Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 1)

Yes, exhausted! Who decided that the decision deadline/all of these notifications should happen around tax time, too? Too much adulting going on here, my head hurts.


Depending on the sport and school thereā€™s a lot of variation at the D3 level since students are not getting scholarships. Often they may be able to provide some support with admissions, but often itā€™s ā€œlet me know if you get acceptedā€


My kid has one Florida school in play, plus a school in Louisiana, and I do worry and wonder about politics. He/we have a lot to learn and think about.


Louisianaā€™s governor leans left - not the state - but at least the head of the state for what thatā€™s worth if state politics are a concern.


Yes yes and yes. I am one of those people who appreciates hearing these perspectives. Pretty nervous to send DD out of on her own given the struggles but gut says she needs to give this a try. And we will always be her for Plan B, C, D-Z :slight_smile:


Waitlisted at BC and accepted at Lafayette last night. 5 more to go! Part of me is ready to have it be over, the other part isnā€™t ready for trying to scramble around final visits over the next few weeks.


Congratulations on Lafayette! The running around season will be a bit easier for us, because we can only afford one more trip. :slightly_smiling_face: We spent our budget on in-person music auditions, which served as visits but only before my kid knew if he was admitted. What a crazy process. Best wishes for the five more. I am focusing on having cake when itā€™s all done!


Congrats on Lafayette!

Since all of my kidā€™s acceptances that we want to visit are far from us, we started to book some travel plans because we have to lock down some flights before it gets too late. Contingency planning after contingency planning while trying to wrap three different collegesā€™ admitted student events into one trip even though they are on different coasts. Madness. And things may still change next week.


Funny, this just happened to S23 last week. He received and email from a coach at a school he hasnā€™t applied to. I thought athletes were recruited/admitted way earlier than anyone else and S23 wasnā€™t a recruited athlete anywhere, so this came out of the blue.

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Yes, this happened to my D19. All of the coaches that reached out already had one or more of her high school teammates on their roster.


@BeverlyWest & @nichols51 - Thanks! Lucky all but one is a reasonable driving distance. We did see most of the schools in the past so now its just getting it down to a final 3-4 for any accepted student days. I think I might need something a little stronger than a piece of cake when its over!


Well I have to say itā€™s been quite boring here waiting for next wave. Kind of miss that excitement :laughing: What will I do with all the free time?!


We are done! My son is pretty happy with his results. He got accepted to his two favorites and revisits begin this weekend! He had a 3.57 gpa (rough 10th grade year online, but straight As 11th grade and one B+ fall of 12th). Applied for engineering. 1500 SAT. We targeted small to medium sized schools with good student support. Average ECs. Glad for all the good advice and tips here!


Colorado School of Mines (early action) - $10,000 per year scholarship (additional pending)

University of Dayton (early action) - $24,000 per year scholarship

Marquette University (early action) - $26,200 per year scholarship

Saint Louis University (early action) - $25,000 per year (for 5 years) scholarship

Union College (early action) - $23,000 per year scholarship

Clarkson University (regular decision) - $35,500 per year scholarship

Lafayette College (regular decision) - no scholarship notification

University of Denver (early action) - $23,000 per year scholarship

Rochester Institute of Technology (regular decision) - $22,000 per year scholarship

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (early action) - $16,000 per year scholarship


Bucknell University (regular decision) - accepted waitlist

Santa Clara University (Deferred early action then waitlisted) - accepted waitlist

Lehigh University (regular decision) - accepted waitlist


Case Western Reserve University (Deferred early action then denied)

Villanova University (early action)


I find it very sad to hear that some believe politics defines everything about a state and the college experience there. I had zero qualms about D18 going to Utah for college and many of her female friends, liberals all, decided to stay after graduation. Politics is not the be all and end all of their lives, they love the mountains, the skiing and the low cost of living (and SLC is a lot safer than San Francisco).

Sheā€™s now in Oregon but misses Utah and would move back to Salt Lake City in a heartbeat if she got a position with a ballet company there. Next year sheā€™ll almost certainly be in another low cost red state, she doesnā€™t have the luxury of deciding where she works based on politics.

I would be very happy if S23 went there for college too, as Iā€™m sure none of my kids will ever be able to afford to live and raise a family here in California. The only one who stayed for college left immediately after graduation. The NIMBYism in this state which makes it so unaffordable could equally well be described as ā€œanti-humanā€.


I donā€™t think that the politics of the state defines everything about a state and the college experience there. However, weā€™re looking at the actual laws of the state which do define what you can and cannot do in a state. If my D21 or S24 cannot get or facilitate a legal abortion in a state, and they would be prosecuted if they did so, that does affect (maybe not define) their lives within the state. As well as if they cannot get certain books at a library, or have their kids learn certain history of the country in the public schools, or see a drag show if theyā€™d like, or to get their kids or themselves the medical care they need, all of these things affect their everyday living in a state. Itā€™s a personal choice, and one that many are using as one measure of the college choice. I do hope that the colleges take this into consideration and start opening conversation with the state government to let them know the costs/consequences in going so extreme.


Yes, totally agree there are blue bubbles in red states. Unfortunately, the red state laws apply to the entire state. So, for example in Nashville, despite being a blue bubble, drag shows are now severely restricted in the entire state of Tennessee. Weā€™ll have to wait and see how this all plays out.


Holy Cow! DD waitlisted to Syracuse. She got into Hamilton 11% acceptance last year, full tuition plus year of room and board at Bama, full tuition at Pitt. 36 ACT, excellent recs, high level pre-pro EC, 4.0. 50k merit at St.Lawrence. How does that even make sense?


@busymommyof4 - thatā€™s a lot of great choices! Congrats to your son on all his hard work


Please be careful with posts referencing politics.

ā€œMy child is considering the polical situation in their decision processā€ if fine. ā€œTX abortion laws suckā€ is not, although that post is more than welcome in the politics forum.


I hope that public colleges donā€™t start a confrontation with their state governments that will lead to funding being restricted and the cost of attendance going up. Much better to be in Indiana or Utah with tuition being frozen than in the many other states where 2023-24 tuition is rising 5%. If thereā€™s one thing that is certain to affect the rest of studentsā€™ lives (except for the most privileged amongst us), itā€™s incurring more debt to go to college.