a little at a kid who got into MIT and Caltech but was wait-listed at UC Santa Cruz… perfect illustration of the weirdness of admissions.


Wow! That’s an amazing list! Way to go!

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That’s great list of choices.
I can guess, where she is going. :partying_face:
Good luck to your DD!!


JUST WOW!!! :open_mouth: Congratulations on an incredible list of acceptances in an unbelievably hard admissions cycle. :tada: What also strikes me is the amount of work it took to complete all of those applications. The devotion, passion, and perseverance to keep writing those essays etc. I cannot even fathom it. :exploding_head: My D22 completed 9 applications, and that truly was her limit, she just could not even handle the thought of one more, while taking her AP classes and trying sprinkle at least some fun into her senior year. It was intense stress for us, and I am in awe of what your kid did to complete all of those applications, and it paid off!!! Bravo! :clap: :clap: :clap: I will be watching for your big reveal! :drum:


Finally done here today. 6 acceptances, 2 waitlists, 6 denials. Not bad for this year! We decided early on during the pandemic shutdowns not to play the testing game. Most of her target schools were test blind (UCs and a few others). CA rural public high school. I’d be surprised if anyone here uses any sort of college/essay coach. She had a different GC each year of high school, so that LOR was weak. Teachers gave us copies of LORs and they were great.

4.5 GPA
Multi sport varsity athlete
Part time job
Unique ECs/volunteer work which were worked into essays.

University of Redlands - multigenerational legacy, $39,000 merit/grants
University of Oregon - $10,000 merit
CU Boulder
University of San Diego
UC Riverside
UC Davis

UC Irvine
UC San Diego

Cal Poly SLO

She was aiming for a UC and is planning to commit to UCD.


Such an amazing set of accomplishments. Congrats again! I really hope your daughter gets to celebrate for a while before diving into college this fall.

I am very curious to see where she lands - MIT was the running favorite? Please do come back and let us know.


If you are in California, I would suggest community college honors program route. Our S17 and D19 decide to forego lower ranked UC admits for a shot at UC Berkeley or UCLA. Both got into Cal. D21 chose same path.

If you are not in Cali, Barnard accepts transfer students. It seems that when transferring from a 4 year, elite schools that accept transfers (e.g., Barnard, Brown, Cornell) really look at why you want to transfer.

This is a tough, tough year. Your D did everything right in HS - it’s not her fault.

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