Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)

My son and I were just discussing the HPV vaccine on our walk home from the doctor yesterday (he got his first dose of Men B).

He was recalling a reminder magnet the doc gave him that started blinking when it was time for his next dose of the HPV vaccine. He had his first dose when he was 11. I guess the magnets helped with getting shots in arms.

He was confused that some parents, even those who give their kids other vaccines, wouldn’t give them the HPV shots. For someone without baggage it was pretty dumbfounding. “So these parents think cancer should be a punishment for having sex without their permission?” As if that factors into a typical kid’s decision process…

I’m hoping that enough young people get the HPV vaccine that it makes a big enough dent in transmission so that everyone is better protected. I believe the trends are good, so far.


Glad you mentioned this. I just checked my son’s vaccine record (he turns 18 in November and is a junior) and his ped gave him dose 1 of Bexero at his 16 year visit and dose 2 at his visit last year. Glad our peds do it.


This has been going on for a long time and at a lot of schools. We have a charter school around us that on paper looks awesome but if you dig a bit deeper, AP pass rates are super low. Even at more competitive schools, kids stack up on AP courses as seniors. So, 8 APs as seniors and maybe 2 as underclassmen.

My son’s school has 2 ivy admits this year and 1 going to Duke. Large public school with over 50% low SES kids. The two going to ivy league schools are hooked. Not sure about the one going to Duke. There are a few more I am sure that are going to T20 type schools that I am not aware of but it gets exhausting to constantly compare and dissect. Bluntly put, non full pay standard strong kids are better off applying to schools that are more transparent about admissions and aid. Many large studies have shown that top kids do well independent of where they end up. So, if your kid is one such, they will do well and don’t have to go to a highly rejective school.


And, trying to put this delicately, sometimes sexual intercourse occurs without consent, and the HPV vaccine is passive protection against one of the potential negative outcomes, and it may be one of the lesser concerns in the moment but at least it’s there.


That is what our group and frankly the vast majority of Peds do—its the AAP/CDC schedule and has been for over 5 years! Glad to see another up to date practice mentioned on here.


I called my son’s pediatrician yesterday after reading about the meningitis B vaccine in this thread, and they were really hesitant to schedule him for the vaccine! I was very confused, because I thought pediatricians were eager to get their patients vaccinated.

They wanted to know why I thought he might need it, and when I said because he was going to college, they asked what college, and if he was going to be living on campus, and if he was going to be living in a dorm on campus, and then did I really think he needed it? :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Oh wow!! That’s surprising! Our son got the vaccine- and pediatrician has kids his age and gave to his children as well. I hate the thought of giving him vaccines- but I also hate the thought of him getting dangerously I’ll if it’s something we could have prevented!!! So hard being a parent! We have to make all these decisions and Al we can do is educate ourselves as best as possible and go with the decision that feels right!! Keep us posted on what you decide to do!!


did you ask them about the HPV vaccine as well?

**when it first came out, my oldest were in elementary school, and i was like “no way.”
NOW reality has set in! i’ve lived through the teen years with 4 kids. absolutely i’ll do anything to protect them . . .

Thanks for posting this reminder! I took S23 to get his first dose of Bexsero today. We had forgotten to put it on our pre college to do list.


He has already received the HPV vaccine. In fact, with that one I was reluctant to give it to him since the information I had read at the time they first offered it to him said there was not a lot of clinical data on its use in males, but the pediatrician really pushed, and I eventually decided it made sense. That’s why I’m so confused about this meningitis vaccine!


And yes, thanks for the reminder for sure!! Yes- I was SUPER hesitant on the HPV vaccine. Our old pediatrician was too wishy washy with her explanation. So we waited. I switched pediatricians and eventually gave it to my son- as our new pediatrician explained it in detail and had given it to both his son and daughter.


We also gave our son the HPV vaccine. Ultimately, we decided that we wouldn’t want him to possibly be the one responsible for his future wife (or any partner) getting cancer.


HPV was the easiest vaccine for the twins. We had just told their pediatrician about their Dad’s cancer diagnosis so all she had time to say was it could prevent some forms of cancer and they were both very enthusiastic.

Econ twin went for his physical 2 days ago by himself and told me afterwards he got the Meningitis B vaccine, CS twin will get it at the end of the month. Between cancer and Covid, they are very pro-vaccine. I think in the next 5 to 10 years, some cancer will be successfully treated with vaccines.

Tomorrow both boys leave for a semi school sponsored trip to Switzerland and Paris, I am excited for them, they have never left the US. It motivated me to plan a trip to Ireland in the fall (I haven’t been to Europe in over 20 years). Semi school sponsored means a teacher from their HS has put together a post graduation trip for 15-20 kids for the past 20 years.


OK this might be a silly question, but can a student request that their transcripts and test scores be sent to a school before doing their application? I ask because school gets out 6/23 and common app and regular apps begin opening this summer. S24 won’t be back in school until September. He has a couple apps that he wants to do that open in July and are not on the common app. Just wondering if he were to have stuff sent now, before an app is started, what the schools would do with the scores/transcripts.

Can’t he just complete the app and then request the transcript at that time?


It’s not a stupid question at all. We met with my sons public school GC in June of his junior year. We brought in a copy of the common app and had her answer Toby’s how our school weights, class size……etc. things you wouldn’t know on your own. His SAT/ ACT/AP scores you will have control over and can send them when you want. My so. Applied to all schools aug 1. All allow you to upload a copy of an unofficial transcript, and only require the real one after your accepted(and at the end of senior year your GC will send it to where he decides to go) be prepared you may need to complete a SRAR. Some colleges are looking you report classes taken in in 8th grade that you may have received High school credit for. Example Algebra 1/ Spanish 1. ( the rules are clear as mud) We never reported any algebra1 or Span 1 he took in 8th grade as we figured they could figure that out when they saw he w took Algebra 2/ Spanish 2 as a high school freshman. Just make sure you are prepared to fill out your SRAR. You can message me if you have any detailed questions as I loaned over it for a month and co tasted all schools he was applying to how they wanted him to complete it. It’s great your so prepared! He will have great chances applying earlier and enjoy is senior year more!!!


He can but was really hoping to get these in as early as possible since they are rolling. One of them is a top choice and has a first EA deadline two weeks after school starts. The high school says to allow up to three weeks for transcripts to be processed so he is nervous he won’t get it in on time if he waits.

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IMO this is a great type of question to shoot the AO. It’s a legitimate question the “cannot be found on the website” and will be a great way to engage with the school.


Thanks and yes, two of his schools require the SRAR, a few are “unofficial” that he can upload himself, a couple are self reported (but NOT the official SRAR) - they all require different things. One specifically says “please do NOT send an official transcript unless we instruct you to do so”. Interesting…

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I don’t remember any schools that wanted an official transcript for any of my kids. If you get the unofficial now, you should be in good shape.