Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)

That is very surprising and not at all an up to date group of statements they made regarding Men B.

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My S23’s college expects an official year end transcript sent from the school by 7/1.


I meant to apply for rising seniors.


It has been a whirlwind here - my FIL passed away in May and we had to have his apartment cleared out by the end of the month. Prom was the beginning of June, and graduation last week. College orientation this Weds/Thurs and then grad party here on Sunday. I am running on fumes, but happy.

Graduation was nice! The weather held. Our public school is
underwhelming. It’s an aggressively just fine school. D23 said she had no tears on her last day and is more than ready to move on and I feel the same way. No warm fuzzies for that place. I didn’t want to cry and I didn’t feel particularly inspired.

Our good thing was that we went to a FUN restaurant for dinner after graduation. I am not too into gimmicks - and this is a beautiful and quite nice restaurant, but it was full of other grads having dinner with their families and they brought out flaming desserts for all the grads (at different times) and everyone would clap for them. It was really cute! Just a little thing but it really did make it fun. Also, our waiter was fabulous and great service makes such a difference.

Another good thing was that D23 won a local scholarship, so she was invited to the awards presentation. It’s a local scholarship for a student pursuing business and I am pretty sure she won it on the strength of her essay. It’s always nice to be recognized.

Now onto the orientation and then the party next weekend. After that I will wrap myself in a beach towel and sit in a chair sipping margaritas for the next two months until it’s time to drop her off at school. So close to being DONE!

Congrats all!


I swear my son ruled out Pitt because the tour guides looked like bumble bees. Lol :honeybee: :roll_eyes::woman_shrugging:


Ugh-so sorry it was a dreary day! My son’s graduation (outdoor-at the high school football field) is Saturday 6/24 and forecast calls for 80 degrees but 50% chance of rain :grimacing: Of course we decided to have the backyard grad party Sunday with a 40% chance of rain :disappointed: We have about 100 people coming between 1-6pm :flushed: A local place is catering a taco bar style meal. Hoping Mother Nature will surprise us and be kind! :pray:

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@AmyIzzy Curious how they looked like bumblebees? Pitt colors are blue and gold, not black.

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I sense a reboot of the gold / blue / black dress controversy?

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@AmyIzzy posted pictures of tour guides in black and gold , and they did indeed look bumblebee like. But, the post/pictures are no longer posted.

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Yes, I forgot it’s against the rules to post pics here. Just google Pitt tour guide images and you’ll see what I mean :smile:


Weather was not great for the offspring’s graduation. The forecast called for cold and wet. While the school essentially said, stay tuned for whether the ceremony would be indoors, we knew we were going to be cold and wet. The kid told us that at practice the administration told the students that the ceremony had never been indoors in 244 years. We knew instantly that the 245th class was going to be outdoors for the ceremony regardless of the forecast. I still find it hard to believe that they’ve never had the ceremony indoors
.New England weather can be random, even in early-June.


Hey All! Anyone has a suggestion on which Brita or Zero Water will fit into a Microfirdge? Thanks!


is this needed? my kids dorm has easy access to water filling stations.


Oh!!! Good point! Ill have to check! Thank you for that thought!

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Definitely not needed at D22s school. They have lots of water filling stations.

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Haha- well I owe you $30! They do have water filling stations :slight_smile: Thank you :slight_smile:


Give it to your kid on my behalf :wink:

Fingers crossed we and D23 have completed/sent in all the paperwork required by her college. The past couple of weeks has felt like the never ending “another form???” experience.

Now waiting for dorm assignments and class schedules to be finalized.

Having done this before, I think we are pretty much done with dorm purchases. Our dining room is staging ground zero, besides bedding it doesn’t look too bad.


A Brita might still be useful anyway, depending on the taste of the local water supply.

They make water bottles with built-in slots for filters, and it filters the water between the bottle and your mouth, so that could be a possibility if it’s needed for flavor reasons.


Filling stations are usually filtered (as opposed to just filling from a faucet)