Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Our D is in the two AP tests today club. Best wishes to all testing.


S22ā€™s college test is very much a family project. S22 knows college is a thing, but for him right now itā€™s not THE thing. He trusts us to give him good guidance on this (which is sweet, really). Weā€™ve got a good sense of what constitutes ā€œfitā€ and the kinds of environments where he can be successful. I personally took a look at 25 different colleges initially. From that list, weā€™ve got a working group of two favorites, and a few others of interest. He likes the favorites; when asked by others what schools heā€™s looking at, he says those two.

Iā€™m betting D25 will be a different story, by the way.


D22 has a list of 10, and has 2 favorites, both ā€œtargetsā€: One we have seen and had an in person tour, and the other she has just seen virtually but is impressed by the tone and content of their presentations and publications. There is one reach which may end up being a top choice (currently ranked #3 by her), but she is hesitant to get too attached to a reach. Then again, since it is a reach EA1 might make sense to (potentially) increase her shot. We definitely need an in person tour! I would not allow her to apply EA to a school she hasnā€™t visited. Hoping things open in the fall!


D22ā€™s early test today was delayed due to the proctor messing up some of the administrative details at the beginning, so the students were released from the room at 12:03 - with the late tests scheduled for 12:00. D22 ran outside and happened to see the testing coordinator, who led the way through the halls and got D22 to the second testing room just moments before the seals were opened. D22 broke the seal and began Test 2 just 6 minutes after submitting Test 1! I hope everyone else had smoother sailing on double APs today.

@txfriendly that sounds stressful! Glad she made it in time!

No AP tests in our house this year, which feels weird. S22 said it was strange to see the WHAP kids outside the room on their break knowing that should have been him last year, but of course his was online from his bedroom. Heā€™s IB and their school did the non-exam route. He only had 2 this year anyway. Hopefully next year is better all around.

I admit I donā€™t know how to put a school on his list either. Heā€™s interested in engineering, which is helpful, but is at many colleges of course. Past that, itā€™s hard. Second kid will be completely different for sure.

Why no EA for a place not seen? I had been planning on having him do the EA apps for most places if possible.

I mean the restrictive EA that is binding. Do not want her to apply and HAVE to go unless she has physically seen the campus, as sometimes look and feel make all the difference.

Got it. I didnā€™t realize there were binding EA schools. Iā€™ll have to make sure he doesnā€™t apply to those then as well.

There are some schools that have restrictive early action but usually EA is non binding and ED is the binding one.

For those who havenā€™t yet gone through the process, some schools only offer merit and honors college for EA applicants so make you read the details on the admissions pages of the schools on your list.


Agree with @momofboiler1 it is ED that is binding. EA is not binding. Restrictive EA typically means if you apply to a REA school they may ask that you do not apply early to an other school. For instance our S applied to and was accepted to Stanford REA so it was the only school he applied to early. All his other application were required to be RD.

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Are your students doing AP tests in person? Looks like all the ones at our school will be online. DD22 goes to a very small school and only juniors and seniors take AP classes. Anyone got any tips for the online thing from last year? DD22 is taking APUSH next Weds.

Sorry! I have terminology mixed up. The reach in question is ED and has no EA. They are purported to heavily favor ED applicants but I canā€™t let her apply ED unless she loves it and has seen it in person.


Yes, weā€™re in-person AP tests at our HS. D had one last week and two today. I think she has one other, but Iā€™m not sure.

Mix of in-person and online.

@Luanne Engineering should narrow the list some because it eliminates most LACs. My S22 is leaning towards statistics/Operations Research/Industrial Engineering, which has allowed us to shorten the list considerably, given that Big Ten schools have among the best programs in these areas. I really wanted him to consider LACs, but they wonā€™t make the list if he sticks to his choice of majors.

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Last yearā€™s online were completely different. They were just 1 or 2 questions total and only 45 minutes.

But, if you are taking them at home, Iā€™d recommend an ethernet cable instead of wifi, just to be sure there are no connection issues. We bought a 150 cable last year and it has been used so many times now! We always use it for very important zoom calls, like robotics judging. Who would have thought?

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For anyone on here whoā€™s school uses Naviance, I had my S22 ask his counselor when the '21 data was going to be uploaded and she said a few weeks after the seniors fill in their graduation check out forms. That is how they get the data from the seniors about what their results were, I was wondering about that.

The '21 data will be very interesting to see! I donā€™t know if all schools do their updates in the spring like this so it may be worth asking.


@txfriendly , that is stressful! My S22ā€™s first test was delayed as well, but the proctor for the second test made all the students wait 30 minutes for my son and his buddy to make it over there. Nice for my son, but I am sure it was a pain for the 30+ kids waiting for them.


@Luanne We have a budget on what we can spend. We also know, to some degree, what type of engineering he wants to do. Generally, he does not like the cold. Working from there and knowing his grades and ACT score, we compiled a list of what we felt would be the best universities with strong engineering programs in the areas he was interested that we could reasonably afford, weeding out those areas that we knew he would not be geographically interested in. From that we arrived at the universities we selected.


How can one tell what the overall results are for 2021? Some of the colleges have updated data and others do not. For example, the ā€œapplication historyā€ for the Univ of Georgia indicates that this was a record year over the last six years for applications. Only 25% were accepted vs. 41% over the previous three years. Yield this year is 29% vs. 28% over previous three years.

The ā€œapplication historyā€ for another popular SEC school shows that 61 in the class applied and 43 were accepted. However, the scattergram has all green check marks. I remember that Auburn had all green checks last year but five red xā€™s show up this year. Iā€™d appreciate any help in understanding how to parse the trends.