Parents of the HS Class of 2022

S22 is planning to apply for a program in Budapest even though their government isn’t the best.

I’d stick with Spain. Wife and I used to vacation in Honduras in the 90’s - great scuba diving there. Even then the big cities were sketchy especially Tegucigalpa. I would definitely not go there now.


Is Costa Rica an option? That’s always a great place to go and learn Spanish. They also have various naturalist and conservation projects.

  • No, Costa Rica is not one of the study abroad location options. (We have plans to go there for vacation).

  • There’s also Brazil and Amazonia, but I believe they speak Portuguese.

  • He may add as option#3 a non-Spanish-speaking country such as Australia/New Zealand because they would be awesome opportunities: how often can you intern in such a faraway area?
    But he is at the mercy of what projects are available this summer.

Every country will have some aspects that are less than ideal, especially when dealing with government policies. Allowing that things can happen anywhere (even at home), Hungary (and Budapest) is generally one of the safer areas in the world to travel to.

We are vacationing there first two weeks of December. Will let you know.

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I would 1000% do one of those- Amazingly beautiful countries and what an experience! But of course no Spanish to practice.

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Thank you, and @coastal2024 and @Rivet2000 and didn’t mean to hijack @huango ’s question.

There are quite a number of programs or mission trips to rural areas in Central or South America, security guards are mentioned for some.

Are you looking at the math or CS programs in Budapest? I’ve heard both are great.
From your post and the reply it sounds like no real concerns there in terms of safety?
I think D22 was considering applying to the CS.

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The math in Budapest. It’s supposed to be a great program.

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The math program is great. Hungary is safe if you’re white but be conspicuously American and in a group if you’re not. Budapest different from rest of country and university environment different too (both are safer). Not Muslim-, Jewish-, &LGBT-friendly overall but orientation program will likely cover how to adapt, that to do/not do, etc.

Funny! I’ve spent years trying to teach my kids not to look conspicuously American when we travel. Although I suspect we aren’t very good at it.

My son is cis, white, straight so he should be fine. I feel terrible even saying that.


Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! I remember last year when I was so eagerly awaiting my S22’s return from across the country. I think I ran to the grocery store every day that week, always remembering one more item that was his “favorite” so that the cupboards were fully stocked! This year my older child, D18, is returning for the first time in years as she always waited for the winter break before coming home. Of course, then she graduated and got a job, which restricted her holiday time as well. I’m si excited to have her for the week of relaxing, cooking and eating. However, my S22 is planning to celebrate thousands of miles away with some of his college friends instead this year. Which makes me both a bit heart-achy but also super happy he has new friends he wants to build traditions with. Wishing everyone one happy reunions and family fun!


I don’t even want to remember last year. All the hopes and the drama and heart break of my first one’s college journey. Glad at least she is close by.
Wishing everyone a pleasant fun filled Thanksgiving break with your loved ones!

With the Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals, I bought S22 a travel suit (washable/wrinkle-resistant, cool/wicking), which he hopefully will be wearing to his study aboard/internship this summer.

  • He put down Chile, Colombia, and Mexico (ignoring my suggestion of Spain)

Will need to get it tailored, since he has such an athletic built.

What deals did you get?


Where did you find this? I want to send S24 to school next Fall with a suit and something like this would be great.

A number of stores carry no iron suits and shirts - Joseph Banks, Charles Tyrwhitt, Banana Republic, Brooks Brothers, Edie Bauer, etc…


There are SOOOO many different companies making travel suits, for men and women.

We wanted washable, and look good after washing. Some other companies’ reviews said that even though some suits say washable, the reviewers still recommend dry-cleaning/full pressing afterwards.

Bluffworks/etc claim theirs are wearable right out of the washer/dryer.
Bluffworks fit our price point and more sizing options (length of blazer, inseam 28 option, etc).

There’s a Ministry of Supply physical store on Newbury Street, but S22 wouldn’t go to the store to try things on.
My 50yr old male friend loves his washable MOS suits and shirts (gave away his other suits when he got the MOS).

I was also looking at Twillory, XSuit.

To wear for HS Graduation, we bought him a white collar shirt from &Collar, mainly for the lower price point. It’s very cool-wicking, but I find that it’s not that wrinkle resistant.

We usually like Uniqlo,
but found their collar shirt not that wrinkle resistant. He does wears the Uniqlo Airism t-shirt under the collar shirt - very cool/wicking.

Bluffworks started w/ these Kickstarter pants:

Perfect! We will check it out :slight_smile:

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