Parents of the HS Class of 2022

@tristatecoog , not a TX resident, but he will likely be NMF and TX A&M has an attractive NMF scholarship.

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@nichols51 @packacards Wheaton is a wonderful school! We have family about 20 minutes away from Wheaton so it may end up on our sonā€™s list. Itā€™s just pretty far away from us here at home (northern Virginia).

Thatā€™s great to hear! Iā€™m from MA originally and still have relatives there but had never been to Wheaton before our recent visit. Husband, S21, and I all really liked the campusā€¦we found it nicer in person than weā€™d been able to glean from virtual tools. Two reasons itā€™s made it to the finalist list for S21 are its incredibly open curriculum and what weā€™ve read as a very accepting, comfortable campus culture. (even though itā€™s pretty far away from us as well - definitely more a flight than a drive in our case, but S21 wanted to head north for college, and itā€™s nice that heā€™s somewhat familiar with MA from visits to family in the past).

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Oh yes, I do agree that Wheaton is nicer in person, @nichols51 ā€“ they donā€™t show off their best self on their website. (I guess that could be a bad thing or a good thing. :smiley: )

@OrangeFish @nichols51 S21 is looking at schools in the mid-west and east, and Iā€™m a little worried about the weather. Heā€™s pretty outdoorsy and Iā€™m not sure he has a real sense of how cold and long winter can be in those parts of the country! Itā€™s a world away from Tahoe-cold and lasts so much longer! But at the same time, choosing (or not choosing) a school based on weather doesnā€™t seem great.

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We got email today regarding Rose-Hulmanā€™s protocols for on-campus Operation Catapult camp (cc: @Luanne). They are full steam ahead for this to be an in-person camp. Which is a contrast to some other camps Iā€™ve heard about. Johns Hopkins CTY camp is canceled this summer (D25 bummed). Notre Dame apparently switched their summer camps to virtual only.

Keys are testing beforehand, unless your kid is vaccinated before arrival, and regular testing while on campus. Social distancing, plexiglass shields, temp checks, etc. Rose notes they ā€œhave kept our campusā€™ COVID-19 positivity rates below 0.41% during the academic school year.ā€ I feel confident about S22ā€™s health there, but would love to have him vaccinated beforehand to make life easier.

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Hi, just wanted to take a minute to introduce myself. I feel late to the game here, but feel like this past year has really thrown me for a loop.

I have twins who are graduating 2022 and we are starting the college search process. I just went through this with their brother 2 years ago and thought the second time through would be easier, but it really isnā€™t.

My daughter kind of thinks she may want to be a teacher, or a counselor. Her twin brother has zero idea. Neither lean toward stem. Both want to stay within an hour or two of home (we are in the Boston area. Merit is important especially with 3 in college at the same time. So any school that doesnā€™t offer is automatically ruled out. Any suggestions/recommendations are very welcome!

They are both good students. Son has a weighted 4.4, daughter is 3.9. I know schools re-weight so who knows what they will actually shake out as. SAT is in a few weeks. They took the ACT once cold and did okā€¦not great, but ok. They both said it was really fast so hoping for better with the SAT.

I felt so anxious going the process with my eldest and realized everything would work out as it should and really thought this time around I would be more relaxed. Ha!


My S is concerned about extreme temps due to his cello. (I donā€™t ask.) So NC and VA it is!

Where does your older son attend?
How about UMass-Amherst? I hear good things about their honors program.

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UMass Amherst is definitely on the list!

My older son is at Pitt and loves it! Twins want to stay closer.

@sfSTEM I am so glad itā€™s in person! S22 and I are going to a walk-in for Pfizer tomorrow to get his first vaccine shot. So heā€™ll be set for that first test. I read it as being vaccinated only gets him out of the testing before arrival, which is fine. It makes me feel better for him to have a roommate though, if he is vaccinated. I hope your son gets his before too!

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Clark and Wheaton give good merit I believe. Providence College now gives some merit but I think it tops out around $20k. Weā€™re from MA as well and I feel like the northeast is tough for merit and even the state schools are not cheap.


Itā€™s so hard! I know they will end up where they belong but itā€™s especially hard when one has no idea at all what he wants.

I really want to do some in person tours. Even self guided if necessary. But I miss the in person experience and I know it helped my eldest a ton.

Is anyone familiar with Lesley? My daughter has been looking at that. We wandered the campus a couple of weeks ago and she loved it, but really I donā€™t know much about it.

I came to New England for college (from Southern California) and the weather was a huge shock for sure. But you learn to dress for it, and if he is outdoorsy he will find the right layers and keep outside.

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You may consider College of Wooster and Oberlin if youā€™re making the trip - they are only about an hour and a half from Denison. My D21 is accepted to all 4 of those Ohio LACs but she likes Wooster the best. Sometimes you donā€™t know until you go! Enjoy!

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Thanks @cormac05! We kind of realized belatedly that Wooster might be a good fit. Weā€™re doing the virtual info session today and figure we can pop up to see it while in Ohio. And S22 looked at Oberlin briefly before nixing it (I think he was colored by someone he knows that goes there).

@mtemmd I know just how you feel! Iā€™ve been so anxious to visit schools with our son because they were invaluable for our daughter! Hopefully as things open up more and people get vaccinated youā€™ll have a chance to get some visits in. We have a busy summer ahead!

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One of the good things is the twins donā€™t want to go far away so visits (once available) will be easier. Their brother wanted to go here there and everywhere. Lol

That IS easier! Both now in the search and for visits once theyā€™re at school!

Another MA mom with a kid who isnā€™t interested in STEM and is unsure of what heā€™d like to do here . . . have to say it makes it tough. Weā€™ll check out UMass Amherst, of course, but my kiddo would like to go somewhere warmer so we are headed to CA this June to check out some of the more achievable UCā€™s plus a few privates. No idea of this is just a whim, but as we were planning a trip there anyway it doesnā€™t hurt to tack on a few schools. Itā€™s hard to get the ball rolling when he (and most of his friends) are so disconnected from the whole process because of the pandemic.

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Weā€™ve been planning a week of college explorations for S22 during his spring break, April 19-23. Since the three schools heā€™s currently most interested in (NYU, Cooper Union, Pratt) are in New York and D19 is there, weā€™re going to spend the week down there. I have to work and will do so from my companyā€™s headquarters office, which will be a nice taste of what itā€™s like to commute again.

DW and I are scheduled to get our Covid vaccinations right after we get back from the trip, on April 26. Excited!

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