Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)

Our school has a Senior Honors Night and also makes a display in the front hall of
the school of graduation caps with each seniors name and their future plans, I was so glad to see that they included all options on the google form like four year college, community college, trade school, military etc.


I want to go to eckerd so bad. :grin:


My kidā€™s high school is equally celebrating students who are going to work. The Instagram account is run by students. Iā€™m so happy to see every studentā€™s next step.


Same for ours. Entering workforce, trades, military, tech schools, beauty school, and colleges- all are represented on our schools senior instagram page.


Your daughters went to 2 great schools. I donā€™t know anything about Eckert, but Iā€™m sure itā€™s the absolute right place for him. Congratulations to you and your son.


We have a decision!!! After two accepted student days and a last minute tour, S23 is William and Mary bound!


We like this Eckerd alumā€™s science videos: Hank Green - Wikipedia

Our D had a choice to stay in-state and pay little due to scholarships but we promised her support if she made it into an east coast T10ā€¦and she did. :smile:


I loved W&M when we toured with D18. At the end of the tour my wife and I were telling her you should apply EA. Our daughter was hung up on the ideas was ā€œtoo oldā€ and of course one of the big things they talked about in the pre tour session was how it was the 2nd oldest college the in US. We lived the various traditions, the medium size and right next door to Williamsburg.

Congratulations to you and your son in a great school


Another visit to UMD and more walking around!

Questionsā€¦Envisioning what it might be likeā€¦

ā€œWhere would I lock up my bike?ā€


By comparison, I got back form an 11 hour ivy accepted students day and they wouldnā€™t even let students or parents into most buildings. All the academic buildings are locked out even to students on the weekends and even the special accepted student day tour guides couldnā€™t get in, so no classrooms, labs, lecture halls, dining halls, actual libraries, etc. It sounds like they almost never let tours into buildings. There was no option to connect with any academic departments or personnel at all.

On the other hand, my son recognized a famous physicist there with his own accepted student.


This is a real question I have, too. My kid loves his bike. Heā€™s probably going to roll into college on his bike, as the end point of a month-long bike trip. (Weā€™ll meet him there with his stuff.) We just got him the bike for graduation. :smile:


The one and only college tour I went on with my son, at U of Miami, was like this. No insides of buildings except the library. Of course, the outdoor spaces were gorgeous. :palm_tree:

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I posted on both CWRU and MHC boards - but this board is a lot more active. Any input or insight is appreciated, either on here or on one of the other boards.

D23 has been out of town on her HS music tour. She was pretty much ready to push the button tonight or tomorrow for MHC, but yesterday morning got a note from CWRU, different than the weekly ā€˜please confirm you still want to stay on the waitlistā€™ emails.

It said they believe they WILL in fact have space to take kids from the WL, that the committee will be meeting Monday, and to please confirm if you want to be considered. She of course clicked on ā€˜yesā€™.

Tonight when she gets back weā€™ll be making a pro/con comparison list.

COA is going to be about even, with a slight advantage to CWRU - CWRU will be more in year 1, as they donā€™t reconsider for WL students based on income changes (but manually calculated so we know what year 2 would be). MHC did update their offer, but they define ā€˜needā€™ differently. So 10-12k more for CWRU in year 1, but about the same amount less in year 2, so a wash overall for year 1 and 2. Assuming income stays similar (likely but not a sure thing) then MHC will end up about 10k more per year for year 3-4. Not insignificant, but not enough to tip the scales unless all else really IS equal.

So it comes down to fit.

D loved both.

CWRU for the city vibe, the museum, the performing arts center, the research opportunities, the abundance of off campus food, etc.

MHC for the east coast vibe, the cute town, still just 15 min to a mall, the all-women very tight community, the cool traditions, small class sizes, and still options for all the 5-college consortium has to offer.

She met current and prospective students at both she really likes. And professors at both she really likes.

Two VERY different schools. And CWRU is still a WL - but with that email, and May 1st approaching, if a last-minute offer comes in she is trying to weigh what she would choose.

Very different schools, they would be very different experiences. D can see herself thriving in either - and my wife and I agree. She can do physics and theater at both, and both would prepare her for grad school, and life beyond. With lots of options if she wants to change direction. That makes it a great problem to have, of course - 2 options D would love means there is no wrong choice!

In working on the comparison list, any input on categories of things to compare/contrast would be helpfulā€¦.


Iā€™d wait until she has a firm acceptance from CWRU to make any further decisions. Both great schoolsā€¦but very different.


hmmm - I just went and looked and my kid got a somewhat similar -not the same - email (he is declining this week but has not done so yet).

He has not expressed any interest in CW since being deferred EA. So I donā€™t necessarily think your email was a definite individual solicitation. If that makes a difference; thought I would mention it.

Text of my kidā€™s email:

ā€œThank you for your continued interest in Case Western Reserve University. The Office of Undergraduate Admission remains optimistic that we will be able to offer admission to a number of qualified students from the waitlist, and will use the responses to these emails to identify interested students.

We also request that you share your interest in spring 2024 admission, if it were available. Please note indicating interest in spring will not impact your waitlist consideration for the fall.

Please click a link below to let us know where you stand and to share your interest in spring admission.ā€


At one of the many bike racks on campus?

(Or at least, I seem to recall there being a solid number of them when we toured. Bike infrastructure is important for my D23, so we looked for stuff like that.)


Whaaaaat ? Sarah Lawrence is out ?? :slight_smile:

If it happens and you can afford it, I think based on your other posts CWRU would be better. I think given its engineering strength it will translate into stronger physics although you can compare faculty and curriculums.

They do take off WL - the benefit of a low yield. Hope your # is called.



Hank Green is great. My kids use his and his brother John Greenā€™s (yes, the author) videos to study all the time.


Yeah, in general I agree.

But given the timing, at least thinking it through ahead of time seems prudent.

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She got that email Friday (and each of the Fridays since being waitlisted).

This one came in Saturday morning:

It looks like we may have some limited places available in the Class of 2027. The admission committee will be meeting on Monday, April 24 to consider admitting students from the waitlist, and we are contacting a select number of students who have indicated they are highly interested in CWRU.

On the response page it didnā€™t ask about considering Spring 2024, it seemed different than the others.