Parents of the HS Class of 2024

D24 is starting to fill out her Common App profile today. We had no idea it takes so long! Very detailed and, honestly, a pain in the neck.


Just hope that all his options are on the Common App. Our son had to do 4 applications, each totally different in their approach, each requiring their own forms for grades and activities, etc. Huge pain and time suck.

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On the plus side, figuring out what each college requires for their application has helped D24 whittle down her list by a grand total of one so farā€¦it did not seem worth 7 essays for a very slim chance of getting into the honors college (and she wouldnā€™t choose it over in-state if she did not get into honors).

She has one college on the list that does not use common appā€¦also a long shot but she loves the idea of California.


Dropped S24 for his Summer research program. He seems to be doing ok so far. Broke his glasses today while playing some sport. Luckily he took a second pair so hopefully he will be ok. When I ask any question his response is mostly ā€œgoodā€ or ā€œfineā€. Have never been away for S24 for more than a week so 4 weeks is going to harder for me then him. Good experience to what is to come next year.

S24 has not yet started common App stuff. Plan is to start once he is back from the camp. Canā€™t believe we are just a few months away from deadlines and some colleges have already opened there applications.


Pretty sure that is generational code for ā€œYouā€™re not getting anything interesting out of me, so stop askingā€ (my S24 is in the first week of a six week program).

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I woke up to find S got a 3 in AP Stats and APUSH. He was expected 4-5s and is going to be devastated when he wakes up. He got Aā€™s at his competitive school in the same subjects. Now the question is - does he report them?

Iā€™m sorry- itā€™s especially hard when they expect to do better than they did. Those tests can be so subjective grading wise. I donā€™t think a 3 will help his application so my vote is to not report. D22 didnā€™t report 3s.


Thanks. Will not reporting raise suspicion/hurt his application? Submitting would probably.

D24 got 4s in APUSH and AP Lang. She is relieved.

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You donā€™t have to report them on the app, though you can.

I donā€™t think itā€™s a negative to not report, particularly in our test optional times. Many schools do not weight them heavily, and you can just send the selected scores to the school you choose to get credit.

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It may but I really donā€™t think AOs spend a lot of time guessing why thereā€™s no AP or SAT score. Iā€™m no expert but my take is they just go with the info provided so better to not have info than info that detracts. It also depends on how selective the college is- for the highly selective I would only report 4&5.


Heā€™s looking at T50 schools.

D got a 5 in AP US History and Language and a 4 in Physics.

I assume you dont have to submit an AP score for admission purposes but can submit after you are admitted for college credit.

Probably wont submit that 4 in Physics.

I am really glad for D24. She has tested below 1400 on the SAT despite her high performance in classes. However, she how has four APs with "5"s (Psych, APUSH, Lang, and World Hist)ā€“those are all the AP tests sheā€™s taken, and since we are chasing merit, it will be a real asset on her apps. Although she isnā€™t applying to T20 schools, I would like her to get positive responses from a lot of schools to reward her hard work (way harder than I ever worked).


IMO, class performance heaviy outweighs SAT scores. She has demonstrated subject mastery which is more important than a standardized test and should definitely help her.

Also, itā€™ll give her a leg up in taking a lighter course load or can graduate a semester early.

I think a 4, especially in AP Physics, is a good one to report.


S24 got a 4 on AP Lang and 5 on APUSH. My understanding for highly selective schools is not to submit 4s so he probably wont submit any. Our school does not offer AP classes before junior year. He was somehow able to log in to his account at summer program at 630am, wondering if I will get an actual call today!

According to Sara Harberson, you probably dont want to submit a 4 to highly rejective schools.

These AOā€™s will quickly glance at everything and probably doesnt have time to wonder why someone did or didnt report.

The good news is she can place out of Physics and not have to take it in college at any school that accepts AP. She hated physics so thatā€™s a relief.

So far sheā€™s gotten 5ā€™s in Bio, World (or Euro?) history, Lang and US History and a 4 in Physics.

Sheā€™s taking five APā€™s her senior year. Itā€™ll be a grind.


That is where I got my info too. Since he only took 2 tests will probably leave them off entirely

Iā€™m assuming it was Physics 1, which only has a 8% of 5s anyway. Iā€™d definitely report a 4.

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