Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Same - my daughter will be attending Davis too! She has connected with so many amazing incoming Aggies already, one of which drove 30 minutes to attend an event at my daughter’s high school last night :slight_smile: New friendships are already forming and this makes my mama heart happy!


She’ll be heading to MIT this fall, home away from home.


Really ? Bayarea is still windy and cold but when it’s hot it’s really a dry heat. Mine told me the same about Southern California when we toured this winter that it’s too hot.

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It’s Princeton. Liked both but they are different.


Apparently it was 70 degrees and sunny, so not very hot. Maybe just uncomfortable in a new environment?

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That is awesome! Where is your daughter coming from? We are 8 hours south, but several kids from her high school are committing as well. I swear every year a different UC adopts our school and lots of kids get accepted there. Last year it was UCSD, this year it was Davis!


A friend of my daughter from Miami, who is absolutely amazing is going there
Tori Hagenlocker
I hope they connect

Her school was Gulliver where my daughter attended before we move to LA about 2 years ago

I remember when our S16 banged the gong. He was torn between Stanford, Berkeley, and Carnegie Mellon. He had a great time at Stanford.


Wow, it sounded like she was really happy with GMP. What made her change her mind?

Sensory overload at Cal day and not to commit to a narrow focus too early as she also likes law in addition to business
Also got a great scholarship offer from Chicago the week of Cal day. $25,000 a year. Berkeley would still be a few thousand cheaper for us as we are in state, but an additional $10,000 for summer internships or abroad studies given by them I think finish winning her over.
We were ready to call it over for Cal.
Interestingly, another kid with the same dilemma, GMP vs Chicago that she met on Cal day also just committed to Chicago


Go figure

We are from Thousand Oaks just north of LA so about a 6 1/2 hour drive away. Seems our school also had a lot of kids get into UCSD last year but many of our very brightest got waitlisted at SD this year (including my daughter). She only knows a few that got in to Davis this year and 2 others that have committed. Our school typically sends about 10 kids to Berkeley and 6 or so to UCLA but that number seems to be even less this year. Such a strange admissions cycle this year.


Ha! We intend to do the same. Hopefully we will run into each other.

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Early Mother’s Day gift – D22 SIR’d to WPI today!

She’s excited to go, reaching out meeting other kids online, etc. (Hopefully won’t get too carried away with the senioritis that’s kicked into high gear the last few weeks :woman_facepalming:).

Good luck to all – I’ve loved watching everyone’s kids on this journey and enjoy seeing where they’re heading next. Really appreciate all the advice and support we’ve gotten - thank you!


Congratulations! I’ve been scrolling through this thread hoping to see your S’s decision. Glad it worked out for the family - I know it was a tough decision for all.

I’ve looked into UA’s National Merit offerings and they sounded awesome (I am also a HUGE college football fan so there’s that as well in favor of the Crimson Tide).

Hope you are now able to take a well-deserved rest!


As I’ve mentioned a couple of times previously, I am a fan of Pittsburgh the city. Congratulations!


Have really enjoyed catching up on all of your kids’ college decisions. Congratulations to all!

The college journey is not yet done for us but yesterday my D22 “firmed” Oxford and listed Imperial as back up. Now she needs to achieve the required grades on her A level exams (any combination of A* A A in math, chemistry and physics). She’s studying diligently and will sit her first exam in three weeks. Wish her luck, please. :pray:

Another highlight was her concerto at school last week. We were worried that D22 hadn’t practiced enough but several people came up to her afterward to say that her piece moved them to tears. A nice moment in an otherwise stressful period.


Good luck to her!


So this is interesting: at a gathering this weekend, a parent I have not met previously told a group of us that their kid has double -deposited at Uof R and UVA to buy themselves more time. It was a little tense given that many of us knew one of the people in the group has a kid on the WL of one of those schools. The double-deposit approving parent did not know that, and no one said it. I always suspected folks did this, and on CC it comes up now and again, but honestly I was very surprised to have it just announced as if it were not a big deal. Another parent did mention a kid at their school got off the UVA WL recently, and how it helps the school if everyone makes decisions promptly, but the not so subtle point seemed to be missed.