Parents of the HS Class of 2024

My S21 did not take PSAT as a 10th grader but did intensive prep for SAT and PSAT at the same time. He took the SAT right after the PSAT and did PSAT guided prep for the month of sept and October and then they switched to SAT, worked out very well


I am wondering the same about the weightage of SAT scores in admissions at selective colleges when students are learning advanced materials in their interested subject areas in the high school itself. On the other hand many selective schools do offer lot of money for National Merit Finalists and Winners. My DS was a NMS winnner and that contributed and helped to winning a merit scholarship from my husbands employer and also considerable amount of research scholarship from Cornell.

I am really not getting too into it for him. He has a specialized EC and very high grades. Only a 99% SAT will help him so I am not going to pour tons of money and time into it. If he can do it this summer, great, if not we will not bother. We live in NJ where you need an almost perfect PSAT for NMF status so that is also not a big consideration.

We use a really good test prep company, and according to their data the most important thing is to do them as close together as possible, but donā€™t worry which one is first.

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We have no plans to take the SAT this summer.

Thanks for your replies, helpingthekid73, parentkeith, MomOfCornellAlum, AlwaysMoving, and sbinaz. Iā€™ll pass this info on to S.


D24 has a choir trip to Ireland and England that leaves the day after tomorrow. Ireland requires negative COVID test in order to enter. Took D24 to CVS and Walgreens yesterday for a PCR test. Got results this afternoon from CVS.

Itā€™s positive.

She now isnā€™t going on the trip.

I canā€™t really describe how much this sucks right now. Lots of tears. Gut-wrenching sobbing from her this afternoon. This trip was supposed to happen this time a year ago, but got postponed because of COVID. Weā€™ve been healthy & just fine this whole entire time. No symptoms at all. Weā€™re all fully vaccinated, with DH & I recently (like last month) having gotten another booster shot.

In addition, we also had plans while D24 was going to be out of townā€¦to take D26 to Universal Studios Hollywood for her birthday. Now thatā€™s cancelled, too.

Now sheā€™s watching some TV show on Disney+ in french.

sometimes, life just REALLY SUCKS EGGS!

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yes it does, this wave is absolutely terrible and the fact that everyone is just ignoring it is just mind blowing. S24 has been having a terrible asthma exacerbation for the entire week, still not able to go out or do anything. But when you walk around outside it is like the world is totally back to normal. Wear a mask, test if you are sick, get vaccinated.

So sorry to hear your daughter got sick! What a terrible timing for her and you all.

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Iā€™m so very sorry! That truly does suck!

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and it really does suck for all of you, hope you all stay well.

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Iā€™m sorry to hear that your daughter canā€™t go on the trip!

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Oh NO so sorry about that. I feel for her :frowning:

Very sorry to hear this.

I have a friend who lives in London who told me today that COVID is spreading like wildfire over in her area right now. Her entire family has it, 1 of her kids (adult now) has had 15+ coworkers out with it. Plus, in order to re-enter the US, you have to test negative, so D24 (if she tested positive just prior to the return home) would end up having to quarantine in London with 1 of the chaperones until she tested negative.

ā€¦which is kind of my personal parenting nightmareā€¦the idea of my minor child being sick overseas without us.

So on the one hand, itā€™s probably all for the best, but it still is so disappointing. D24 is heart broken over it all.

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I think the number are high in many places. My husband came form London 10 days ago and yes he did have to covid test before he could get back on flight to come back home and this was a worry we had also as he went for work and did not wnat him to stuck there if he was sick and with kids it even harder. Hope she gets a chance to go again next year.

Oh thatā€™s terrible. Kids work so hard, sorry to hear this.

How incredibly disappointing! Iā€™m so very sorry for your daughter. I hope she ends up having a wonderful summer and finally gets to go on this trip next year.

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Heard from 1 of the choir people a couple of hours agoā€¦another student in the choir also tested positiveā€¦child is the piano accompanist. And the tour guide for the entire tour (guide is based out of the UK) also just tested positive for COVID.

D24 is now saying that sheā€™s glad that at least she isnā€™t going to get stuck quarantining without Mom or Dad in London.


If the trip is for longer than 1 week, you may want to get her to test tomorrow and see if they can change the flight. Most airlines are allowing rescheduling as things are so unpredictable. I got at stuck for extra 2 days in Europe due to +ve test but tested -ve 2 days later.