Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)

My S25’s public school policy on late work is - basically up to the teacher. There are some that it automatically drops to a 50% one day late.

My D23’s boarding school- I have no idea and I am glad I am not there. When she was doing online public charter during Covid year they had due dates every 2 weeks so they wouldn’t end a quarter with too much left. One time she had over 70 assignments and 2 days to do them. She was not worried. I did talk to her Tuesday and she had to teach her ‘Understanding the Holocaust’ class for 45 minutes on Friday and hadn’t started working on it yet. That would put me in a panic.


I am not glad, but I am also kind of glad to hear that others are dealing with senior slide. My twins are definitely succumbing. I just keep saying “FINISH STRONG” but with AP tests out of the way and just a few weeks of classes left, it’s HARD.
Heck, it’s hard for me and I’m an educator at their school!
We’ll all make it out okay, right? RIGHT? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


The last day for seniors was Thursday, but S23 has two more IB exams over three days next week. Almost finished!


I got one of those messages – your child may be at risk of failing this class b/c of missing assignments. Final grade: A
The senioritis struggle is real.


I officially give up! You are convinced that the honors program is the end all be all and I can’t help you see this another way.

The dorm that some honor students are in is not that great or remarkable. If you want to think that honors is the only way it’s worth it to attend UMD, I leave you to it.

I wish you all the best.


It’s separated at UMD, too, as we can see in this example from the Comms department.

They note those in departmental honors can have similar or same benefits as students in the university honors program.

By the ocean! Where did she decide to go?

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Exactly this. Just got the invite for athlete scholars award night.

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Lots of places, departmental honors and university honors are completely separate programs.

In fact, there are lots of places where a single department may have multiple honors programs and the university as a whole has multiple honors programs.

This means that talking about “honors at X” is trickier than it seems.


University of Rhode Island - beaches everywhere within a 10-20 min drive and she is taking her car! :blush:


Senioritis is real. I pretty much gave up on my offspring. He and his classmates had many team projects where a couple of kids from the team were missing school due to admit days for colleges. It was sort of accepted that others would pick up the slack or the work would get done closer to the deadline. My wife and I sort of cringed when the school copied us on an email that went to all seniors outlining how many excused absences they had for college visits and the various penalties associated with a specific number of unexcused absences and other rule infractions. Apparently, each year there are a couple of kids who are either kicked out of school and/or not allowed to walk down the aisle due to actions taken during the last few weeks of school.

Given all that the kid put into high school and what he accomplished, I said “finish strong” just once. The messages I reiterated were, “don’t do anything stupid,” “don’t get rescinded,” and “enjoy yourself.” It’s been great to hear more about he and his friends hanging out and less about the projects, work, and time management for ECs.


Yep. I totally agree with you! At UMD–and maybe you already know this?–one can apply to the university honors program at a later time. Then, there is also the opportunity to apply for honors in a department.

Or, one could spend the time building relationships, which would probably smooth the path to a good job…

I’ve been told that the university honors program doesn’t appear on the degree and also been told that it does, so I don’t know what’s true.

At any rate, the important thing is to learn and be able to tell a story about how that learning makes one a good candidate for the next phase (job or grad school). In the end, no one but honors students (and maybe their parents) will care if they were in honors. Nobody else in the world cares that much. It’s a bragging point for cocktail parties.


I wondered! 23’s good friend is going there this fall. Woo hoo! Gorgeous campus.

Congrats to your 23!

PS: Can I tag along? LOL!

My D was in the Honors College (University Honors) and Departmental Honors.

The Honors courses that she took appear on her transcript. Being in the Honors College is not on the transcript and not on the diploma.

Departmental Honors does appear on the transcript and on the diploma.


All this talk about senioritis made me want to share our peculiar situation here in the left coast gritty city by the bay. My kid (HS senior) is headed into the last seven days of school with the teachers on strike. They were able to take their last AP exams during strike week (picketing teachers understand the the exam situation, and many - not all - were already scheduled off-site). The kid spent that last week walking the picket line. We THINK that a contract will be voted on tonight and the teachers and staff back in school by Tuesday… but there are less than two weeks left of school. Final Transcripts? I support the teachers’ demands, my sister is a represented teacher in the district, and the union has wide community support, but I’m a little anxious about the end of year close out of grades and transcripts. And graduation…


Gritty city by the bay?
You mean Atherton? Lol

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I hear you. We are next door to your district and I have friends in the same situation and a little worried (but also supportive of the union!) My fingers are crossed for all of you. I feel like it’s going to be okay :crossed_fingers:t3:

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That’s what I thought, yet someone upthread said that University Honors did appear on the diploma. Maybe they were talking about honors classes.

Thank you for clarifying! Now, I know.

Is anyone else’s kid still getting lots of emails from declined schools?
I thought we sat down and properly declined everything?


Go to the update preferences on the bottom of emails and unsubscribe from all

We set up college only emails. Some sent. Some didn’t. Of course we don’t check that email anymore