Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Best wishes, I think grades are more important than June SAT or APs, since he may need teacher recommendations. Finish strong with better study habits.


Iā€™m sorry itā€™s been so rough. I donā€™t think Bā€™s are the end of the world. But I would probably have him focus on grades now and postpone the SAT until August.


Congrats to both! Good luck on the essays. I hope I can motivate my son to do the same in a few weeks.

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Does anyone have experience with requesting SAT hand score verification? If so, what is your experience? DD got her score back from the April SAT school day. She is happy with the score but CB marked one of her math answers ā€œomittedā€. She is sure she didnā€™t skip any questions. She thinks maybe the scanner didnā€™t pick up the answer. We are considering requesting a hand score verification. The difference will be 20 additional points if she gets it right. But there is a possible down side that the verification can potentially result in a lower score (according to the CB website). While we donā€™t think thatā€™s likely, we are not sure we want to take the chance. With the current score, she is done with SAT. If the score gets lower, she may consider retaking it. But if it gets higher, it would be fantastic. If anyone has experience or input, I would love to hear it.

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My experience here and on r/SAT is a lot of ā€œthis canā€™t be right, Iā€™m going to have them hand score and fix itā€, but I donā€™t recall a single ā€œI was right, my score went upā€.

But Iā€™m sure it has happened. I hadnā€™t heard of a successful AP score adjustment until a few last year.

Fwiw, ā€œomittedā€ includes both no answer and multiple answers.

We have an official senior here too! S22 had two required exams but did not have to take the others so not too bad. He went to the beach with his two best buddies for 5 days. House is quiet! He maintained his 4.0 UW, and actually had his best grades in a while. Summer is filling up: a few family trips, at least one college tour trip, a service project, a job, and still trying to arrange some lab work/research. He retakes the ACT in mid June and hopefully will be done testing. Then it is on to the essays. Hope all have a wonderful summer!


Thanks for the info. DD said she did changed a couple of the answers when she was checking over the grid in section, which is where the ā€œomittedā€ question is. Itā€™s likely she didnā€™t erased the old answer completely.

We are T minus 2 days until we have a senior! Then we are off to do some college visits.

In-Person Guided Tours:
Penn State

Self-Guided Tours:

We are driving from Cleveland to Philadelphia to Baltimore, are there other schools we should consider along the way? Trying to avoid schools with big greek influence/party culture. Engineering and liberal arts bent kid, 4.0 UW IB Diploma candidate 36 ACT 1570 SAT, quite introverted.

Got into NASA SEES but ended up declining since it was going to be all virtual, couldnā€™t really deal with spending 20-30 hours/week online all summer (which did not match the original description of the program). So this summer will be some trips (weā€™re also looking at schools in CA, WA, MA, RI, IL) mixed in with working, a flying trapeze camp, hopefully some theater tech, and working on essays.


Looks like a great trip! How about Lehigh? And you probably already know there is a bit of partying at Penn State. :joy:

Swat seems like it could be a great fit for him!

Please share your thoughts after visiting. Curious to see your perspective as we are looking to somewhat similar culture for my D22. We have not made it to CMU or UMD, but they are on the list for sure.

Love these ECs on top of great academics. Trapeze and theater tech, if well developed, should stand out to Adcoms. Plus a ā€œregular job.ā€

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Our neighborsā€™ daughter is totally into this! She actually decided to skip going to traditional college to attend a circus school in Vermont.

@AgeofAquarius Have yā€™all considered Lafayette? Liberal Arts and Engineering. Loved it when we visited. Also, which schools in CA are you looking at?

Could consider Drexel if you are visiting UPenn- the campuses are back to back.

I would recommend taking look at Lafayette College in Easton PA. It is a small school about 2500 with a great mix of liberal arts and engineering. No graduate school so all classes taught be professors. Plus it does not have the greek/party life that Lehigh has.

Disclaimer, both my wife and I graduated from Lafayette. She is a Chem Eng and I graduated with double major in Economics and Government and Law and went on to law school.

CMU is an urban campus basically right next to Pitt. Top notch engineering of course. Tend to have pretty serious students. Would have lots of Graduate students involved in the undergraduate teaching etc. as they have alot of graduate engineering programs and students.

Toured UMD CP very nice campus. Good location. Of course it is a large public university. With those types of schools, I think everyone tends to find their tribe from very serious students to those who are more into the social aspects of things.

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Agree with @burghdadā€¦ Lafayette is worth a visit. We visited CMU and CWRU, along with 6 other schools over spring break and checked out Lafayette on a whim. It ended up being one of my sonā€™s favorite campuses.


Sorry didnā€™t scroll down to se your post. Brilliant mindsā€¦lolā€¦

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Both sound like my D22 would like very much. She is looking for large urban, close to urban school. CMU seems like a very expensive option though. However, with us being out of state for all public schools on our list, might worthy a shot. It is a lottery at that acceptance rate anyway, no matter the stats she has. Thank you for your review!

I am glad U of Delaware is offering guided tours again. We did the self-guided tour and it was hard to get a sense of the school. My sonā€™s friend highly recommends the Honors College there and it seems like your child is a shoo-in for that. Lunch at Klondike Kateā€™s was good.

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