Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)

And from a number of schools she didn’t apply to whatsoever, too!


Popping in from class of 2021… my D’s “college app” e-mail is still getting emails from colleges she never considered! Thank goodness she’s not actively using that email account anymore.


Your welcome. I checked her transcript again and at the end of her Sophomore year it has the following text “Honors College Citation - University Honors” . It is not highlighted in any way, so it does not really stand out.

There is also a separate Certificate, in addition to the Diploma, that is given for Departmental Honors.

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Yes! One LAC in particular keeps giving DS offers for more $$ to switch from school we deposited at -twice now with added incentives. It seems a bit desperate to me - they must not have hit their numbers.


I doubt that there’s room on the Diploma to mention classes - that’s typically something for the final transcript. There could also be completely separate “diplomas” (as in: pretty piece of color paper) by departments issued for their departmental honors.

When I hear of “University Honors” on a diploma, I could imagine that the name of the “Honor College” is mentioned where one graduated from, but otherwise I’m more thinking of Latin Honors, for any schools that award those.

Many (if not most) places, university honors are distinct from Latin honors.

And that’s completely normal - and fully sufficient.

Trust me, those who request and look at transcripts will know exactly where to find the GPA, the Latin Honors, the academic Honor Society, the Dean’s List - even if it all appears seemingly understated in the same mono-spaced Courier 12 point font.

There can even be a point made to list your honors very matter-of-factly in any applications you write - some people could feel cautious about someone wearing these (admittedly amazing) accomplishments on their sleeves.


My comment was specific to UMD.

To clarify. UMD has an Honors College. Students admitted to the Honors College must select their preference for one of 8 different subprograms.

Each subprogram has its own criteria for completion.

University Honors is just one subprogram.

The others are ACES, Gemstone, Design Culture and Creativity, Global Communities, Humanities, Integrated Life Sciences, and Interdisciplinary Business. The time frame for Citation Completion varies from subprogram to subprogram and even student to student.

Therefore the notation will appear at different places on the transcript. Still, it can be found by interested parties


See, attendance is non-negotiable in our house. If my D23 is sick, yes, stay home. But otherwise, get UP and get out the door. If you don’t go, you have everything taken away. She’s still under my roof, she’s still abiding by our rules.


Omg yes!! My boys declined all the schools they aren’t attending in the portals and there are two in particular that are bombarding them with orientation sign ups and reminders to accept scholarships and financial aid

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My kid got a birthday card from a school he did not apply to.


Yes, my kid declined schools back in January after early decision, and he has constantly been getting emails and mail from a couple of them still…

My college junior still gets emails. One school in particular sends “it’s not too late to transfer” emails and has since freshman year. By the end of junior year, it actually is too late to transfer.


I’ve been meaning to write about senioritis in S23, but my husband (working 600 miles away) became extremely ill, so my mom and I conspired for her to go kidnap him and take him to the ER, where once they actually took her seriously and looked at him (three hours of delirium later), ended up with him going straight into the ICU for several days. Did I mention we were having the wood floors redone that week in the new house? My mom literally ordered a worker to leave so she could get H to the ER, and I chose the color based on some fuzzy cell photos. I hope they are brown. :joy: H is finally back home almost a week later than planned having flown rather than driven and unable to help much to get this house ready to go on the market.

So how does this relate to senioritis? Looking on the bright side, it was lucky I was distracted last week. The week of Senior Prank, Senior Skip Day, and other crazy things, I was too stressed and working too hard on this house to be as concerned as I would normally be that S23 was going to end up expelled. (We had a close call last fall. S23 is impulsive and has a sense of humor that can get him in trouble.) We survived that week without his getting expelled or even in trouble. :tada:

Then, this Monday while I was still dealing with coordinating critical care far away, S was supposed to do a final recitation which showed “wisdom and virtue.” I figured he memorized something from Shakespeare etc. Instead, he apparently convinced the powers that be to let him do the opening monologue from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off! He said the wisdom was talking about teen mental health days before anyone else was, saying you don’t have to chime in about things that don’t affect you, and pointing out one should not be an ideologue.

Just 18 days left. We can do it!

“Isms, in my opinion, are not good.” -Ferris


My college Freshmen had one school wanting her to send her deposit in by May 1st. This is a school she declined last year. She’s heard from them several times this past years. It’s a highly ranked school so we were especially surprised.


I have a variety of reactions to your post…. From ‘geez, you could use a hug’ to ‘boy, you have a fantastic mom’ to ‘wow, I hope your husband is recovering well’ to ‘YES, your kid is brilliant’!

Anyway, there is a scene in an older movie, Broadcast News, where Holly Hunter wants a certain clip from the archives for a piece William Hurt is introducing. Joan Cusack is running through the offices while sliding under filing cabinet drawers as they get pulled out in front of her and over chairs, etc. etc. But it all works out and everyone watching the news knows no better because it all looks seemless. I often feel like that scene when life gets crazy and I always ‘hope’ that the end result is that seemless ending. Hoping the same for you!


We are getting charged 385$ for orientation from UMD!
I can’t believe it! So what’s my 60K is for?:unamused:


It looks like that’s about the same as what UC Berkeley will be charging us for housing and meals during orientation week ($380), is it listed as a charge for housing / meals?

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UCSD charged $160 for a one day orientation, not overnight. Guessing the private schools do not charge but who knows. Have not done housing contract yet but guessing based on this that we’ll have to pay even more for week 0(welcome week).

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Had to pay UT Austin $330 for the 3 day orientation…and then another $45 seperately for Parent/Family Orientation which is only on Day 1.

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