Parents of the HS Class of 2024

Barely any girls or boys wear them at D24’s HS. One girl on her volleyball team was getting one so she debated but when she found out it was over $400 she wisely decided money could be better used elsewhere.

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Just wanted to tell everybody that I loved Drexel from seeing its Fbook and email PR. Then, we went to the info session (virtual) this morning and found out two very important things. 1) except for the summer after the first year, you get no summers off. They have a rigid structure for 4 and 5 year completion, and it sounds like they don’t allow significant deviation. 2) the presentation was all about co-ops and careers. I’m not exaggerating. The rep said “education” once, and he did not talk about academics at all. I think this school could still be great for students who really aren’t too interested in a traditional college education/experience. Many of the CS and Engineering students whose posts I read might really love this structure. But for social sciences, we had to rule it out! Hope this helps someone!


It would be great if you wanted to share your experience here, too: Colleges your child crossed off the list after visiting, schools that moved up on the list. Why?


Yes, of course. USC’s EA seems like a simple formalization of the old scholarship process rather than true EA. (LOL I guess USC was obvious.) I was just looking at all that myself. I saw a random, unsubstantiated internet comment suggesting that admission for NMSF applicants may be more selective than regular applicants, due to the auto merit if admitted - I will have to do some poking around here to see if I can find out if there is any truth to that. Off to read the old NM threads…

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Both girls and boys wear them here. My 2 kids have them and my son barely wore it. My daughter wears hers all winter and spring.

It is not more selective for NMF relative to regular applicants. USC is need blind, meaning that they don’t look at the financial implications when making admissions decisions.

I think what you are reading might be posts from people who thought their NMF status was their ticket in. NMF have to apply and go up against all other applicants. IF they are accepted, based on all components of their application, THEN they are guaranteed at least a half-tuition Presidential scholarship. Some students’ applications are so outstanding that they are offered a full-tuition Trustee scholarship.

USC awards additional half-tuition Presidential scholarships to students who are not NMF. The full-tuition Trustee scholarship is independent of National Merit status. It is awarded to both NMF and non NMF students.


So United stranded us for 4 days in SFO just a couple weeks ago, with no support getting new flights and no vouchers for food or lodging. Two weeks before than they kept us in line to get on the plane, in perfect weather for the entire flight path, for over 4 hours, and no sorry or compensation. Now they sent us an email basically saying they plan to strand us again in Rome this time, also with no support to get a different flight and no vouchers to stay or eat in the meantime. They have a useless option to try and rebook online or the app but every single option they offer is just a standby list – they don’t offer any actual seats (they hold those back to sell).

They literally never get it right anymore. That’s zero for 3 on the last 3 legs with nothing in common on destination, region, weather, etc.

The biggest issue is their customer service has completely collapsed. You can’t get seats online, you have to wait hours to get an agent in India who basically doesn’t offer any viable options – short of waiting 4-5 days and doing 2 red eye connections in separate middle seats for everyone in the party, all again with not a dime in remittance. So you buy a premium notnstop seat on a daytime flight and they force you to pay for days of a hotel to offer basic economy middle rows for every member of the party on a red eye with connections – flights that cost less than half as much as the seats you paid for. Thanks United.

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They should be reimbursing you for all of your out of pocket expenses. Save all the receipts and submit them to United.


Whenever we’ve had issues with United flights (flight schedule changes, etc) -they book us on the next available flight before we ever get the email informing us of the change. Is that what is happening with your flights and the new flight doesn’t work?

Your recent experiences are so far outside ours it is wild. We have had flights changed, the new flight we are booked on doesn’t work and we’ve had to buy new tickets on a different airline. But in those cases, United has refunded us our money.

I’m sorry this is happening to you, fingers crossed for a resolution that works.

Also, look into contacting Christopher Elliot is a travel complaint guru who helps people with issues like this get them resolved.


Has your experience been recent? Because everything I have read is that that is people’s past experience with United, but recently (since this spring/early summer) it has changed. The policies seem to have switched recently and customer service has taken a nose dive.

My last experience was March 2023, so fairly recently. But things can and often do change quickly.

Edited to add: DH traveled via United over the recent July 4th holiday weekend. He received fantastic customer service (roaming agent helping people in the line) but the lines for customer service were definitely long for those who couldn’t be helped by roaming agents.

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United has been great with us, including last month when our flight had mechanical issues coming back from Europe. They re-booked a number of people who were going to miss connections and told everyone to hold on to their receipts if they had out of pocket expenses because of the delay.


United said they didn’t have to reimburse no matter how many days they delayed us because the root reason for all the delays was two hours of a weather alert (that didn’t actually happen) the day before we were first scheduled to fly. So they basically said the entire week or cascading delays and cancellations were weather related even if the weather was perfect on the day you were flying. They also said to try emailing customer service which we did immediately and two weeks later they never replied.

Similarly they have already said they won’t reimburse for their days of delay this time which are also not weather related.

They used to be great with us when I was 1K. Now that I am not we wait on hold for three hours at a time to get someone who says they can’t help us. Their customer service has completely collapsed.

Escalate the complaints and start commenting on their social media sites. That’s how I finally got American to reimburse us for a cancelled flight.


FYI there’s a dedicated airline travel thread


All of the United Airlines problems sounds like a total nightmare!

On a different note, the switch over on the Common App to 2023-2024 might be coming soon. D24 got an email yesterday from 2 colleges which stated that the Fall 2024 applications are now open in the Common App. But when we went to look in the Common App, everything still shows up for Fall 2023.

We also poked around on the Common App website and found a link called “Application Requirements” on the Dashboard and when you click on it, it shows this:

We are totally new to this and this is our 1st rodeo in this arena. I really like how it lists out in a grid what the ED, EA, and RD/Rolling application deadlines are for each school.

Does anybody know what it means when it says that the college “saves forms”?


If the “saves forms“ box is checked, it means the school keeps the application documents for some amount of time, often one year or two years. Then, if you apply later as a transfer student or take a gap year and apply again, they still have your old application and Can consult it.


It should switch to Fall 2024 on August 1st.

I believe that means the college saves the recommendation letters/forms even after the student matriculates.


USC admits 5-10 from our OOS high school and according to the counseling office they can’t remember the last time a NMSF was admitted.