Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Wish I’d known there was such a thing as a travel suit! We just purchased a regular wool suit at JCrew. And it still needs to be tailored as it was slightly too large. But the next size down was of course too small.

Question (planning ahead):

  • for next year housing: is your child rooming with a friend?

My son’s current roommate (DOUBLE) is one of his freshman QUAD roommate. They get along as roommates, but they’re not “tight friends”. They work out together sometimes; they don’t hang out together much, and their friend groups do not really overlap.

For next year, they are considering living together again.

My college roommates (Sophomore-Senior years) were my closest friends, who are still my lifelong friends now. We did road trips together, Spring Break, frat/sorority formals, stayed over at each other’s houses, etc.
I want that for my son, instead of just living with someone who is just “ok”.

His other option is to live in his frat house, but this Mom is not a fan of that. It’s further away from his dorm/campus/library (he tends to study in his room - hard to study when there’s parties 3-5 nights a week); it’s not as clean, etc.


Don’t underestimate the value of “getting along as roommates”. My D lived with a friend sophomore year and it totally imploded. So much so that she opted for a single junior year. She lived with different friends senior year which worked out, but her closest friends were outside her living situation. I don’t think that’s uncommon.

I would take your cues from your son!


I totally agree. My daughter loves the fact that she and her roommate get along very well but are not close friends. She does not like the idea of living with friends - she thinks that might put a strain on their friendship. Plus, she says she does not want to hang around with the same people “all the time”.


Our D had a “challenging” roommate freshman year. Currently (sophomore) she is in a single and definitely prefers the flexibility it affords her. She has already signed a lease for a single bedroom apartment for next year.


My son likes his roommates, but they aren’t best of friends either. He has to pick from kids on a housing scholarship, so it’s a little harder. I believe they intend to room together again next year as well. Hopefully for year 4 too. They get along well enough and have had no issues. They eat together at least 3 nights a week. They watch movies and football together. I’m hoping they get to be good friends, but I think this is a good match for living.