Parents of the HS Class of 2024

Not to continue too far off topic but any flight that originates or ends in Europe is entitled to compensation if delayed over a couple hours. They have to compensate you. Google EU 261. Go straight to the airline - you don’t need one of the services.

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But if you have filled out just the demographic stuff that carries over, correct? S24 just started the demographic stuff this morning to get some of it started. Would stink if he has to redo all of that…

If you’re referring to the information in the Common App tab (i.e. not college specific questions), then yes that should carry over along with the list of colleges you’ve selected.


Yes, referring to demographic information like where parents attended college, etc.

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Thanks. Almost makes me want to suggest leaving it off…

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And have a “duty of care” to reimburse all expenses incurred. They can sometimes get out of the compensation if the cause is weather related, but the expenses must still be paid. I was stranded overnight in Europe last winter due to snow and my hotel, meals and cab to the airport were all fully reimbursed.

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@Katiekatie12345 those numbers should do the trick at St Andrews. William & Mary also has a joint degree program with St Andrews that allows for the best of both worlds.

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They have disputed that duty on my last three trips, in-person, on the phone and by email/web form. They disputed the last one because 4 days before there was a possible weather threat for a couple hours that slowed capacity at Newark and they claim everything that happened for the week after that was due to the weather event which is excluded from FAA rules. They excluded the current one because its due to a baggage handler strike which also is not covered by FAA rules. The first one was a mechanical issue with the plane so their exclude for the 4 hour delay there seems weak, but their logic is they ended up switching planes later so the 3 hours reset from the time they got the new plane, not from the scheduled departure.

The “right to care” expressly applies to E.U. flights, as in, where E.U. regulations apply.
Specifically note §9:

Article 9 - Right to care

  1. Where reference is made to this Article, passengers shall be offered free of charge:
    (a) meals and refreshments in a reasonable relation to the waiting time;
    (b) hotel accommodation in cases
    where a stay of one or more nights becomes necessary, or
    where a stay additional to that intended by the passenger becomes necessary;
    (c) transport between the airport and place of accommodation (hotel or other).
  2. In addition, passengers shall be offered free of charge two telephone calls, telex or fax messages, or e-mails.
  3. In applying this Article, the operating air carrier shall pay particular attention to the needs of persons with reduced mobility and any persons accompanying them, as well as to the needs of unaccompanied children.

And “weather” is not an excuse in the E.U. - it’s a daily, natural phenomena :wink:


Weather was in the US where the FAA does exempt it. Strike is in the EU.

Yes & No. Strikes EXTERNAL to carriers (such as air traffic controllers, or airport staff) are considered extraordinary circumstances.

However, strikes by carrier’s own personnel, are usually just part of “any employer doing business”, thus both foreseeable and controllable by the employer (=carrier) – according to the 2021 decision of the E.U. Court of Justice:

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You guys…(I mean that term in a gender neutral way)…this whole upcoming HS graduation next May is getting to me this evening. Feeling a tad emotional and just wanted to share.

A couple (maybe a few?) days ago, I had D24 do a couple of the College Essay Guy’s common app essay writing prep exercises. One of those was the “Random Questions” exercise. Here’s her answers to a couple of the questions that tugged at my heartstrings today:

What is your superpower?
“My superpower is my resilience.”

D24 has had many ups and downs with school performance since middle school. Some of her classmates, at least to her it seems this way, seem to hardly have to try at all and they get amazing grades and high test scores, whereas she’s worked her butt off for her 3.2 unweighted GPA/3.86 weighted GPA and 1200 SAT score. But she keeps at it. Keeps putting one foot in front of the other. Stumbles, makes a mistake, figures out “Ok, that was dumb, I shouldn’t do it THAT way again,” but keeps making forward progress.

I’m so thrilled that my kid thinks of herself as a resilient person. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_tear:

What’s a story that you love to tell?
“The story of me dropping a basketball on my head.”

This happened when she was in 4th or 5th grade during PE class. She’s terrible at basketball, HATED basketball, NEVER could manage to get the ball in the basket. So this one time in PE class, she figured that maybe if she stood as close to right under the basket as possible, then maybe she’d make it in. Well, she ended up with the ball going straight up and then straight back down right in her face. Hurt like heck. She started crying because, well, basketballs are pretty hard. The PE teacher had to hold it together because he almost laughed out loud over it.

What’s a tradition in your family?
“Sprinkling glitter on the driveway on Christmas Eve.”

We’ve done this since D24 was 3. Her preschool teacher gave all of the kids in the class little tiny containers of gold glitter and she told the kids that it’s reindeer glitter…you sprinkle it on your driveway on Christmas Eve before you go to bed so Santa’s reindeer know where to land. We’ve been doing it every Christmas Eve since then. I’d make D24 and D26 shout out super loud, “WE’RE READY, SANTA!” after they got done tossing the glitter all over the driveway. And oh my gosh…I have ALL THE FEELS about this today! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :slight_smile: :smiling_face_with_tear:

Anyway, that’s all for now. THIS IS GOING TO BE A ROUGH YEAR! And the school year hasn’t even started yet!


All airlines seem to be doing bad now. American Airlines did not compensate us for anything. If there is any important event that you have to attend, it is better to fly a day or two before I think!


That may not be enough these days. We were stranded for 4 days recently and they tried to do it for that long again. The US airlines reduced staff and planes and United at least regularly canceled planes that aren’t close to full so the net result is if there is a problem they don’t have capacity to handle finding other options for lots of people.

This makes things really hard. We have to keep it in mind and next year when we take our kids for admission, we need to take them 4 or 5 days before to be safe!

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Point: think about nearby/drive-able colleges.

DS2022’s college:
I felt bad for those who had to fly this past Thanksgiving and Christmas.
And it’s not changing this year: " DEC 22 Friday Final exam period."

  1. Thanksgiving: there were classes that had exams or something on Wednesday before Thanksgiving, so kids couldn’t head out until Wednesday afternoon. Thus, we hosted 8 of his classmates who couldn’t fly home.
    Some of son’s friends at other colleges had last class on Tuesday before Thanksgiving.

  2. Christmas:
    A. some classes had exams on 12/22 Thursday.
    B. Coupled with the bad weather, a bunch of kids didn’t make it home for Christmas, some stranded in airports in their connecting flights home.
    There were some really sad posts on his college thread.

We are grateful that son attends nearby college.


@Mwfan1921 This post is from the above a financial aid thread

I have not been paying attention to any of this as we are full pay. (And perhaps I’ve even missed discussions in this thread as well.) I’m wondering if the FAFSA delay will have an impact this admission season, such as deadline tweaks and fewer ED apps from those who need financial aid? Can ED applicants still rely on Net Price Calculators? This sounds problematic and I’m just curious about what is to come.


Not many updates yet. FAFSA supposedly will launch Dec 1, at the earliest…the SAI formula and FAFSA form aren’t yet finalized. I haven’t heard any schools say they are considering changing application deadlines, but of course FAFSA filing deadlines will have to change at least for the early rounds.

I don’t know if the FAFSA delay will impact ED apps, but possible. Some ED accepted applicants may have to put in RD apps if the ED school doesn’t give an FA package by early Jan, so we could be looking at more RD apps overall. I expect we will see more people pull out of ED acceptances based on finances.

ED applicants can’t rely on NPCs, at least right now…they aren’t accurate because the FAFSA formula isn’t yet finalized and I’m encouraging students to ask college FA offices to do FA pre-reads (which they can’t really do until FAFSA is finalized). There was one poster who recently asked Cornell to do a FA pre-read and they declined.

NPCs aren’t accurate in a number of ways….COA isn’t set yet to 2024-25 (but that’s typical this time of year, so people can just increase that number by 4% or so). But for upcoming FAFSA changes, the NPCs don’t help the user ID who is the custodial parent (as applicable); still include add back of untaxed income items, like 401K contributions, to income; have incorrect allowances loaded, etc. Colleges can’t really update NPCs until FAFSA is finalized either.

Should be interesting this year for sure.


Thank you. So, NPCs are especially unreliable, though one might imagine greater flexibility for need applicants to be released from an ED agreement. The NPC angle seems rather unfair. In my non-expert opinion, the FAFSA changes should have been punted to the following year if NPCs can’t be updated prior to ED deadlines.

That’s just… great. Exactly what I was wondering. RD is already a big enchilada of uncertainty.


This doesn’t apply to the schools that do not require CSS profile, but our recent tours were at schools that use CSS. I asked them how the FAFSA delay will impact ED/EA decisions and financial packages -
I repeatedly heard that they will rely heavily on the CSS profile to put together the financial package, and then ask ED/EA applicants to get their FAFSA in ASAP. I don’t understand how they can pull that off, but all schools emphasized the CSS profile.