Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

The students would have to write a number of essays without AI first though. Presumably well-written essays too, or the AI would turn out poorly-written essays.

I don’t know. She applied there too. They viewed her arts supplement video 7 times :joy:. It’s the only one on YouTube, wish I could see the others.

Hoping your kid is feeling better soon.
so re: rashes: there is a bad thing called a covid rash. It’s nasty. One of my kiddos got it. hoping that’s not what it is; but if you can’t figure it out, perhaps look that one up. :frowning:
Stay Strong.

Try Zantac for the hives! Sounds strange, but it helps!

i feel bad for the kids with this all; so many waitlists and shuffling around even through may. i’ve never had our kids do ED as we are merit seekers; but i can see why colleges like those EDs; those kids are pretty much a sure thing. It does sound like a monster for sure.

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In the ED we would give benadryl and pepcid as both are histamine blockers (one is an H1 the other is an H2). A double whammy!


Bc an allergic reaction to med . Call doc


Thanks to all the advice about the amoxicillin rash.

As soon as it appeared, I sent photos to his biological father who is an infectious disease specialist (though not currently in direct patient care.) He concurred with my assessment that it is a delayed maculopapular rash from the medicine (started 12 hours after the LAST dose) It is especially likely to occur when someone has mono, which we suspect S23 does due to his best friend having it and his symptoms. It’s not itchy and has stopped spreading, so we are hoping it fades in a week or so. We head to another college this weekend, and he’d rather not look like he has measles on the tours!

I appreciate the advice and don’t want anyone to worry. Other than the ongoing fatigue and the unsightly red dots, he is okay! And we still have power when 25% of our town does NOT yet- on day four in snow and cold. We feel lucky.


Ugh, mono is no fun! I remember having this in my senior year in HS and I remember the fatigue! Glad to hear he is okay and that you have power.

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I love that you get to track the school that is probably tracking you. :joy:


A friend texted me today asking if twins had registered for the draft. I said of course they registered with Selective Service and then I went to check. Oops, they hadn’t. Problem solved, they are now registered and printed out proof.

Doesn’t the FAFSA prompt you to do that?

Not anymore, I think this is the first year that did not. Or maybe next year is the first year that does not? I remember being very interested that it stopped requiring students to answer that question.


Thanks for the reminder, this is something we weren’t thinking about (S23 is not 18 yet). He still has to do the Israeli non resident military status, too (dual citizen).

It prompts you to do it when you start watching the mandatory video and sign the promissory note. My kids are all summer birthdays, so they don’t turn 18 until end of may and june
that’s when they did the loan stuff and selective service registration


Yes. Mine spent the week at an aunt’s house in a small town near Fargo, 3.5 hour drive away. Slept on couches on the 3 season (i.e. heated) porch. Napped and ate and played board games. There was an unexpected late season blizzard, so that was fun too. Lots of inside jokes and great memories for all involved. Highly recommended.


Stay on the soapbox. Your info is good. My 3 have all had friends that are hardly ever available to do anything because they’re studying. Lots of AP classes & great grades but not much better than mine in honors & some AP classes. It seems like most are planning to go to our big flagship U, which doesn’t offer much in the way of scholarships either. Mine knew they weren’t willing to compete with 5.0 students since there are lots and went in an alternate direction. Good grades, good ECs, well rounded & find a good place YOU want to be. 2 have & working on 1 more for fall 24. To us, it has never been Ivy or bust.


And my 3.4 gpa 35 ACT kid is touring UL-Layfayett thanks to help from this page!!!

OOS COA=36,106. Merit given to my non 4.0 kid = 27, 696. Im making kid take out loan first year to have skin in the game.

Money out of my pocket will be maybe 5k a year.


I would surmise to say that most kids societally don’t go to the top school they could get into.

Many go local, the state flagship, a neighbor who gives great merit, or the right fit. They don’t even consider applying to that next level up.

I’m sure, for example, at my state flagship - UTK - many (not most) could get into the Florida, UGA, Northwestern (one of my Knoxville food servers), Ivy and more. Maybe they go bcuz it’s cheap, they grew up loving Rocky Top, it’s SEC, they’re majoring in supply chain or nuclear engineering , love the nearby mountains, or more.

My kids both chose safeties over higher ranked
in my daughter’s case much higher ranked. Her school statistically is not great but she is taking advantage of so many opportunities others eschew and is having that student driven experience @dfbdfb noted earlier, having started with a professor a campus wide task force on refugee resettlement and a student club. She’s met and networked with ambassadors and other diplomats. Whether this helps outcome wise I dunno but she’s so enriched both in and out of the classroom. My son, on the other hand, went to school, did a minor of interest but took little advantage of opportunities. So I agree the experience, rigor, opportunities is a result of the student. Even if a name gets you a start, without passion and drive you’ll still fall behind.

I can’t say for sure as my kids aren’t grown but my belief is their grit and determination will in large part drive their long term success.

The reality is that most everyone going to college today will have multiple bosses in their careers whose colleges would be perceived to be below their school. And many older bosses that didn’t even go to college at all.


I think kids should look at cost, fit(happiness on campus), and will the univ get them to where they want to be in life. It is never solely about the rankings of the university.