Parents of the HS Class of 2024

No they don’t. Not even the Ivies.


D24 got 1500 super score and i think she is done with it. She got 780 in EBRW which has always been her strength but her math score wasn’t what she hoped for.

She has no idea where she wants to go to college but she is excited about allied health sciences. I am trying to educate myself on the whole college admissions process given we are ORM and didn’t go to college here.


amazing! congrats!

That’s Great. 780 EBRw is excellent.

Great English score and superscore!

thank you! She has always been good at literary analysis and always exceeded ELA teachers expectations

Math is where she trips up more often than not as she was moved to “gifted” program in 4th grade pushing her 2 grades up in math and then in 7th grade had to deal with multiple math teachers (great to bad) causing her to miss out on core pre-algebra/algebra foundation skills.

Her high school pre-calc teacher had a reputation for being horrible at teaching math and that teacher exceeded those expectations by a mile :grimacing:

Going to a small magnet high school that is highly competitive especially with all the COVID related impacts made it almost impossible for her to get a break with math

Time to move on from the past and start figuring out what she want’s to do in college


Can anyone here tell me what your student’s experience has been like with Dual enrollment? Our school just sent out an email last night that after many years of no dual enrollment option, they are starting it for the 2023-2024 school year. S24 will be a senior so I think he will continue on his current path, but D26 will def have time to begin this program. I am curious how they fit the classes into their school schedules- is it evening classes? Is this something athletes cannot easily do with their practices and games? Would love to hear more as the email really had no info and just said “more to come”. The only info provided was the university partnering with us, that classes are free (other than materials) and they must be 100-200 level classes, and finally that students are responsible for transportation to and from campus for classes. Thanks.

I’m not sure how helpful anyone else and their experience with Dual Enrollment is going to be with regards to how your school may handle DE.

Generally, I look at DE as another tool/option offered by schools that may or may not be useful to any particular student. Just like AP classes or an IB curriculum may or may not be appropriate for an individual.

At our school, DE courses are offered by a local community college. Most of the classes seem to be most helpful for students looking to go into pre-professional course work (nursing is a big one, as well as accounting), as well as students looking to go into programs which ultimately offer certification (applied health sciences like Radiology Tech, etc).

We have a robust AP program at our school, so DE often times is serving a slightly different school population, although there is overlap.

DE classes are often offered during the day, but do require the student to have transportation to get to the community college. Most students drive themselves (and DE means that those students are given parking passes at our high school).

How helpful or how well regarded DE programs are is very location and program specific. From CC, I’ve learned that robust DE programs exist (many in the South) which give students the opportunity to earn an Associates degree at the same time they are getting their high school diploma. If there are strong articulation agreements in those areas, getting that AA may well make getting a BA/BS easier and cheaper overall. If there aren’t really clear articulation agreements - I an unclear on the benefits of getting an AA while in high school.

This may be one of those cases where as much as you may want to optimize this situation asap, it’s better to wait until you have more concrete information from your specific school about how the program they will be running will work.


Our school doesn’t offer DE but at a couple of local public schools, the DE classes are done right at the HS instead of at a college campus.

That’s the format here as well. College course taught by a community college professor at the high school. That’s what makes it ”Dual Enrollment.” Otherwise, if the class is just at the college, it’s a community college credit (which may or may not transfer, and is not reflected on your high school transcript).

We have used DE for S21 and now S24. In S21’s case, it was to make up for a small school that offered no AP’s. The school was a charter that left Tue/Th for college courses. The students leveraged it heavily. S21 took ASL, Calc 1/2/Diff EQ, and other courses. Every class transferred to the public university my son attended. For S24, she is taking ASL now. She is at the public HS so the DE options are more limited. ASL is asynchronous, so there are no scheduling challenges. But the HS requires that the DE class is not a direct replacement for a HS AP class.

S21 had three friends leverage DE in high school, took one year of CC and then transferred to UC’s. They had fantastic results with Berkeley, UCLA, Davis, UCSD and UCSB acceptances.


PSAT Oct 22 results are in! My DS school sent them via Naviance this morning. Hoping the state cutoff remains similar to last years. Good Luck !


just looked, ours not in for another week, weird how that works! And congrats to your S!


the scores have not made into collegeboard yet but school Naviance has them early. collegeboard still says Dec5/Dec6.

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Our school moved to Scoir and it isnt on there, will check again tomorrow! Thanks!

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Congrats. Hope he meets the cutoff. Checked our school Naviance and I don’t see the data yet. I think it depends on the school and the counsellor.

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Congrats! Because of your post, I checked my son’s Maia Learning account, and his scores are in! Total score, not reading/math breakdown. If the score is correct, I think he may have made the cutoff (will be close and I guess will depend on score breakdown). He is very hopeful, so I also hope it’s the case.


I cannot understand why it takes 6 weeks for this to come out and the fact that some schools report the scores before others is even more frustrating! This has been a very frustrating few weeks between this and national competition that has been very slow on reporting, oh well! next week it still is!

If our kids apply fall 2023 for a freshman college year of 23/24. What taxes will we need to provide for fafsa? 22 or 21?

The most recent tax returns you have.

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