Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Ah looks like bayarea didn’t impress him much. Princeton is a great school. My D always have an awe of it.

Congrats on all these great acceptances!

This week is D22’s last week of HS. We have different award banquets three nights this week and the last day of school is Wednesday. Graduation is May 12. This is happening so fast and I am so not ready for this! And, yes, she is my first to leave the nest :wink:


I can’t believe my D actually made her decision tonight, even though she did get extensions from her two top schools. She has decided to attend Syracuse over her second choice of Hofstra.


As a Lafayette Alum……I think he made a great choice. Congratulations to your son and your family.


My son is going to Syracuse as well! I haven’t posted lately on this thread. It has been a difficult few months but so glad he has made a decision. Almost chose UVM which is his brother’s school, but after Admitted Students day a couple of weeks ago changed his mind. He seems finally excited. What is your D’s major/school? My son is Undecided in CAS.


Thanks! I’m excited for him! He wanted something different from the SF Bay Area and I think he’ll get it. It’s a great school and ticks so many of his boxes. I’m personally a little concerned about the stories about how heavily Greek it is. (My kid is pretty social but not into exclusivity - he’s a more the merrier kinda guy) But he doesn’t seemed worried. So if he’s good, I’m good!


Actually he loved the Bay Area and thought it was really beautiful, Princeton was just a better fit for his interests. No right or wrong answer.


Soo fast! Congratulations to you and your D22! :hugs: :tada: We still have a month to go but also feels like so much going on in so little time. AP exams all this week and next. Final home track meet for S22, plus prom this coming weekend. Then regionals track and state track meets and finals and then its suddenly graduation. :cry: :partying_face:


Congratulations to all students who have participated in the college journey this admission cycle! It may not be too PC to state it but I honestly thought it was tough, extremely random, with lots of drama and headaches, worried parents and anxious students but I really hope it has worked out for most students! I realize that many may have their dreams crushed but I also hope that they will be more resilient and ready for what life has to offer next. There is no such a thing as an “average excellent” student and each time I read people talking about those high-performing students, I had to cringe. I had to remind myself that they are all special in their own ways and I hope that they find their niche and best path forward.

As a parent, these forums helped a little to get distracted and cope better but the discussions also raised the level of my anxiety, to be honest. All in all, a good outcome for our student but it was NOT straightforward by any means. Good luck to HS23 students!


Good luck to everyone taking AP exams! One down here, three more to go :slight_smile:


S22 doesn’t graduate until June 18 here. So, we still have AP exams, the spring musical, and a few other things. 7 more weeks of school for S22. 8 more weeks of school for S25. :slight_smile:


Will your seniors take all their AP exams? My D will only take one of her three. She has already met with her college advisor and knows she wouldn’t get credit for the other two. Also, one of them would be on graduation day :woman_shrugging:

S22 is taking all his scheduled AP exams but he did not register to test for all of his AP classes - only those for which he will get credit.

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In the same boat here, with AP exams, track meets, state meet and all state music festival and the final exam from his college calc class. . Son seems to be running from one thing to another and trying to catch up on all the school work he missed while visiting schools and having his wisdom teeth removed. Not the relaxed senior second semester that I would have hoped for but it is what it is.


Mine will take both of his. (Lit & Calc AB) The AB test will convert to credit as long as he gets 2 or better (I’m personally hoping for 4, but one never knows). I don’t think his college provides any credit for Lit, but that’s the test he enjoys more, so he’s less reluctant on that one.

Mine will take all four

Mine signedup for 3, and taking all the three. Anyway she’s not going to get any credit even if she scores a 5 but she can skip a level if she gets a 5 on Phys C (she’s just working for Phys C from what I have seen)

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Mine just has one AP. I think it’s not until the 18th, which is 2 weeks after school is out and the day before graduation! He is an IB student, so only has 1 AP class.

I think our D22 is taking 2 out of 3 AP tests.

S22 is taking all 4 AP exams, but only two of them are applicable towards his core requirements. The other 2 could provide additional credits which he can use towards the double degree he’s planning on, not that he would need them.

With 8 DE classes and 14 APs, I assume he will start with junior status and soon move onto senior one soon after. S20 was in a similar situation and that was without claiming some of his APs.