Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Feels good to have a bunch in. At this point, any further applications are the cherry on top and not necessary.

Applied EA to:

Pitt (accepted)—TE

23 wanted to apply to UVM despite the terrible housing situation there.

Possible upcoming ones yet not sure 23 will do all:

Another CTCL—TE


Yep, two different schools our son already applied to EA days ago (plus many others he didn’t apply to) sent new emails today offering to extend the deadline to apply, LOL…

Oooh, that’s what I’m hoping for: an overnight.
Then again, what am I doing? Do I really want him so far away - augh… Pitt is only 6 hours from us and we drive long distances all the time, so it’s easy to make a weekend trip.

S23 done with majority of his app EA. He will do another 3-4 RD.
Already admitted to UArizona, UPitt and IU ( admitted yesterday but still waiting for direct admit to Luddy which he is eligible for).


D23 finished her apps. Her ED1 with coach’s support and 4 EA for insurance (1 safety, 2 match, 1 reach). 2 ED2 open offers that she will consider if things go totally fubar with her ED1.

She knew which one since early July, but still she was not 100% until after the OV weekend. After that, she was all in.
She liked the idea of being on campus 3 weeks before
classes start. She will be training 2x a day with activities with her team for 3 weeks. Not a lost 1st year wandering around looking for a building. Then 10 weeks of everyday practice and 2 games a week and full load of classes. Plus, post season. Then, 3+ days of workouts and captain’s practice.

Athletic tips are great, but there is a huge cost that was paid before to get there and after to maintain it.

The coaches and captains stressed that nobody falls through the cracks in this program. They said that everyone watches out for each other and supports each other.

I am pretty sure that this is the same speech that every team in every school gives to their team. But, man, this leaves
an impression to a young 17 year old girl’s mind leaving home far far away. Makes an old parent like me feel better
sending her far far away that she has folks watching her back.

Good luck everyone!


D decided to apply EA to NEU rather than ED. She was a little stressed about a positive outcome as she would be happy with any of her other options. I told her to flip a coin. After she hit submit (and then told me she applied EA, and TO) I told her she would likely be deferred in January. Anyone here with other children (not '23) who applied EA? My other 2 did and were deferred but ultimately accepted.

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Good point! DS’23 ordered his SAT test to be sent to his EA schools on October 3 - they were sent on October 18th.

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Then again, she could always get a job another holiday, once all the testing is done.

I find it rather admirable when a student is willing to put in the time to improve themselves and their chances. For my daughter “best possible student” was her primary “job” during high school - there’s plenty time to make minimum wage jobs the goal, once high school is done.

Of course, if this is a situation where the child’s income is important to support the family, then this will shift priorities in favor of a job, and this message is moot.


Is that because NEU yield protects?

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My DS2022 applied EA (submitted ACT) to NEU and was accepted in December to Boston campus.
A bunch of his friends were accepted to NUin/Bound programs; one’s in London and one’s in Berlin right now.
His buddy applied ED and was accepted.

for 2022:

  • ED acceptance =~ 30%
  • EA/RD acceptance = ~6%

Good luck!


My kid’s guidance counselor has yet to submit their LOR, school report, and the transcript. Kid told the GC in May that they were likely applying ED. The first week of September they officially notified the GC that they were applying ED, then supplied them with a copy of their essay and EC’s in mid September, and entered their info in the Common App on 10/1 when they submitted their application.

As of today, the GC’s status for the transcript, school report, and their letter is still…“not started.”

The ED deadline is November 15th, so it’s not late, it’s just…hard to wait.

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Wow I would be calling daily.

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Warning: LoyNo really knows how to entice the future students at the overnight events! My daughter said it was a blast and included “rock-n-roll bowling” and other fun activities. She met so many nice people (true Southern charm!) and felt right at home at such an artsy school in a city with such jazzy flair. My Buffalo girl is now saying “y’all” in her conversations :joy:

We were the same way-do we really want to encourage her to go to a school so far away? But seeing her light up when she talked about going there made it an easy choice. She had talked about taking a gap year to do a work-away program in Spain (my husband & I weren’t fans of the idea) but the overnight visit made her want to start right away.

Whether or not he ends up there (Pitt is definitely a wonderful choice and much closer to home) I think he’ll enjoy the visit and it will be a contender. Be sure to update us when he visits.


The GCs at both of our kids’ schools (they went to different HS) submitted a day or two before their first deadlines. I think it’s fairly typical, especially when many kids in the class likely had 11/1 or even 10/15 deadlines. Not that I’d be feeling relaxed, either, but I definitely wouldn’t really start worrying until next week!


I know the GC was trying to get many last minute requests for EA and ED letters done for other kids that were due on November 1st. It’s a just fluke that my kid’s ED deadline was 11/15 and they gave the school two months notice, and kids that gave two weeks notice had an earlier deadline.

I understand why the letters were triaged and completed in this order, it just feels “off” as they’ve known for two months that S23 was applying ED! I know they’ll get it done, I’m just a blend of irked and anxious for it to be fully in the college’s hands :slight_smile:


At our school you can’t add schools with pre-Dec 1 deadlines after October 1. They say they may make exceptions in rare cases but generally after that your early app list is fixed. We were burned by this a bit as we added a school to the list quite late and it was too late to add it to the EAs.

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Anyone’s kid getting invites to ZeeMee group chats from schools? D23 got one for students applying to this school - not even admitted, just applying. Is this going to be a group chat with thousands of people? Doesn’t make sense.

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My son considered ED for Northeastern. He really loves the school and city of Boston. They gave us a pre-read on financial aid in which COA came out to our EFC plus $14K (the CSS profile was not our friend) so he decided to take his chances with EA and hope the actual package is a bit more generous if he gets in. He went back & forth on submitting his 1450 SAT but ended up submitting and hoping for the best. He has strong EC’s and volunteer work and has a 4.0 unweighted GPA. He might get flat out rejected (not that we doubt his quality, but there are many incredible candidates who apply!) but are hopeful he will at least be deferred to regular admission in January. His main positives are his National Hispanic Merit Scholar recognition (they expressed their priority to increase diversity at the preview day) and the fact he has shown a lot of demonstrated interest (2 campus visits and some virtual sessions.) There is a Northeastern CC page for ED/EA discussions (link below) that I have found helpful. Good luck to your daughter!

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Yes my son just got a message about that from North Park University in Chicago. Maybe he’ll consider later in the process when he has his top 3 but he is overwhelmed with so much right now that an extra social media platform is not a distraction he’s interested in. Lol.

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Yes, our counselors tell students that they will submit materials the day or two before that student’s first deadline, and just to trust them to do it. Students fill out a form in September so that the counselors know when to get it done for each student.

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