Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)

Though I will say, from having toured UST some years ago, if your kid doesn’t like purple, save yourself some heartache and cross it off now.:sweat_smile:

Just a general FYI, Costco has Southwest Airline gift cards on sale right now.

$500 for $450. Limit 5 gift cards. If you will be using Southwest to get your child to/from college, might be a good time to stock up.


Shes been living in purple with her dance team for a few years now so the colors are safe. She would likely not get into academically and doubt it would be cost effective though.

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Always love to see other parents with a “school color sensitive” child. D23 was adamant about there being a dance team or dance minor at the schools she would apply to, as well as colors being extremely important. Thankfully, her final choice fulfilled both parts of that brief. :wink:


My D19 chose Mississippi State for a number of reasons, but one is that she looks fabulous in maroon, and less so in blue.

I mean, when everything else is close (and maybe even not just then) it’s a sensible metric, I think.


I lied to my daughter about Cal Poly’s colors. I just said gold and never mentioned green. :joy: Once she figured it out, she was already invested. Now six years later, she’s a proud alum and loves green!


My son is positively in love with his choice of UT Austin but HATES burnt orange lol…go figure! All the swag/tshirts he’s been buying are either grey, black or white with just a hint of burnt orange in the logo or lettering :metal: :woman_shrugging:


My son feels the same about WPI’s red. It is fine as an accent but TOO MUCH as the main color. He only wants shirts that are gray, black, or white with a little bit of red. And also, the goat mascot on everything is a little much for him but I think he is warming up to it.


My son who attended Brown is frequently reminded by friends and family alike that Brown is the color of poop.


My son is graduating today!!! I am so excited, and SO proud of him!! I’m so nervous I won’t be able to control my emotions and be a crying fool the whole time!!! Any advice???:partying_face::face_with_hand_over_mouth::heart:


I say let the tears flow! This is a big milestone and these kids have been through it for sure. My oldest is 2024 and I know I will be a mess next year!


Pack tissues!!!


When being brought to tears of joy think about the cost of college…should restore your emotional equilibrium.


My older D graduated yesterday!!!

Think about all he has to look forward to in the future. Be proud he’s come this far and be proud of where he has chosen to continue his education and life. We raise kids to go out in the world and become their own people and be happy and satisfied with the life they make on their own. Youve set him up for success, great job!


My son graduated in an outdoor ceremony in 50 degrees with solid rain. It sucked.
Grad photos will be delayed. I felt horrible for the kids.

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Sorry, I hope you were able to make the best of it!

Well, they gave the students all matching umbrellas at least. We will look back and laugh but man, my old body was frozen to the core and took way too long to warm up after getting dry! You can’t control the weather! (But already looking forward to a college graduation inside the dome!)

Funny, one of the things I love about Baylor for my S23 son’s decision is the school colors! Green and gold are awesome on red hair(and fluorescent skin). I was worried he’d pick something with maroon or black. School colors -yet another matter of taste. :smile:

Baylor also does have a significant Hispanic population now as well, if that matters to the daughter.

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Thank you all! I packed tissues but surprisingly I didn’t need them! It was a rare day as a parent when I had no worries- just the joy of watching all the hard work pay off. I sat in awe and felt so proud. He has worked so hard, and yes, we as parents do to to set them up to follow their own path to success. I loved seeing all the kids we have known since they were little. I have renewed hope for the future when I see their smiles! Congrats to all who have survived graduation (in the cold rain- yikes) and to all who still have one more year to get there! :heart::tada: