Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Thanks. I also enjoyed following your S22’s journey - he has great options and I hope he makes it to Japan during his undergraduate years.


I agree that lots of wealthy people are not entitled. I was just pointing out that, when a student writes an app, they need to make sure not to come off like that. Plenty of Uber-wealthy people I know are down to earth and, even with an app full of “monied” type ECs, their kids likely shined through in an authentic way with recs and essays. And they knew better than to pay for their kids to do research. It’s been known for a long time that you don’t write about your “trip to Africa to help the poor and how it changed your perspective”. You also don’t load up your high school days with things mom and dad set up for you.

College want bright kids, but they also want them to be the type of kids who make good roommates and classmates.


I’m a firm believer that there is a place for everyone. I’m sure your kid will find his bros quickly and have the college experience we all can imagine.


Thank you. Graduating with MS+BS in CS in 4yrs. Good luck for your son’s decision and best wishes for journey ahead.


It’s been quite a ride. Thanks for the online company during this journey. Good luck to everyone with next steps. May our kids go out there and fill their lives with service and purpose while making the world a better place for the next generation. All the best.


Congratulations on the graduation! Is it common for kids to finish both BS+MS in 4 years. Is it because of the number of AP credits? How many course did he have to take each semester to finish both in 4 years?

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Guys, whether or not you agree with a poster, I don’t think it’s a good idea to post something they are specifically trying to not reveal for whatever reason.


That’s lot of hard work & amazing, congrats once again.

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Thank you. AP and other credits + summer abroad program helped achieve it

So, are there schools still yet to release their regular decisions? What’s left?

Syracuse has not notified all applicants. They release in waves. Sorry for the people still waiting.

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Yes, “woke” has been appropriated from the people who coined it—Black people—and twisted into a pejorative. Every PWI is/will soon be/should be grappling with their history of promulgating white supremacy and systemic racism & doing the hard, necessary work to dismantle both. I would hope every student would understand that, though of course I don’t hold my breath for that to be true.

Williams has more than its “fair share” of wealthy and uber wealthy students who play golf and hope to accrue even more wealth and don’t plan to dedicate their lives to social justice causes. Any AO worth their weight in salt is, I would hope, at a minimum, looking for self awareness and an interest in learning about injustices and how not to perpetuate them from the applicants they accept.


AP and other credit. Never took more credits than 16. Quiet a few number of kids do finish early. Some continued for Masters others went for jobs.


No sour grapes because kid didn’t apply to that college…or any other NESCAC @homerdog, after getting the inside info from the AO. Very aware of how privileged it is to play golf - anywhere.

BTW….in the South, Southwest, and Western states there are strong golf programs that are not tied to a private club. Maybe if you are from Greenwich, you might not know this. Many public courses in the Southwest/South develop young players and many collegiate programs take players from public high schools, or state junior programs…yes volunteered for First Tee (but not on resume). Was not a recruited athlete….yes…real job that was not on a golf course.

Pretty good stats and essays….oh and a place committed to free speech?


The only colleges not dedicated to free expression are the very few dedicated to very specific political/religious/political+religious ideologies.

The ability to freely express oneself doesn’t come with the ability to be free from facing consequences for one’s freely expressed ideas.


Please move on from the discussion of “woke.”


Yes - @homerdog…both parental units were “first gen”….American and also to go to college. Proud of it. Yes…on scholarship and loans…for undergrad and graduate schools…paid off in our 40’s. Proud of it, and so is our kid. What, are you surprised that a first-gen played golf with a college scholarship? Hmmm……I can name a few who played golf in California, Texas, Arizona, and Alabama who were first gen.


Here are kid’s results:

Accepted: Northeastern (NUin), U Rochester, Harvey Mudd, Richmond, Case Western, UCSD, UCSB, Occidental, U Denver, RIT, ASU Barrett

Waitlisted: Northwestern, Tulane

Rejected: MIT, Brown, Washington St. Louis

Still haven’t heard from: Syracuse

We had a late start to the search and are at a school without a lot of GC support or kids applying to these schools, so the list might appear scattershot. Kid’s priorities: STEAM compatible (interested in cognitive science as well as art classes), wanted to be at a medium size school in a big city. I feel like there are lots of good options, but nothing seems like a perfect fit to kid right now (as a parent, this makes me chuckle because that’s life!).

Top contenders right now:
Harvey Mudd, UCSD, UCSB, Rochester, Northeastern

Of course, those schools are all very different! Kid is still wondering how to get a sense of the culture of a school. We went to an admitted student day at Case, but it was highly scripted and didn’t seem to convey much sense of the culture. We won’t make it out to California to visit again (and those visits were during Covid when campuses weren’t very open). We will visit Rochester and Northeastern this month for the first time. Any suggestions for how kid can get a better sense of student culture from current students (as opposed to admitted students)?

To clarify: no complaints here–I’m confident that kid will find a good fit from this list.


For Northeastern you can join the Parents Facebook group and post about your son’s interests. Many parents have students who are willing to talk to prospective students.

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those are great choices, good luck!! :partying_face: