Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Re Ohio, while there are schools we like there, I can’t fathom supporting a state and allowing my kid to be in a state for 4 years with a “fetal heartbeat bill” essentially putting an unborn fetus’s life above the life of my child or his/her partner. In addition, the anti- lgbtq etc legislation, so evil and anti-human. Not to mention the anti-trans, anti-women’s rights, anti-books, anti-immigrants, etc. Not gonna do it. So MANY other options out there. I truly believe that these issues trickle down into the student body, professors, administrators, and ultimately the education received.


My S23 was also admitted to Hamilton tonight. He was very excited as it is one of his top choices. He was admitted as a Jan term, which is throwing him for a bit of a loop, but they are right that he is a kid to embrace that sort of challenge.

I’m more worried because I also don’t feel like the COA is where we want/need it to be. I think we have some hard choices ahead [[sigh]]


Don’t overburden yourself. It’s not worth it. Lots of great, affordable schools out there.


I’m not sure if the issues trickle down - there are blue bubbles in red states - but I fully understand and agree with your unwillingness to support a state with these policies.


Have you ever heard of a college sports coach reaching out to an athlete in Feb-March of senior year? This is a D3, of course.

Do they truly need more players or could this be a strategy to fill seats?

23 did not apply to this school. The school may have struggled to fill seats, which is why I ask.

The answer doesn’t matter to us, but I’m curious.

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“college sports coach reaching out to an athlete in Feb-March of senior year? This is a D3”

That MAY happen.
Say the recruited athletes all apply ED, but some don’t make the Admissions cut, and Coach still has open spots.
So Coach may still be recruiting to fill those spots.

The D3 Coach who recruited DS2022 required son to apply ED, but that wasn’t an option for our family, so Coach lost a prospective athlete.

BU & USC are coming out this weekend. USC today & BU tomorrow (Boston University)


Thank you. Why would a coach require applying ED?

?MOST coaches require applying ED (you’re a SURE thing, and not choosing another college to attend/play for), so that they know what their roster looks like by end of December,
so that they’re not scrambling in the Spring to fill up slots.

Some coaches have been “dating” (recruiting) these star athletes for months (or years: friend’s children committed in the Fall of Junior year)!
Then coach gets “engaged” (when athlete officially signs or applies ED),
and then “married” when Admissions finally accept the athletes.
So it’s a loooong road for these coaches to wrap it up and lock in their athletes.


If Hamilton might be affordable, note that it was included in this group of 10 colleges that Forbes listed as being worth the cost of attendance:


Everyone’s mileage varies. As I said, the laws in Ohio are just like the laws in the state where we live and that may make us more comfortable (and she was already a student in Ohio when their fetal heartbeat bill was passed). It’s interesting to me that I rarely see GA on the list of states people avoid because of politics (and applications for UGA, GA Tech, and Emory keep rising) even though our laws are just as extreme as those in Ohio.


Anyone else just exhausted? D23 has 5 more schools to go. Waitlisted at one last night we thought she’d get into. We all just want it to be over.


Exact same. My son was deferred EA from his first choice, then accepted a couple of weeks ago, but in the meantime he’s been accepted to five additional schools that are all interesting.


Yes. It happened at our high school to a couple of football players who didn’t apply to a particular school.

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I’m going to guess so he has a sure thing since it’s binding. Then the athlete “belongs” to that school.


I think it’s to make sure the recruit will be admitted. It seems to be getting more common for D3 athletic recruits to get denied admission even with all the traditional preapplication vetting.

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Agreed. It gives the coach lots more time to fill out a team. If they know they have X, Y and Z committed, then they know who they’re missing. If they were to get a bunch of “no thanks” answers on May 1, they would be scrambling (like the rest of us?) I’m not advocating for this system, just saying I think that’s why.


I mean, we’re done over here and I’m still exhausted!

So yeah, for those of you still waiting, way not fun.


Yes, we are really ready to get the final decisions in so we can move forward. It’s been mentally exhausting, for sure. My D has mostly NOT gotten into schools that we thought she’d be more likely to get into but then has had success at reaches where chances were slim. It’s completely flipped from what expectations might have been. She’s had plenty of waitlists, too. Sorry for your D’s disappointment and hope she gets one she loves from those that remain.


This weighs on my mind heavily as my sons top affordable schools are private schools in Ohio, Florida, and Louisiana.