Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Acceptances from her friends to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, UPenn so far that I have seen. Cornell and Penn ED notification date was also 12/15. Glad that’s what you took from my post. :joy:

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I think the poster meant that multiple kids at the school got into Ivies (not just one Ivy accepting several kids).

I don’t think she is saying there were multiple acceptances for one student to multiple ivies.


Yes. 4 or so to Princeton, a couple to all the others mentioned and those are just the ones whose friends have posted congratulations. Class of under 200 and she is in the top quintile High Honors (which is the only thing shared regarding stats) Perfect ACT, 15 years training in her EC, 3 at a pre-professional program.


It is ultimately a lottery at that level… She will do great but it is tough for sure and will be touch next 4 months!


Reaches are called reaches for a reason. Hugs to everyone’s child who is processing their results thus far (celebrating or mourning) and a reminder that next year this time - our children will be finishing up their first semester at the college they ultimately choose to attend.

These moments are blips, as powerful as they feel right now.


She will go places with her hard working attitude. Just wait and see!


Thrilled and relieved that S was accepted to Penn SEAS! The college journey is over and now he can focus on enjoying his last semester of high school.

I feel for all of the kids who were denied/deferred. I hope they know they’re amazing and that a decision does not define their worth. They will rise and overcome.


That’s amazing! Congratulations!


In the editor, you can press the “link” button in the editor toolbar, and replace the internal CC link with whatever one is better suited - as I have done in your text I quoted above.


Ah the ambiguity of the English language. Sorry I don’t keep up with all the ivies and was wondering if 1 or 2 dropped ED. Wishful thinking (hoping) on my part that these institutions might do something altruistic.

I’m sure your D will do quite well in the next phase and find a wonderful school to attend. The stories are endless of the students that didn’t get their first choice and then couldn’t imagine not attending the school they eventually attend once all is said and done.


I am so sorry for your daughter. The entire process can be brutal. It can been so disheartening when you know how amazing your child is and how hard they worked. That hard work and amazing foundation will serve your daughter well into the future. She will find her place to thrive and make her mark. There are academic, intellectual, and social peers at all schools. Your daughter is the same exceptional person that she was before this decision came in. Good luck as she continues to navigate this process and gets excited about her future.


Thank you for that!

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Thanks to all and bye for now or perhaps for good! DS is heading to Northwestern!


Congrats that’s wonderful!!!

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This happened with my 21, and I can say she is absolute thriving and happy at her like 4th choice school. Full tuition, Honors College, her suitemate was her immediate BFF. She is a double major and will be graduating a semester early. She is a senior already and has all the benefits that go with that. There is so much less stress for her and us, knowing her college costs are covered with no loans, and some money left over for graduate school. Embrace the opportunity! Mine does plan on graduate school, so she will aim high again, when it actually matters more.


Our public HS gets a lot of ivy acceptances to that give kids a false sense of hope. But when you scratch beneath the surface the majority have clear hooks – legacy, kids of faculty, recruited athletes, etc. There are always exceptions who didn’t of course. But the kids just see others with nothing obviously better in their profile (grades, rigor, test scores, EC and leadership awards and accomplishments, public service, etc.) and think their odds are better than they are. No explaining changes that gut reaction, understandably.


Need some advice for my S23. He is now on winter break and has told me he has zero motivation to finish his last RD app to William & Mary for Computer Science. I don’t blame him, poor guy! He’s exhausted. He’s already been accepted to VCU, GMU, PennState at Univ Park, and Drexel so far for Computer Science. Waiting on EAs from VT, UVA, WPI, RIT… Is it worth it to apply to William & Mary for Comp Sci? We are in-state so the original plan was to apply to as much in-state schools just in case! UVA is a reach school for him, VT a semi-reach/target - though at this point who knows! What do you all think?


It’s his choice ultimately- and if he is done then he is done! He already has good admissions so you have done the parent part of making sure he has somewhere to go!


Thank you. I will talk to him again today and see what he thinks after a good night’s rest! LOL. Also see if he’ll regret not applying.


Doesn’t it depend on relative costs, if that’s the reason for encouraging instate applications? We found that offering our kids a fixed amount for college, and allowing them to keep the 529 balance if the actual costs were lower, helped with both applications and ultimate decisions.