Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

YESSSS!! Cowboys Nation!! We Dem Boyz!! (yes, I bleed blue and silver :laughing:)

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How exciting!! Congratulations to your entire family!


D23 will likely do a double major Physics/Theater. Or if she decides to the the 3/2 program with CalTech, then a Physics major and Theater minor.

So there could very well be some overlap there :slight_smile:

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Kid is at admitted student day at Pitt. He is loving it and tells me that he will still visit the other schools “with an open mind, but right now they’re all playing defense.”
I think we’re gonna be a divided household come the fall, with a WVU grad and a Pitt freshman!


Media arts.

So probably not a lot of direct contact, but my kid may at some point be running the sound board for yours.:grin:


Waiting to hear from 3 colleges today. And waiting
 and waiting. Supposed to be at 3p, 5p, 7p but kiddo doesn’t want to do it now. What? I’ve been waiting all day. I’ve got spreadsheets to update. They’re going into a meeting so it’ll have to wait until after that ends.

In other news - got big merit from one college today so there is that.

After today, 5 more decisions in 2 weeks. I think it’ll feel like forever, but these 18 years went kinda fast. Time is strange (or is that me?). Probably just me.

Congrats to those who have decided and good luck to those still waiting.


Care to share the schools?

Rejected from Williams
Waitlisted for Amherst.
36 ACT, 4.0. Strong arts EC, great recs, top 10 boarding school. Hopefully the next 5 have better news.



Swarthmore (not accepted)
Hopkins (accepted)
UVA (accepted)


I’m a parent of a S24 (and D21) but I thought this would be of interest to this group of parents/students as well, so will cross-post here too:

Will this inform us all for next year’s admissions cycle?

And this from the article . . . yikes!:
Most admissions deans I talked with said they don’t fully review the deferred applications again during regular decision, when they’re already facing another thick pile of files. They might look at new information they receive, namely grades from senior year. Those grades can help push someone over the acceptance line, but for the most part only in cases where the applicant also fulfills other institutional priorities.

^^I’m hoping this isn’t true across the board, but makes sense give the huge increase in EA applications. I guess be careful what you wish for; makes applying ED, if you can, much more important in the next cycle.


After the hard rejection from MIT and deferral from Princeton (Rea)we welcomed good news today.
Hopkins: accepted
Williams: accepted
Amherst: accepted
Swarthmore: waitlisted (was his favorite of the LACS because of location)

Waiting on 5 more. But we welcome any thoughts in deciding which way to go for majoring in math (not interested in financial field).


I suspect admissions will become better with data analytics to weed out those who apply and aren’t really interested.

If Clemson receives more than 50k applications, they might be using software to weed thousands out by GPA.

Same with NU and its 90,000 applications.


I wish parents and school counselors would stop students from applying to a lot of OOS schools that they won’t be able to afford even if they were accepted. This is the time of year many students decide on an in-state school because they realize what they could have learned before applying – that most large colleges do not prioritize financial aid for OOS students, although they love to hand out $10-$20,000 merit scholarships to entice those OOS students who can afford it to attend. This is what is happening to many of my son’s classmates.


Of the three, which does he prefer? If preferred Swat because of location - suburban Philly
doees Amherst work
as it’s in a college area - with UMASS nearby?

JHU is larger.

Williamstown - I’d assume too rural?

It’s like picking your favorite band - U2, Rolling Stones or Bon Jovi.

Is there a wrong answer?


Williams is somewhat known for Math but depending on how advanced your child is they may want to review all the possible classes and make sure they don’t run out of Math to take. A friend’s son was making the decision between Williams and others and ended up at CMU due to having more options. Hopkins might be similar so it might be prudent to dig deep into the catalog and make a comparison to make sure there will be offerings that are desirable.


CMU is also one that he is waiting for but we are afraid financially it will come way higher than all the others. He did love CMU and Pittsburg. I think is very good advice to just dig deep into the departments. Thank you. He did not care for Williamstown but likes Williams itself very much. Same JHU likes the university but Baltimore not so much.


That’s awesome that he’s loving Pitt! Did he commit?!


S23 waitlisted at UC Irvine and UC San Diego, rejected at UCLA. Oddly, the top kids in his class all had the same results today. I think it lessened the sting that none of them got in. Unless UC Santa Barbara comes through, not expecting Berkeley, we’ll be weighing Cal Poly SLO and UC Davis. Feeling so fortunate my son has good options he is happy with. UCSD got 140,000 applications for less than 7,000 spots. :flushed: What the heck is going on out there? UCLA will probably have like a 7% acceptance rate.


Sure, Cal may not happen. But over the years here on CC, the CA parents have seen such varied and sometimes outright weirdness with the results amongst the UC’s. So, Cal could still happen for your son.

Having said that, Davis and SLO are really fantastic options. Seriously! Best of luck.


Thanks so much! And, you’re right. Cal could come through. My son’s first outright rejection today came from UCLA. I told him if you’re only being rejected by UCLA, you’re doing ok. :joy: