Parents of the HS Class of 2024

Thanks. BU (and NEU) admissions have always been a bit of a mystery to me. We are not in the Northeast, did visit, kid has high stats (and NM) so I would think a decent chance in ED2 for BU, but RD is scary all the way around. With NEU, my concern would be that the low acceptance rate for the Boston campus - if he applies to NEU, admission for not-Boston is the same as a rejection. Basically I think, for a realistic chance of admission, one of them would need to be ED2. Thinking out loud, anyone happen to know if NEU EA can be converted to ED2? I should look closer at that - I don’t see why not, though I wonder what happens with NM in ED2 for either school - does it take potential NM$ off the table.

Yes, I saw people do that last year

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Many applicants are encouraged by NEU to switch from EA to ED2.

There’s no actual table of NEU NMF $
but my DS2022 was offered $31K/yr for CB Recognition Award (Hispanic and Rural/Small town). But COA was still ~$50K/yr.

I think BU NMF is only $25K/yr.

good luck


Good info - thank you! Did your DS apply ED?

No, per my post above, he was probably the only kid in our HS that year that was accepted EA to NEU Boston.
Everyone we knew (even from other high schools) were accepted abroad if they didn’t apply ED.
One of his best friends applied/was accepted to NEU Boston since he applied ED. Friend’s stats were not as stellar as son’s and they all joke that friend would have been rejected if he didn’t apply ED1. Friend also used the “Latino card” (but there were 2 Latino kids who were rejected by NEU).

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Same with U Chicago. In fact we know >1 person who received the phone call that was barely a wink wink nudge nudge that if they switched to ED2 they’d get in. It was more like a statement. Switch to ED2 and you’re in. That’s how much they are focused on yield.

Just to add for high stats kids thinking of applying to Northeastern in the RD round: This year our school salutatorian (All APs, etc. etc.) with a 1570 SAT was waitlisted RD.
The academic gap (and EC gap) between her and the kids accepted in the ED rounds was enormous.
Just one anecdote, but beware of RD for NEU!!

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Just looked at NEU’s common data set.

They ranked standardized test scores as “very important” vs “talent/ability” and “character/personal qualities” as important.

It’s different than most T20 schools’ CDS.

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Yes this is possible per our counsellor.

My husband is stuck in JFK today. He’s supposed to take American Airlines and for the next 2 days he did not get ticket.

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Some colleges (U Maryland and U Pittsburgh) highly suggest to apply EA.
Applying RD is basically a rejection, unless you fit their institutional needs.


In our next episode of As The List Turns, we may visit schools on the opposite side of the country as enthusiasm for the earlier schools drops off. T-minus 3.5 months until early deadlines.

On the upside(?), enthusiasm for the in-state flagship safety is on the increase, though my concern is that may merely reflect cold feet for the adventure of going far away.


Since Pitt is a rolling admissions school, it’s probably nice to get an acceptance early in the process.


Not college related, but do the girls in your kid’s high school purchase Varsity Letterman jackets?

DS2022 got one.
He wore it 2x while in HS, but now, as an alum, he wears it when he goes back to HS (to attend sporting events, etc).
Seems like the alum “uniform” for previous athletes are:

  • college you’re attending hoodie
  • letterman jacket

DD2024 made Varsity last Winter, so we can get her a letterman jacket.
But I usually see girls wear their boyfriend’s jacket.
DD’s boyfriend goes to another hs, and would he wear her jacket?
She’s itty bitty, would she get a size Large so that her BF can fit it?


Pet peeve: Early Action plans that don’t provide an answer until late January, long after RD/ED2 deadlines.


At our small, private HS we don’t even have letterman jackets. But for the local, large HS, I generally only see the boys with them.

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Some are even February!

Last year my S23 applied to three schools EA. He got the response from one, a not very selective state school, mid December. The other results came mid January and late January. But Northeastern, to which he did not apply EA, did not send out EA responses until February!

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Girls at my kids’ school definitely get their own letter jackets and wear them in their own size. As did girls at my own high school in another state 30 years ago. :smile: I have never thought of letter jackets as a typically boy thing, but I imagine different areas have different traditions.


So funny you posted this. D26 lettered in Varsity cheer this year and there was a huge debate because several of us wanted them to be able to get jackets and the coach said “that’s only for football”. We dug our heels in and made it happen. None of them have worn them (they only finally came in late April) but we will see what happens this year. The football players def wear them and the big Thanksgiving Day game is when you see al alum wearing their jackets, some from back in the 70’s and 80’s even- pretty cool.


From the universities’ perspectives, “early” is relative to when regular decisions come out. For families, they often want early to be early enough to impact application decisions.

USC has EA for students who want to be considered for merit scholarships. Their RD notifications are in March. Those that apply EA and are selected as merit scholarship candidates, are notified of acceptance in January. The rest are asked if they want to keep their application active until March, or if they want to withdraw their application. No EA applicant is rejected when the January decisions come out. The early admits need to go through an interview process, and don’t find out which scholarship they are awarded until March.

I’m not defending their process, just explaining it for those who are considering USC.