Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)

Oh how I wish this is what ours did. Instead, they start the pre-season in August with whatever hair they have and they are not allowed to cut it until play-offs, then they all get mullets :weary::sob::sob::sob: and the worst part is the captains do the mullets for the whole team so one can imagine what they look like!

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He realized last night he has been growing his hair out so long that he still has bleach from 2 years ago.

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2 weeks of high school left. So many feelings all around. S23 isn’t sad. Just really wants to be done with school and it’s taking a lot to get him to stop procrastinating things. The frustration with that is helping me be less tearful right now. 2 weeks will go by in a blink.


S23 graduated. He’s thrilled to be done. Said he didn’t care about Val or Sal, he was number 4, but really wanted to be named math/science scholar, which he was. He’s been playing video games, napping, and shopping for his Berkeley dorm. I guess it’s fun to have a carefree summer.


S23 is done. Graduation on Sunday.

Already got the list started for D25. She wants a unicorn. My 3.0 test optional kid thinking of forensics, criminal justice, criminology, or other social service/social work type major. Who wants a suburban or urban well defined campus that is pretty and clean where she feels safe. A dance team or dance minor is required. Good school colors and a dance team that she can watch a youtube video of is a plus (yes this is funny but she said it). Solid diversity is a huge plus. She is Hispanic but open to others. Looking at TE. She is open to required faith courses.

Shes been on a few tours with big bro and didnt like Gustavus, Baldwin Wallace, Stetson or LoyNo. Jacksonville U in Florida was okay.

  1. Samford
  2. Sacred Heart U
  3. Quinnipiac U
  4. U of Delaware
  5. Catholic U of America
  6. Palm Beach Atlantic U
  7. Mercer U
  8. Bellarmine U
  9. Stevenson U
  10. Dean College
  11. Endicott College
  12. Emmanuel College
  13. Lindenwood U
  14. Rockhurst U
  15. St. Louis U
  16. Creighton U
  17. Seton Hall U
  18. Fordham U
  19. Hofstra U
  20. Juniata U
  21. Salve Regina U
  22. Southern Methodist U
  23. U of St. Thomas-TX
  24. Dominican
  25. Butler
  26. Florida Southern
  27. St. Mary’s TX
  28. Barry
  29. St. Thomas FL
  30. University of St. Thomas MN
  31. Xavier
  32. Ohio Northern
    Other Schools to consider:
  1. U of Minnesota
  2. Ball State

Are you religious? Some, like Samford (and more) and Palm Beach Atlantic are very religious.

I don’t think a 3.0 gets into SMU or UMN Twin City. Or maybe even Delaware. URI might be a good sub for Delaware.

If Hofstra or Butler are on the list, take a look at Bradley, Drake, and Dayton (religious affiliation).

Lots of schools on the list. Good luck

Still lurking here from time to time as I was helping a friend’s S23. I will put a plug in for Ohio University–my S16’s alma mater. Can’t say enough about the school and think it ticks most, if not all, of your D’s boxes.


What about St. John’s New York? My daughter has a couple of dance friends that attended and danced on their team. They seem to have had a great time.


As you seem to be comfortable with religious schools maybe Baylor, though it might not pass the good school colors test.

University of St. Thomas (MN) all the way. Gorgeous campus in a cute and safe residential neighborhood. Multiple Youtube dance videos available. Purple and grey are very pretty colors!


Just got back from S23’s graduation. Such an interesting mix of emotions


“Commuter” schools may end up weeded out. We shall see.


Oddly enough, we know three girls who went there from California. I thinking dancing regularly at Madison Square Garden overrode other factors.


Mercyhurst might be a good fit. Don’t know about the dance thing there but very pretty campus and very good forensics program


Since your daughter is interested in forensics or criminal justice and dance, I’ll suggest Cedar Crest College in Allentown, PA. Highly regarded forensics program at both the bachelor’s and master’s level. Criminal justice is a popular major. They have a dance major (not sure about a dance team). It’s all women’s for undergrad and co-ed on grad level. Safe campus. College for a B student. Diverse.


I’m surprised there are no UWs on your list


Graduation week festivities are under way. Seniors had their trip a couple of weeks ago. Sports Banquet was last week (I had the honor of being a guest speaker); weirdly enough S23 still has the finals of volleyball and a finals in a basketball tournament this week. Awards assembly was yesterday; S23 won the outstanding achievement in Math Award the last two years
S21 had won it the two years prior. Its been a four year lock on that award.
S23 found out yesterday that he missed being valedictorian by a .001 difference in GPA. Those awards were never really a focus of ours and the valedictorian is a remarkable student as well. Still, I could tell it stung a little.

Graduation will be Friday morning followed by a big shindig on Friday night. And with it, the scholastic matters at this household will be brought to an end. I’m really proud of my sons’ achievements, but I take even greater satisfaction that they’re on their path to becoming wonderful young men: kind, loyal friends, intellectually curious, determined, etc. Ive long thought our role as parents was similar to shipbuilders; you do the best job possible and then put the into the water, hoping that the craft you build will be capable of navigating the rough waters of life ahead.


If your child wants somewhere safe, they might find a place better than CUA.

I feel bad sharing this and don’t like to share this bad news at all. We went to a sports event and I told my spouse I was worried. Spouse said there was nothing to worry about. Then spouse says, “Oh, there’s police activity
” Well, someone had been shot inside the metro at the very station where we were headed for the sporting event at Navy Yard/Waterfront. So, yeah, I worry.

Yes, we still went to the sporting event. Yes, we hear gun shots from our house.

I’ll spare you all the scary stories yet I’d definitely research stories and news around Brookland (the area where CUA is located) and see if you all feel comfortable with what you find.

People don’t like to talk about these topics, so my apologies if I am bringing up a topic you’d prefer I not mention.


My D19 did dance team all 4 years in college and was one of her best choices she made. She made friends day 1 and never looked back even though she was far from home. Ended up being captain and supported her non powerhouse football college in a Cotton Bowl win. It was a nice, comfortable community for my D.


Because my daughter doesn’t want to stay in state. S23 did not apply to any instate schools either. He didnt think his GPA would get him into Uwi Mad ison (although music major would have been more likely) and he did not want to be that close. Many of his friend are attending there though! The other state schools my kids felt were too rural (except Milwaukee which was a huge no as it was too close to home). And big bro lives in La Crosse so that was no for the other 2 because doing something their brother did I guess is not cool.