Parents of the HS Class of 2024

My D did and had no problem. Reported a 4 in APUSH and 5 in Lang. Applied as a potential History major. No APs before Sr Year either.

He is applying undecided. And the 4 in lang is offset by a 790 on the English section of the sat. I am actually shocked by it. Where does she go?

She technically applied undecided too. But very pointy in those humanities so it was pretty obvious from her app. She hasn’t declared yet but no surprises. Also 790 EBRW.

S24 got 5s in Physics/Chem and also 4 in Lang. His SAT is 740, but he is the opposite and very much not pointy in humanities (800 math). He will report the 4 - while it won’t get him brownie points, it will check the box. I think it adds value in the sense that the writing is a big component and there is no longer an SAT essay.

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Thanks! I think there must have been some issue with this being a digital test and his first AP. I do think that maybe he will submit. He is going to apply ED to either Williams or Brown and his music will get him in, not his test scores.

Those were on her list as well! Love them both. So does DS. Good luck to him!

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DS got 5 in AP Biology, chemistry and research and 4 in Spanish. We are awaiting results for us history. Anybody else waiting for release of ap scores

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S24 got a 5 on Physics 1 and a 5 on Lang. His entire AP Spanish class got their scores cancelled (he is on a group chat which is how he found out about it) - there were some technical problems during the test which is what I’m guessing it was. Anyone else have that experience? He is bummed as he thought he did pretty well . . .

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The SAT format just does not work for some kids. She should feel very confident that she is well prepared for college with her class grades, validated by the AP scores.

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Congrats on the 2 5’s! How incredibly frustrating about Spanish. I’m sorry :disappointed:.

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Yeah. A bummer for sure. The audio portion wasn’t working correctly when they took the test so I assume that is the reason. Supposedly it was “fixed” but I guess not . . .

C24 did better than I’d expected – 4s in Calc A/B and APUSH ,5 in in Lang.

I’m scratching my head a little on the Calc score, though. They worked HARD in that class and ended up with a C. I was fully expecting them to get a 1 or a 2 on the AP exam.

Not sure if they’ll end up reporting any AP scores, since they got 3s on the exams they took in 9th and 10th grades.

D24 woke up to three 5’s which no one expected. AP World teacher was in her first year teaching it (though she is a long time AP grader for AP Euro) and didn’t make it through the syllabus. History is already not a strong area for her so having to self teach the last third left her just praying for a passing score for credit, so this was a very pleasing reward for that extra effort. That class owns the only A- on her transcript, and AP Chem owns the only B+ which she is still gutted over so a 5 on the AP test should help balance that perspective for AO’s.

But now I’m left wondering whether she reports those 4’s in AP Hug and APUSH freshman and sophomore year?? I honestly hadn’t considered not submitting because I too am of the mindset that reporting some and not others seems to be a red flag that you just didn’t pass it, and I would want them to see it was passed. But the posts here this morning have me second guessing


D24 got her AP scores. Here’s how it went:

  • AP Calculus AB - 3. Because of the grading policy at our HS, this brings her C up to a B.
  • AP English Lit - 3. Brings her B+ to an A.
  • AP Music Theory - 3. Brings her B to an A-.
  • AP US History - 3. Brings her C+ to a B+.
  • AP French - 2. this one is painful. She had a C at the end of the year going into the exam, so now she’ll end up with a C- in this class. She’s going to take the French CLEP exam, though, to get college credit for this. Almost all of the places she’ll be applying give course credit for CLEP exams, but most of the schools she’ll apply to only give course credit for APs if you get a 4 or 5.

Therefore, her cumulative GPA is now:

  • weighted - 3.82
  • unweighted - 3.2

This means she’s got Assured Admission to Univ of Arizona, which she’s really thrilled about. She is not applying to any elite/hard-to-get-into schools.

I’m disappointed in the French score, but thrilled that she passed 4 out of the 5 AP exams. It was a really hard school year, LOTS of work, she worked her butt off all year long and it was a long slog toward the finish line and I’m proud of all of the hurdles she overcame academically this year, including getting weekly tutoring after school for honors physics and dealing with a nightmare of teacher changes (plus having 6 weeks of NO teacher at all) for AP Calculus AB.


Overwhelming advice I have seen is that 4s and 5s should definitely be reported. I would not hesitate to report 4s.


Not an expert here re: reporting 3s on APs:

  • DS2022 reported his 3 in AP C/S Principles and 4 in AP Bio during covid year 2020 - with weird testing format, and his 5s on the other 7 APs to all his colleges including MIT/Ivies,
    with the thinking that if he doesn’t report the 3, the college may think that he scored a 1 or a 2.
    Granted, he was able to write a little clause in ADDITIONAL INFO about the weird AP testing format during covid year.

I think he would still report a 3 now (non-covid testing format) so not to assume a 1 or 2 score, but like someone posted, do ALL admissions officers comb through your transcript to know WHICH AP scores you didn’t report?


D26 didnt even realize AP scores were out.

She got a 5 on AP Computer Science Principles. Off to a good start.


Wondering if the cancelled AP test will show to colleges - it had nothing to do with S24 - was a technical issue from the school’s end. He would like to share his “5s” but can’t show a AP score for Spanish since it was cancelled at the school level.

D24 is a full IB candidate, but her HL Chem professor requires the class in the first year to take the AP Chem test to “see how they are doing”. D24 took it cold. She got a 4 and is thrilled.


This might be info that could go in the additional information section - or the school counselor can put in their report.


Would definitely have that included in the ‘additional info’ section!

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