Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Dito with my daughter - it was timed to be in line with applying to internships.

And I have to admit, when I stumbled across her LinkedIn account, I actually was super impressed how professional it all was set up, paying attention to small details, especially when I then looked up her former HS classmates to learn whether that was “normal” nowadays.


It’s been awhile since I checked in and it’s great to hear how everyone’s kids did. Mine had sort of a rough start going from small rural western town to UC Berkeley which was his dream school but a bit more overwhelming than expected. Had the same friends from kindergarten through senior year and didn’t realize how out of practice he was in making new friends. But he ended up eventually finding his groove and by the end of the year was quite happy with a tight crew. He had great professors and was very fired up about all his classes. It’s definitely the most excited I’ve ever seen him about academics. He was quite homesick first semester, but not much second semester…and now is spending his entire summer in NYC doing an internship. After growing up in an area with more cattle than people, he seems to really thrive in city environments. I’m super duper proud of him, but I miss him. It make me feel even more an empty nester since he’s not even spending this summer at home. He comes back for just a week before he heads back go school in the fall. I’ll try hard not to smother him. :slight_smile:


I also saw a lot of transfers among our friend’s kids. (from both the East coast and West coast, small and big universities) My sense was that many were not ready for the far away universities they chose and were quite homesick. I wonder if the covid years of staying really close to home/family made it harder for some to leave the nest.


If parents move out of state after couple of years of kid’s college in state, , do students go from paying out of state tuition the remaining 1 or 2 years of college? Thanks in advance

I think that you will ultimately need to contact the college. The following post notes that the answer depends on the state. Other posts suggest that there are also differences between schools.

Curious how many of your rising sophomores are doing an internship this summer? Most internship recruiting seems to be focused on juniors.

My S22 isn’t doing an internship this summer. He’s maintaining his part-time job from the school year, working as a coordinator for a corporate tennis league, but otherwise just relaxing. He has done a bit of networking, though — my wife took him to a gala last week for people in her profession, communications, which is also S22’s career goal. I just helped him edit his résumé so he can send it to an agency chief he met there. Hoping he’ll find something professionally relevant for next summer.


Our D did land a paid summer internship. She’s getting great experience working one-on-one with a mentor and making contacts.

Freshman summer is always the hardest.


My son has an engineering internship. There are a lot of opportunities near us, so that helps a lot.


This seems to be the norm. Most of the people in my sons circle are doing a combination of:

Summer classes

There are a subset who are doing either research at Cal or interning at start-ups. Most internships seem to be a function of personal connections.


That’s awesome. Was the internship through the school or did your D do an off campus search.

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Off campus in a different state. Luckily she has relatives in the area to stay with.

She casted a wide net. Got a lot of “not this summer” reply’s to her resumes, but luckily got one “yes”.


Mine is mainly just working a retail job.


Ya S did not even bother applying given that all of his target employers wanted juniors primarily.

Still he is doing a part time internship at a startup he did some work for during high school. But mostly he is traveling and gearing up for the fall recruiting season.


D22 applied for a couple of internships but didn’t get one. Worked a few weeks at her high school part time job (retail) and is house-sitting right now.


Mine’s teaching at a STEM camp and having a blast.


S22 is working 40+ hours per week for a landscaper doing large scale, high end jobs. By the end of the summer he’ll have brought in more money than any other previous job he’s held.

S22 also transferred from the LAC he was attending to a larger university that is about 3x the size of previous school. He’s really excited about attending a more mid-sized university, with much better weather than previous school. My son felt the LAC was too small and run like a boarding school with rules intended to keep kids on a short leash. After spending 4 years at a boarding school he loved, he decided he was done with that kind of environment. It was tough to give up the generous merit scholarship, but the transfer school ended up giving him merit money for his high GPA as a STEM major. We found him a great apartment just barely off campus with 2 other sophomores, and he has a couple friends there already as well. Looking forward to a new year with a more friendly campus.


It’s interesting how student preferences evolve so much once they start college. Leads me to think that fit while very important may sometimes be misleading. Glad to hear your S now has a better option for the upcoming years.


My D decided to take on an internship rather than return to the comfort of working in a local taco shop. She is working hard and learning a lot. She commented that she is doing a lot more work than other friends with internships, which I think is good.


My son (engineering) is taking 2 science classes this summer to lighten the load in the fall. Last year (and this summer) have been quite intense, so he’s really excited to take a GE in the fall!