Parents of the HS Class of 2022

That is a great score! And I also understand feeling a little disappointed to be just shy of a goal. Will he test again?

@christinelin Probably in the summer.

If he doesnā€™t, weā€™re perfectly fine with that score, but heā€™ll most likely do one more. Between that, visiting schools, and a last hurrah for S21 before he leaves for the Navy, itā€™s going to be a busy summer.

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Great score!

Glad you have a college list started. Virtual visits are so hard. No interest in them here either.

Congrats on the fabulous score!

@Lovetogolf Congratulations to you son on a great score! So good to have it under the belt this year!

PSAT results are out. D22 did well


Ours donā€™t come out until tomorrow. So curious as my S did no prep at all but felt like he knew all the math. Heā€™s a smart kid but definitely not at all tippy top.

My guy did well, too. We are in one of the highest states, so we had no expectation that he would have a semi-finalist/finalist level score, but he was pretty darn close. Makes me wish I could have convinced him to do a little prep!

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S22 had the SAT Saturday as well. He thought it was pretty easy, whereas he thought the PSAT was hard. Weā€™ll see. His PSAT scores come out tomorrow. Sat night he acted in a school play, The Tempest. Large auditorium which fits 800 people. Audience was about 70 people, spaced seating and masks. Was great but also strange to go to live theater again!

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@vistajay - that would be strange to go to! Iā€™m glad they go to do the play. Nice to have some normal.

S22ā€™s PSAT score and Index is higher than Michigan has had as a cut-off in the past, so we are hoping that this year itā€™ll hold up to be a good score for him to be NMSF! He did prep for the PSAT - mainly in the reading section. He did well on that and his SAT a few weeks later showed a big improvement in reading (700 to 770). Iā€™m thankful he was willing to put some effort into working on improving.


Great news! So glad for you and DS!

A play! Wowā€“I miss those! So glad you are still able to do thing like that. Our equivalent is basketball ā€“ who knew how much I would miss sitting through endless games!

Thanks. And maybe your stateā€™s cut-off will drop a bit! Itā€™s a long wait until September.

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Lots of great news being shared - congrats to all on the great test scores! S22 got his PSAT score, and it was 160 pts higher than when he took it last Fall, so that was great to see. Unlikely to make the NMSF cutoff, but pretty close. I was reading Art Sawyerā€™s blog on PSAT scores from last year and how they might compare this year, and it seems like it is very hard to make predictions. Last year the selection index cutoff dropped in nearly all states, 3 pts in MI which is a lot. It seems likely to rebound, but with multiple dates, increased alternative entry, and fewer students taking it who knows? Anyway, we are hoping the pretty solid PSAT score will mean his Dec. SAT scores will be better than the first try.


@GoodGrief16 - I sent you a pm about homeschooling resources.

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D gets her NMSQT scores tomorrow. Took the ACT 3 times (Fr, Soph, Jr). School does 100% ACT testing of Juniors in Feb. She says she absolutely done with ACT/SAT/PSAT, etc. after that. I donā€™t blame her. Weā€™re looking forward to that, too!

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Fall Junior year testing turned out to be a great plan for my D - one combined prep for PSAT and SAT, three weeks apart.

Twenty points from perfect on both, so sheā€™s done with testing unless she decides another Subject Test will be useful.

Summer program application is up next. Sheā€™s started on the PA Governorā€™s School for the Sciences app, and has started looking for alternatives/backup plans.

I hope to get her thinking seriously about colleges over winter break. Sheā€™s sold on MIT, CMU, Stanford - I need to get her thinking about next tier and safeties. Her sister graduates from Purdue in a few months, so that should be easy. Others may take some more work.


Our D is registered to take the psat in late Jan, but due to covid Iā€™ll believe it when it happens. Sheā€™s been prepped for a while and I think sheā€™ll do well. Sheā€™s also working on her college list - that should be interestingā€¦

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S22 just got his PSAT score back from his school. He scored 2 points over the highest selection index cutoff for our state the last 3 years, and 7 points higher than last year. So it looks like he will be National Merit unless something weird happens. He worked really hard to prep do I am happy for him!


@RichInPitt - thatā€™s great! S22 grumbled about it, but heā€™s now glad he is pretty much done testing. He has to do the spring SAT in school and thatā€™s it.

@vistajay - yay! Congrats!

@Rivet2000 - good luck. I really hope it happens.