Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Lehigh and Maryland are the only other ones that popped into my mind. My D applied to Penn State, but if you’re in Cleveland, I suspect tOSU is on the list somewhere.

Virginia Tech is a great school, her 2nd choice behind Purdue, but probably a bit out of the way.

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I would also add Lehigh.

Well, we’re about 3 weeks out from our family vacation/college visiting in CA (70% vacation) and most CA schools appear NOT to be offering tours/in-person visits. Has anyone heard/experienced something else? Obviously, we can still drive/walk through the campuses on self-guided tours but was hoping for at least 1 or 2 traditional tours. We’ll be in Southern Cal (San Diego/LA) not in the Bay Area.

We’re planning a midwest trip in late June, targeting mostly B1G schools. While many of the B1G schools are now offering in-person campus tours, some such as Michigan, UIUC and Indiana U are not yet doing so. Some private schools such as Rochester and Carleton are also not offering in-person tours.

Will you be in California before or after June 15? The vast majority of restrictions will be lifted on June 15. Some schools may have tour guides hired and ready to go while others may wait. Try calling the admissions offices at different schools and ask if they will be offering tours after the 15th. Most UCs are on the quarter system and graduation is June 11-13 so they might be crowded that weekend.

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After June 15. I will check in with some of the schools. Thanks for the info!

Thanks for the suggestions on Lehigh and Lafayette @smiles2122 @packacards @burghdad @Search2022 @RichInPitt @momofboiler1 . They look like good schools. She looked into them already and decided they weren’t exactly what she’s looking for. Penn State isn’t either actually, but it’s a way to break up our drive across the state so I figure we might as well check it out. She’s only interested in their honors college.

@songbirdmama I think we will end up walking around Drexel since it’s right next to UPenn. It was originally on our list. D’s concern is that it’s too focused on career/profession.

@sfSTEM Wow! D loves the trapeze but I don’t think her practical side could envision running off to circus school. What fun, though!

@packacards CA plans right now include UCB, Stanford, UCSC (mostly for H since he went there), Cal Poly SLO, UCLA, USC, UCSD, and Harvey Mudd. I don’t know that the UCs make much sense so they may fall off the list.

@tristatecoog Good to know that those ECs could be interesting to adcoms. Theater tech is well-developed, but the trapeze has been only at the weeklong residential camp she’s gone to for a couple summers so I wouldn’t say that’s been well-developed. Hard to find a trapeze around us lol though she’s going to look into aerial arts around here for the summer (now that she can drive herself). She’s been working at a credit union for the past two years as a junior teller so I’m hopeful she’ll get serious consideration for their scholarship when the time comes for that. Every little bit helps.

@RichInPitt UC-Boulder is our state flagship so that’s the school all the rest are being compared to. D really wants to go OOS though, so we’re exploring our options as well as traveling to parts of the country none of us have ever been in before which is pretty exciting on its own especially after this past year!


Curious to know where “Application History” appears - on website? On updated Common Data Set? Thanks.

It’s from my kid’s HS Naviance which shows the last ten years’ application history.

@AgeofAquarius Have a great trip! Outside of the campus tours of classrooms, I would reco looking at dorm areas, walking distance to campus from dorm, rec/workout areas, and the surrounding area around campus where they would want to hang out since you can’t be at the dorm 24/7 for four years. That made a difference to my son and his friends when they toured once they got into the colleges.


Those are great suggestions, thank you! I’m typing them into my phone as a reminder.

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Just got notified by Indiana U that they now have on-campus tours.


Went on an in person tour of Franklin & Marshall yesterday. Tour guide was lovely and informative, and D22 liked it very much. For a small school, their resources seemed ample, the physical spaces were new and well maintained, and they have a lot of support structures built in to their residential living that impressed us both. By her own admission, she definitely could be happy there, though she still seems to prefer the vibe at Lafayette. On the other hand, I am ready to retire to Lancaster. What a lovely small city!!!


Good luck to all the SAT test takers today! :pencil2:


That’s S22 this morning. We flew to Boise yesterday from San Francisco to take it. Can’t get an SAT in much of California, from what I’ve seen.

Yikes, @sfSTEM !!! I haven’t heard of taking a flight to get to the test center! Best of luck to your S!

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Wow! Good luck! That’s some dedication to get a test.

Hope everyone has a good day.


Our flight from SFO to BOI was an SAT shuttle. 10-12 other kids traveling with their parents to take the test. I’ve run into a Dad from L.A. here too (it was Flagstaff or Boise for them). 4 kids from Canada are coming down here to take the SAT.

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A friend’s dad drove his daughter and mine 5 hours south for today’s SAT. (So grateful to him!) Between January and now, her test center changed 4 times, each time getting farther from home. She would have just waited until August except that she wanted to try for National Merit, and this was the last test date that she could use for alternate entry.


Is the National Merit Corporation considering the SAT in its judgment for finalist standing? Since it’s so hard for many to take the test, it seems like they’d waive that.

I noticed one SAT site in far north Dallas being re-routed to south Dallas for a distance of 57 miles. While a hardship, it’s a lot easier than a five hour drive or a plane ride. It seems like a strong test score will result in a smaller boost than previous cycles but still worth a shot.