Parents of the HS Class of 2024

That is what I find so confusing? My S attribute will be al over his application and I started writing about that. I don’t understand the concept of writing about something else, isnt the idea of the application being a story about your kid and shouldn’t the counselor’s letter reflect other parts of his application?

Our counselor makes the kids do the brag sheet. I am not even able to see it unless S24 allows me access to their google classroom where they do all of that stuff. He has a resume so I am assuming he is going off of that. I would hope his counselor will say something if it seems like something is off or missing. I guess we will see :grimacing:

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Our school does one for parents and one for the kids. The parent one is only 5 questions, and for my older one I did not spend much time on it. I am much more concerned about the details for this one, I think I spend too much time on CC!!!


Similar at our HS. Kids do a brag sheet. Parents only see it if the student decides to show them. Then, separately, the parents can submit a brag sheet of their own. GC sees both. Uses them or not. Neither the student or the parents ever see the LoRs, from either the GC or the two teachers.


Struggling here too. My kid is outgoing, high energy, super responsible but no ‘unique’ attributes. She’s a golden retriever, generally easy to be around. The designated driver type. Not going to be picked for prom court, but lots of kids would pick her first for a group project. That make sense? Lol seems silly but that’s who she is.


You could be describing my S24!

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Golden retrievers are awesome! We need way more of them in this world. Love the comparison.


Our worst “child” is our dachshund. Our Kids are great and responsible. Our dachshund never listens. Thanks goodness there will be no college for her.


Okay you gave me confidence to use that for the description for her GC. (She doesn’t really know her). Her teacher LOR would likely be similar so I figure it paints a picture. And her ECs are camp counselor, middle school educator, spirit award types of things. I hope some schools like that! She’s looking atSyracuse, Elon, denver, Santa clara, Umass, AU and Lehigh so hopefully those are fits.


You could be describing my two kids. D22 was objecting everything college till the very last moment, did well in the end and enjoying her freshman year. D24 is chill and easy going about APs, standardized testing and college research. Makes hers and our lives so much easier.

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Mine was a golden retriever until recently (see my post in the other 2024 forum) and now he is more like a cane corso, or a rescue mutt with behavior issues :joy:


Just noticed you’re from Oregon. We’re in Washington. D24 has a bit of overlap with yours with Lehigh and Elon. Wish I could say she’s like a golden too but think she’s likely more of a husky (wonderful but more challenging to deal with day to day).

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Maybe they can end up together!


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Hi all, this is my first post here! C24 is my first kid and with that comes aaaaalllll the admissions anxiety. Today, I’m obsessing about test scores, and have a question: my kid took the ACT at school earlier this year (we live in the south, all juniors take it at school once). They did shockingly well; far better than we’d ever imagined they would, and if I had my druthers they wouldn’t temp fate by taking any other tests.

But. As C24 makes their list of schools, pretty much all of them are in the northeast (with a few OH and PA schools added in). Does that mean they need to take the SAT as well? Or do schools mostly view the two tests as interchangeable? Will it look strange that they only took one test, once time?

In case it matters, their goal is a BA in theater/acting, and they’re not considering Ivies or most of the T20 schools (except for maybe Northwestern). But of course I want my kid’s chances of getting in to the schools she likes to be as high as possible.


ACT is completely fine for all schools - they don’t need to take SAT as well.


Sharing this in case it might be helpful to anybody’s kids this summer as we dive into college application season…


S21 is a BFA acting student at UNCSA and applied to a few BA programs. Please PM me if you have questions. And ACT is fine.

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Thank you for this!!!

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the video title isn’t a good description, in my opinion. It’s more like “here’s 7 exercises to do which can help you come up with something to write about in your personal statement.”