Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Has anyone started shopping for dorm essentials? If so, what are things you absolutely recommend?

I hear mattress toppers are very important. On another thread, I saw some that people recommended, but I can’t find those anymore. Please share links if you have them.

Other than that, I’ve heard power cords with US-B and US-C outlets and the blue IKEA Frakta bags. What else?

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I started putting things into my cart at Amazon and Target. We have orientation in a couple weeks and after that, we will order things. I’ll see what he thinks about the mattress at that point

Mostly, I’m keeping things very basic - bedding, towels. I’ll send a new container of shampoo, a 6-pack of soap, a couple rolls of paper towels, Tylenol/Advil, etc. But there is a grocery store and pharmacy nearby, so no need to send everything!

It’s really easy to get sucked into the decorating and fully outfitting though! I see pictures of amazing dorm rooms. But he will not care or want all that. And really, it’s better to have less stuff and more empty space in general.


Does anyone know how the IBO sends scores? S22 has 2 scores from last year and will get credits for one of them. He filled out a form to have scores sent, but he has no idea if they send everything at once after this year’s are released or if they will send last year’s sooner.

He has registration in a couple of weeks and I know he can have the scores up on his phone or printed out and I’ve heard that’s not an issue. But just curious!

His AP scores from previous years are showing up and he has 15 credits so far.


We’ve just started to think about dorm stuff. D22 had orientation last week and stayed overnight in a dorm, so she now knows more about what the space and furniture are like. When I went away to college getting a new set of bedding was so exciting, and I always thought this part would be fun with D. But she doesn’t really have any strong preferences so I’m letting her lead the way. I’m also wondering, she HAS twin XL bedding on her bed already. We’re planning to swap that twin out with a queen so the room can double as a guest room (and she will be happy to have a better bed to sleep in when she’s home). Would it be terribly cheap of me to just send her to college with her existing twin bedding rather than buy a whole new set she’ll ditch in a year or two?


My daughter has spent equal time on her dorm room decorating as she did on her applications. We may need a UHaul! Congrats to all your students! :wink:


Agree, send the current twin bedding, good to be thrifty.


I’m also thinking about all of this textile and fast furniture waste from an environmental perspective. If I thought she’d be in a twin XL bed for the next 4 years I wouldn’t think as much about it. But that bedding I was so excited about when I was a college freshman was used for only 1 year — I got a double-sized futon when I moved into an apartment sophomore year. I can see her staying in the dorms sophomore year, but chances are slim after that. So hopefully I can help her shop with that in mind, that we want to minimize buying stuff in what I always call the Future Garbage category!


I am sending my kid with Twin XL sheets we already have. A comforter we already have. Also a couple of grubby old towels that he can throw away guilt free at the end of the year if they won’t fit in the suitcases for flying home, because they are that old. Also, this thing about memory foam mattress toppers is something I do not understand! I keep reading they are “essential” and a normal mattress protector will not do. I am completely confused, are dorm mattresses different than they used to be? Because all of us seemed to get along just fine before memory foam mattress toppers were ever invented.


I’d send sheets I have and would not need at home for sure!

I’m reusing as much as I can. It’s not much really. But I’ll use an old pencil box and put pencils, pens, paper clips, post its, scissors, etc inside. We have the boxes still and most of those things at home. He won’t need a fan at home, so his is going with him. And some things I’m buying at Dollar Tree. Kitchen things, waste baskets, etc are coming from there.


Do students need to vacate dorm rooms over winter break?

Usually not

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Yes beds are different vs my college days - they are now most commonly “blue” bricks. A very hard “mattress” wrapped in blue plastic fabric / no box spring and hard as a rock.


I do think at many campuses students must leave during winter break. Many do allow international students to stay. Something to directly ask your kid’s school.


This is exactly what my daughter had at ASU. A navy blue vinyl wrapped mattress. I can’t remember how hard it was, but it would have felt uncomfortable with just a thin cotton sheet over it. We got her a cotton mattress topper to make it feel less plasticky. But I agree about the waste. She only had the twin XL bed for freshman year. And her sheets were light pink so plan on getting my son new sheets.

Also planning to be minimalist with S22. One set of sheets, daughter’s twin XL mattress topper, 2 to 3 towels, toiletries, shoe box of over-the-counter meds (motrin, benedryl, thermometer, etc), 2 surge protectors on longish cords. Since I’m guessing S22 won’t plan or bring any decorations, I’m going to bring one family photo and one family dog photo. I hope to pin them to his corkboard just before I leave. :grin:


It depends on the college. For schools on semester system that offers a short January term/session (whatever they call it) before the spring semester starts, students often have to vacate (international students and others who can’t go home can stay but they may still have to move to a different dorm). Schools on quarter system generally don’t require students to vacate during the winter break since their winter quarter often starts right after the New Year.

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Both of my kids’ colleges have packing lists so you might want to search for that. One prohibited item was an extension cord. Sometimes a college will offer a different size bed but most dorms require twin xl sheets. Depending on the campus, a hammock is a fun item. One of my kids is at an urban campus but hammocking between two trees is still popular. Those Ikea Frakta bags are awesome for moving. A clip-on fan is also good and hangers.


Hi - DMV asked for a birth certificate ( in addition to passport ) when my D22 went in for a knowledge test appointment. I can’t seem to find it at home. What is the Govt agency to approach to apply for one? When I googled I saw it takes several weeks. Thanks in advance for any pointers.

Certified copies are available through the regional health district for a fee in my area. They are also available through the state of birth.

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Health or Vital Records. Varies by state. This is handy.


You could dye those…+blue=purple +red = red +yellow= orange…he’ll seem vey arty.