Parents of the HS Class of 2024

I hope she gets well soon and everyone else stays negative!

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Sorry to hear she caught it. Definitely hearing Omicron can break through the vaccines but at least it stays lighter than it would have. I hope she feels better quickly. ice cream for breakfast is a good sign! May everyone successfully avoid it!

Hope your daughter feels well soon and the rest of you continue to have negative. Take care.

Hope she feels better soon and the rest of the family.

Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays!

Our high school doesnā€™t do class rank, either.

ODD is now officially old enough (15 1/2!) to get a driverā€™s permit, but is dragging her feet with taking the test for it (paper test). Itā€™s driving DH bananas.

Hope everyone keeps the COVID crud away and if your household has it, I hope that you all heal quickly.

Has anyone looked at any of the schools on the Colleges That Change Lives website? ( Our school counselor mentioned it to all of the parents a few months agoā€¦liberal arts colleges all over the place, but mostly in the south, Midwest, Northeast, and a few in the Pacific Northwest.

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I am officially not amused, S got paper mail from a college. WHY!!!

Did he take the PSAT or play any club sports?

yes, psat, i know what it is from, just think it is hilarious that his not off the charts great score is resulting in 20 emails a day and now physical mail! My older one didnt get this treatment!

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It is crazy. I will never understand college marketing.

We chose to skip the PSAT this year. My S24 will not be qualifying for National Merit or anything, so he will study this summer and take it next fall, then our mailings will begin.

He thinks that maybe he is on an extra list due to music programs he is in, he may be right! I dont get it at all, what benefit is it to the schools to start sending stuff out this early?

D24 and I joke about the emails. We are ranking them and the top ones so far are Harvard, Columbia, Vanderbilt, William&Lee, and West Point. Sheā€™s unsubscribing to their other ones.

Sheā€™s attended a couple of soccer ID camps so we get the ā€œA D1 coach has reviewed your file.ā€ But I think you have to sign up for an account and likely have to pay for the account, so we will remain curious about which D1 coach had looked her up. We just make up stories so today, the Yale coach was bored so decided to review soccer kids on the West Coast in hopes of building a more diverse Yale soccer team and in hopes of getting out of the Ivy League soccer cellar. :joy: Since her comp coach is friends with the Brown Womens HC and I think they are but among three black womens soccer coaches in D1, we did tell D24ā€™s coach that if the Brown coach inquired to for real let us know. Joking aside. But itā€™ll likely be an on-going joke.


ha! we would be more amused if he was getting those kind of emails! Definitely a few that are staying in the mix (ones with good conservatories and BM programs) but agree there is a lot of unsubscribing going on.

D24 is jaded, having witnessed what her brother has gone thru in his app round. The emails donā€™t mean much. They just happened to make money off our kids by selling PSAT emails to colleges. I think CBoard gets $0.17-34 per email they sell.


Definitely have your kid use a fresh, dedicated email address for all testing and college related stuff.


When my son created the college board account he specifically choose he does not want colleges and others orgs to reach out to him. So we have not received any emails so far (or that what he tells me. I donā€™t have access to his email). We have discussed opening a different email for college stuff and he agreed and that he is ok with me having access. We will do this later in the year.

it is crazy to get stuff so early. Why cant the colleges go ā€œGreenā€ and stop sending Physical mail.

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ā€¦ because kids donā€™t ever check their email anymore?


The paper brochures are really targeted at parents.

Harvard always sends out a glossy brochure to students with stats well below their average. There are always a flood of IG posts and Tik Toks of students posing with the Harvard brochure. I guess any publicity is good publicity and Iā€™m sure they make a little money from people who decide to apply after receiving the brochure.

I guess you are right. I do have to remind him to check his email.