Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Ok I think you’re winning the Down to The Wire trophy! :trophy:

Daughter is getting close and said she’ll SIR this afternoon. I’m trying to occupy myself with other things but keep coming back to CC to enjoy everyone else’s decisions.

Good luck this weekend!


Congrats!! :tada: :partying_face: :bear:

I’ve loved following his journey! Cheers and enjoy! :beers:


Whoa congrats! :partying_face:

My D and I visited Pitt a couple weeks ago – loved the city, school and people! Enjoy the visit and the great but difficult decision!


I have loved hearing everyone’s journeys this cycle. My S22 finally committed to UMich engineering. He knows he was fortunate to get in EA with this crazy cycle where UMich deferred and waitlisted so many qualified students.

His S19 brother is at UMich engineering, and for a variety of reasons S22 didn’t apply to any other T20 schools, so UM may have seemed like an obvious choice. But we really wanted S22 to thoroughly consider other options where honors programs would have provided some smaller classes and other benefits. We visited ASU-Barrett and appreciated a lot about the Barrett curriculum, but engineering did not do a good job selling itself during our visit, and ultimately he didn’t see it as a good fit.

We also visited UPitt for admitted students day, and we all really liked it. S22 like the urban setting with quieter honors housing up the hill. U Pitt offered him excellent merit such that the COA = in-state UMich. If we were going to pick for S22, my husband and I both would have picked UPitt. They did a great job from start to finish - but note to future applicants, applying very early is key to getting merit!

Ultimately, S22 felt like Ann Arbor and UMich were the best fit. He likes that engineering is on North Campus where it is quieter and very pretty, and Central Campus is livelier with restaurants galore. It’s only a 2-hour drive for us, so that will certainly make travel easier than the OOS options. He’s now gearing up to audition for Marching Band and getting excited about student clubs. It’s fun to see him really visualizing himself on campus now that he’s decided. Best of luck to all those still deciding this weekend!


Congrats! I’ve been wondering where he’d end up.

Thank you, and congrats to your son too. My older son almost chose Alabama a few years ago - the scholarships are an amazing opportunity, and the engineers seem to do very well. I know it was a tough decision - I hope your son will be very happy there!


Can’t go wrong. I’ll be more than happy if mine picked Cal. Are you guys by anychance in East Bay??

Congrats and good luck to the kiddo, he nailed it finally!!!

My kid was deciding between two very different colleges, both close to their state Capitols for political science: a big research in state university -UC Davis, and a small liberal arts out of state college -Willamette University.

First we visited UC Davis. We did an admitted student tour and explored the campus and town on our own. We left feeling good about the place and what it has to offer.

For Willamette’s visit, my daughter took part in an admitted students day and a diversity fly in program the following day. They did an amazing job of highlighting the small liberal arts college benefits.

Thankfully, the two visits brought clarity and my daughter made a decision and committed last Wednesday. And the winner is… UC Davis!

She loved the campus as well as the town. The deciding factors for her were the huge arboretum, the ducks, squirrels, and the cows, especially the cows! She was in her happy place petting and hand feeding those cows.

Having said that, she still has not completely let go of UC Santa Cruz, and if she gets off the wait list, she will most likely accept the offer. If she doesn’t get off the wait list, she will happily attend UC Davis. If she still wants to end at Santa Cruz, she can do a quarter there or transfer Junior year.

Counting the days until high school graduation June 9th. Time is running excruciatingly slowly. She has had a serious case of Senioritis since she completed her college applications in November.


UCD is awesome!!! So glad she found her place.


After much back and for, a visit for Cal day, and me buying a couple of nice Cal hats, I am no longer going to be a papa bear.
Daughter committed to U Chicago yesterday.:sweat_smile:
Doubt any of her waitlists Brown, Northwestern, Georgetown, and UCLA will make a difference
What is next?
Our old winter Coats out of boxes!!
Also found a wrinkled Cubs hat.:smile_cat:
Cheers to all.
Will hang out in CC
You guys are and have been awesome throughout


It is awesome! I was personally quite impressed by UC Davis. Thank you so much :blush:


@ucscuuw You’re welcome. And Go Bears!

@midwest_mom9 We’re in A2 for a few days to enjoy all the graduation ceremonies. And we had several to attend. All 1st class. I’ll miss coming back to A2.

My D18 had the best time of her life. I feel like we’ve heard “Go Blue Forever” as if it were like “Amen” at a religious ceremony.

Your sons are very lucky to attend!

Side note: The Ross graduates were loudly booed today at graduation. :joy:


what did your daughter decide?

Good luck to her. I’m not sure if I can handle Boston weather but my D is all set for it. Some of her NE and East coast friends loved CA weather especially Palo Alto, committed to Stanford. Grass is always greener on the other side looks like :grinning:

We have so far declined most of her acceptances the last 2 will be done today, feeling little heavy as both are close to our hearts.

I hope most of the kids are now done with committing, anyone still undecided?


@sushiritto Congratulations to your D18! Love the description of the graduation festivities - sounds like a wonderful weekend. And thank you for all of your many UM posts - very helpful over the past several years!


Hope you did one last run to Zingermanns and Dominick’s. Man, I miss that town.

Where is she going?

Thank you. We are in the peninsula, and are already looking forward to the weekend brunches and Tilden hikes with the kiddo once college starts.


Nice to see this phase winding down and everyone moving on to the next phase.
@Luanne congratulations to your son on NMF scholarship at Alabama. That’s a great outcome.

Over here we are still in limbo. Stanford holds their admitted student weekend the Friday/Saturday before students need to commit. My son is still in California with his dad and won’t be home until tomorrow morning and will have to make his decision then. Apparently, Stanford set up a big Gong on the green and students banged the gong when they committed. My son did not hit the gong. So tomorrow it is.
@advitha My NE son found Palo Alto too hot. Growing up in cold weather, he really hates the heat. Not sure it is a dealbreaker though.


What is his other option? You are down to the wire! Congratulations!