Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Mine is taking all 4. She will likely get credit for 3 if she gets 4 or higher. Chemistry she is going to retake in college but she felt like she should take it for closure’s sake and her teacher is adamant about everyone taking it. She didn’t study for it so can only imagine how well that one will go :rofl:.

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D22 will be taking all five exams that she signed up for - four of which will be given in the next four days (!). Will be a busy week.

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I think mine is taking 4 . I think he needs to take placement exams to get into higher level courses so the AP score won’t help but not sure.
When he gets home today, he may have decided to drop some of them if that is an option.

She’s taking 4 of them, but not bothering with the test for AP Calc AB because she wants to take whatever the intro Calc (Calc 1?) is in the fall anyway. It was a tough class for her this year so she wants to feel very solid in that foundation next fall vs. moving to the next level and maybe not being ready.

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Mine is taking all of hers, mostly for the closure, I think. In most cases, she needs fives for them to be of use to her. I keep telling her to just relax and enjoy them. If she gets credit or placement for them, great. If not, that is fine too.

Mine is taking all four AP exams.

My S22 actually took “regular, not honors, not AP” calculus his Junior year (falling off of the super-honor math track he had been on previously due to feeling like he was never quite keeping up). So this year, when AP Stats didn’t fit into his schedule, he was offered the option of Calc AB or BC, and he opted for AB, even though the teacher warned it was essentially repeating what he had learned the previous year. He thought that sounded great, since he wasn’t sure he had learned it… He’s much lower stress about it this time around, to be honest.


Mine is taking all of his, but is threatening to bomb one because he thinks his teacher is terrible and wants to send a message. Good lord. :roll_eyes: Surely revenge testing must be similar to anger - “it’s like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”


We were not able to book an engineering tour when we visited ASU; can you provide details about what it was that wasn’t a good sell for you?Thanks in advance, and congrats on UMich!

Our school requires all AP students to take the exam. I’m really resenting the money, which is a bit of a burden for us, as she won’t get any credit for any of them anyway. She probably would still have taken the French one since if she does well it may allow her to place into a higher level French class (Vassar still has a language requirement) and I guess it’s hard not to do the Art one as that’s kind of what they’ve been working on all along (it’s a portfolio not a class) but the other two are just a waste of money.


My son has 5 APs. He will take them all but will have to delay the Physics APs (2 of them) as he qualified for state for swimming. He has CIF swimming events this week- it’s quite annoying to have several days of swimming (being absent for the test) and also just having the race with 2 APs the very next day. I know he’ll be tired and may likely not do his best.

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Same for my D22 — four exams this week and one next!


@JP2023 Thanks - and sure I can share our experience. I think the program itself has a lot of great elements. With ABET accreditation, many programs are similar in having a hands-on design course freshman year. ASU also has a program called EPICS that has a community service element (great experience and resume-builder) and FURI (funded undergrad research). They apparently also have a neat program for first years called E2. What was really odd is that none of these programs were described during the short ‘info session’ part of the engineering session! For the longer tour part, the two student guides were young and hadn’t figured out how to speak to a large group, so we couldn’t hear much of anything they said. It was a real missed opportunity to recruit. I honestly left the morning in engineering thinking we had wasted a trip (from MI to AZ) because my S22 looked so disinterested during most of the morning. The time we spent with Barrett was really great, and if S22 didn’t have other great options, I think ASU could have worked well for him (probably). At the end of the day, Pitt and UMich did a much better job - maybe because they have actual ‘Admitted Students’ Days, in contrast to ASU which does not (still surprises me).


Mine will take 6, skipping only Macro since he will not get credit.

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My D is in Newhouse for television and film. She has been leaning more towards public relations the more she looks. We went for an admitted student tour and within minutes of the video starting, I knew she was going to Syracuse.


Mine is only taking 3 out of the 7 AP classes she’s taken/taking this year (3 of them were 1 semester courses so not as horrible as it sounds, though definitely rough). She’s not studying for them though, too burned out.

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My son might be interested in studying film. Film studies classes are offered in the English department at CAS and dual major/minors are available with Newhouse. He is particularly interested in the semester in LA. For him it was definitely the Admitted Students Day that changed his mind. He also really liked that they were very welcoming to the Undecided students. He insisted his mind was made up but that day changed it. We love UVM but both my husband and I think that Syracuse is the better choice for him.


Yikes! And paying $$$ for the privilege!

It’s an exam he won’t get credit for next year, so he could just skip it and it would have the same impact. But I think he feels like this is the only leverage he has, and he’s tempted to use it. …though it would have about the same amount of impact as skipping it.


Mine is only taking 2/4 AP Exams and is really only concerned with the score for one of them … the second one won’t get her any meaningful credit, but the teacher expects everyone to take it, so D22 signed up. The other two AP’s won’t get her any useful credit either, but the teachers aren’t insisting that students take the exam, so D22’s not wasting her time. This is the first year that she hasn’t taken the tests for all of her AP classes - I think she finds it liberating.