Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)

I think coming from CA the weather could be a big issue especially if she’s already dreading the rain. We live near Seattle and my college Freshmen is so happy that she now sees the sun on a consistent basis and rarely has to walk all over campus in the rain. Her sister is a Junior and she isn’t applying anywhere in the PNW either. We also plan to move once she graduates. As I write this, it is pouring and 46 degrees.


I asked my son, what about the city? The energy? The museums?
He said, “I’ll do all that in law school.”
I think he’s made his peace with the location.


I was hoping that would happen! He’s going to spend almost all his time at school anyway, so that’s the most important fit. It sounds like he loves it. I loved hearing that certainty from my kid, too. He told us we could forget trying to get more aid from USC. “I want to go to Loyola.” I’m so glad our kids are deciding based on what feels good to them.


Econ doesn’t require a separate application. Its part of the College of Arts and Sciences, Just need to fulfill the major requirements (which are pretty low…very easy to pair Econ with something else).

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I missed this part of my kid’s experience, because Loyola was my husband’s turn at traveling with S23. :slightly_frowning_face: I’d gone on the Miami trip prior. (My kid’s list was heavy on palm trees.) I am definitely going to be there on move-in day.

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Wanted to give an update on my nephew, whom Id been advising in his collegiate process. He had a strong SAT, but very iffy grades and okay extracurriculars.

Seton Hall
Loyola New Orleans
Lynn University

Loyola Chicago

He’s decided to attend Mercyhurst (located in Erie, Pa). Not sure I agreed with the reasoning on choosing that school over others but its a small size which is probably best for him and don’t think there will be much there to distract him. On the positive side, there’s a cluster of kids going there from his school (think that played a big part) so he will have some familiar faces.


This is a really good point about the weather. Especially after this winter in CA when it rained and rained and rained. It felt endless! I’ve been to Portland a few times, but pretty much only in the summer when it was sunny and lovely. There’s no doubt she would love the weather in San Diego!


Congrats!!! Erie is a favorite place of mine! There are so many great things about Erie! Starting with Presque Isle State Park, the best free park in the commonwealth. Over a dozen lifeguarded beaches, beach concerts every week in summer, boat and bike rentals, hiking, a lighthouse, great history - such a gorgeous spot.
Also! A flippin’ fantastic retro amusement park right at the entrance to Presque Isle, a city zoo, the Brig Niagara that you can sail aboard, a cool little downtown, wineries north/west, only 90 minutes to Niagara Falls and about the same distance, a bit more, west to Cleveland and Rock’n Roll Hall of Fame, major sports etc.
Penn State Behrend is there also - not sure if there’s any cross-pollination, but there’s a goodly student population in town.
Just don’t expect awesome winter weather - it’s brutal - but seeing the frozen lake is cool for a minute or two.


I am so happy to read this! You have really been so supportive to him and allowing him to make the choice. But having him love the school that really showed him the love, well that is perfect!

Bravo to you for how you handled it all and kudos to him for being open to the choice that checks all of the boxes!


Yes it’s a steep walk! La Jolla Shores is a quick drive down the road and the free trolley takes them down to Pacific Beach(it said 11 minute ride). PB is a beach town and lots of college students from all the SD colleges live and hang out there.


Thanks for all that wonderful info. The parents have friends in Cleveland and go there periodically, but no one in our family has ever been to Erie.

The big concern is the the cold winters. This kid is coming up from the tropics…and even there I always see him in a sweatshirt. That first winter will be a good challenge (they started buying cold weather gear now).

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Highly recommend a visit to him in, like, September. Not January. :slight_smile:
Here’s a Presque Isle beach. They are habitually empty except during weekends or peak summer holiday time.


In this job market?

Also: Why???


When I lived in Florida, my Swiss army surplus coat (came down below my knees, very thick wool felt, double-breasted, and so on) went on the moment it got down into the 40s Fahrenheit, because that was just too cold for a human being to deal with.

Now that I live in Alaska, once it gets to the upper 20s the liner comes out of my jacket, and I’m in short sleeves before we get to 50.

Which is to say that people adapt to their surrounding climate. It might take a year or even two, but normal temperatures and such are defined by what you’re surrounded by.


On the topic of winter gear, what do I need to get DS for weather in Maine with out breaking the bank. I know a better coat and gloves, but what am I not thinking of, honestly other son only wore the coat I bought him 4 times in Iowa and that was when the wind chills where negative 30. But this kid actually wants to spend time outside.

They have done it consistently for decades clearly surviving different economies. It’s very competitive actually, so it must work for them.

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Good weatherproof shoes.



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That’s awesome! We arrive tomorrow. At Auburn now. DH and I fell in love with it. S24 is lukewarm. He can’t put his finger on it. Keeps just saying “I just think I’m gonna love Bama tomorrow and I can’t wait to see it”. Will keep
You posted.


You do realize you visited Vermont in a week of unusually warm weather. It’s back to 50 degrees and raining now. No one is eating cremees today. Some years it’s warm here in April and then snows in May. Then again, Burlington is warmer than most of the the state. Vermont is awesome, but not usually as nice as this past April warm week!

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