Parents of the HS Class of 2022

We’re similar in being able to afford any school. However, we’re focused on fit for S22. If we have to pay higher for that, we’ll do it. Doesn’t need to be a Top 20 school, as long as the fit is right.


I agree that the fit is really important. We’ll have to see where my son ends up applying - it is like pulling teeth to interest him right now.


Agree with importance of fit. Our D22 is so different that our S16. It’s funny to compare the schools on their lists. So different.

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We can’t afford any college, but could afford many. We have 2 younger kids as well. And if S22 is a NMSF that could lead to great scholarships at some schools, so trying to figure out if it makes sense to go that path and spend fairly little or to go to a “better” school. He’s leaning towards engineering now, so I feel there are a lot of choices to get him where he wants/needs to be.

We are trying to figure out what fit really means too. We have only visited one and when I question him on what he wants, he is very open ended. Can be close or far, warm or cold, big or small, etc. Hopefully we can do a few more visits in person this summer and he will start to have an opinion on at least things he doesn’t like.


@packacards – Appalachian State has moved way up his list. I would not have predicted that as he has said he doesn’t want to be in a cold location like Rochester NY, and App State is in the mountains. So no to RIT and U Rochester, but yes to App State.

He also said he did not want to be at a big school. Virginia Tech fell down his list after yet another visit to campus. We haven’t been on JMU’s campus since November 2018 when my D interviewed there. But S (surprisingly?) liked JMU on this trip, especially the opportunities for non-majors to be in orchestra ensembles.

S thought Roanoke College was too small, which pretty much met my expectations.

UNC-Charlotte exceeded both of our expectations. S really liked the campus and was happy to see lots of greenspace. The school has one of the (if not the) top programs in cybersecurity in North Carolina.

U of South Carolina was a big no. It was almost an instantaneous no.

UNC-Wilmington was an “it’s alright” school. Not sure if he’ll keep it on his list.

So for his top five schools, in no particular order, he’s currently thinking UNC Greensboro, App State, JMU, VCU, UNC Charlotte, with George Mason on the list as the we-live-down-the-road-from-there school. There may also be a spot for Christopher Newport, too, once he expands his list out to ten. He’s thinking he will apply to about a dozen schools.


It’s fun to read other people’s lists when it is schools you have been to also.

UNCW went straight off DD22’s list after our visit although she did like downtown Wilmington and I think if UNCW was where the Community College is (right on the river) it might’ve stayed in the running.

We really liked UNCG and App is good too, although, I think it is like high school 2.0 for dd22. Lots of kids from her high school go there. It’s probably 50% of any graduating class, so I think she is unlikely to keep that one very high up on her domestic list.

We have not looked at UNCC. We should do that sometime. Grandma lives in Charlotte so we are down there a fair amount so it may be too familiar too.

My dd22 has no interest in looking at any schools in South Carolina. (shrug)

She likes Hollins in VA a lot and I want her to look at Roanoke, too.

Right now she is still focused on the UK universities. We’ll see if that changes any or she sticks with it.


We just booked our first trip to visit schools!! We’re heading to Ohio to sneak in visits to Denison and Kenyon before school gets out. S22 sounds like your kid, @Sweetgum, he’s wants to go somewhere different than where we are. He’s not applying to a single school in the West. Which is why we haven’t visited any schools yet. But we will be fully vaccinated in a few weeks and free to move about the country! Ding!


@OrangeFish It sounds like a worthwhile trip, with your son already having a decent idea abt what he likes and doesn’t like.

Not undergrad, but one of my older daughters just today finished touring the last lab she has under consideration for grad school. Decisions due by the 15th and I can’t wait to see where she decides to go!

First high school soccer game for D22 today! They lost big, but it was still fun :slight_smile:


Enjoy your trip to Ohio. My daughter is at Denison and really enjoying it. Both Kenyon and Denison are great schools. The key differences were size with Denison being larger but still small and proximity to the city of Columbus, which is ~30minutes away, for cultural events, etc. Hopefully, you will also have an opportunity to explore Columbus we really like the Short North area.

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Personally, I do not think any college education is worth $80K per year… unless you are pulling in close to 7 figures every year. My husband and I both attended T20 schools, and I would argue that neither would have been worth $80K. And we loved our college experiences! However, both of us would have made the most of a different college experience as well. I know people spend that kind of money every year, but it would not be worth it to us.

On a different note, we are getting ready to remove any schools from consideration that are not offering in-person campus tours. Some schools put a short pause on offering campus tours, and yet over a year later several schools are still locked down. We believe in a full residential, in-person educational model. We are at a point where schools that aren’t open aren’t going to be the right fit for us.


When you don’t qualify for FA, it seems all private schools have very similar tuition, regardless of whether they are Ivies, T20, small LAC, etc… The only “discount” I can see is for in state schools. There is some variability in room and board which would be expected given rent in NYC vs Allentown, for example. This is surprising to me. It’s like paying the same price for a Mercedes as a Kia.

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My daughter is actually a sophomore at Kenyon. It was absolutely the right fit for her. But when we were looking at schools, I thought Denison would be a great fit for S22. And sure enough, it’s the first virtual info session we’ve done that he’s been really excited about. The Denison’s stats match up very well with him, but I gotta tell you, I’m super intimidated by that 28% admit rate! What year is your daughter? Has she declared a major? Gone on an abroad?

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We were a bit intimidated by the 28% admit rate at Denison, too, but S21 was accepted with merit this year and with an SAT score towards the bottom end of their composite 25th to 75th percentile. I think what he had going for him was geographic diversity (Southeast), strong demonstrated interested (visited campus, attended online sessions, did an interview, wrote the optional essay), and essays and activities that showed he would be a fit for the school. He ended up declining the admission offer (still debating on his final choice), but we think those factors listed above mattered in the application process at Denison.

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S22 has plenty of high end schools on his list where admittance itself is no guarantee much less merit (which we need). Think…UVA, WUSTL, Vandy, Wake. This summer we need to focus on finding a couple of financial and academic safeties where he can see himself attending. Needs to be a good all around school though bc he is interested in neuroscience and A.I. but his interests may shift. Maybe Texas A&M.

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If going with privates, generally the lower down the rankings you get, the more merit they’ll give you.

Part of the success after undergrad is driven by connections one has attained with high school and parents’ influence.

@vistajay are you a Texas resident?

Thanks! That’s very encouraging! Which schools have made his final cut? And would you mind sharing what made Denison fall off his list? Or maybe it was something his other top choices excel at?

@packacards S21 really liked a lot about Denison. Ultimately, it fell off the list due to social fit (while I’m sure he could have found his people there, it felt as if it would be a little harder than at some of his other options. He’s not an athlete, not a partier, is somewhat introverted and quirky) and also due to cost (came in as our most expensive of 10 options, $7K above our EFC after both merit and need-based aid). I think the 3 schools it’s coming down to for him are Dickinson, Wheaton (MA), and Wooster.


Most of our state schools aren’t doing in person tours yet. It’s a bit frustrating, especially for seniors who haven’t seen campus yet.

My daughter is also a sophomore and has declared her major as premed (bio, chemistry and a minor in Spanish). As a science major she will likely not do a study abroad. Denison’s acceptance rate definitely continues to decline but the most important thing remains showing interest. What is your son planned major?

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@nichols51 Dickinson is on S22’s list too. And I’m looking at Wheaton right now, thanks!

@NJDad22 S22 doesn’t know what he wants to major in. Something in humanities probably, which is why Liberal Arts is attractive. He’s hoping to find a school that draws kids from lots of different places and backgrounds which can be tough for LACs.