Parents of the HS Class of 2024

I appreciate the suggestion, but they’re not changing the flights. Her 2nd test from Wed also came back positive this afternoon. Everyone going on the trip is required to fly together as a group. So she’s not going to be going. :frowning:

Glad you got 2 tests so you won’t wonder if first one was a false positive.


I’m so sorry she isn’t able to go. So many disappointments for these kids.

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So many trips these kids have missed out on now. It’s not just about creating lasting friendships and making lifelong memories, I also feel that they’re missing even more in social development than they already did stuck in their bedrooms on a screen for years. Those trips without parents, but with peers and chaperones is one of the ways you learn adulting, with training wheels, gradually cutting the cord.

My kids just say about most things “and in the end, it’s probably gonna be cancelled anyway”. It’s what they know. Breaks my heart.


Last day of school for S24 was today. He is officially done with 10th grade. Still waiting for final grades in a couple of classes but look good so far but should know the final report by next week.


Counting down the days until we break for summer. DS gets out the 23rd, I finish in my school district (I’m a school nurse) on June 16th and we are both so done with this year!! DS started his summer job already so has been doing that after school. These last weeks are dragging…


June 23rd is so late! Where are you located? June 10th is my D22s last day and that feels late. She’s started her summer job too and enjoying that. The last few weeks are definitely DRAGGING. Not much going on in her classes.

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D24 is still slightly mourning the trip that didn’t happen thanks to COVID, but we’re all grateful that physically she wasn’t affected by the virus at all.

Report cards came out a few days ago. She did better this year than in 9th grade. 9th grade had 3 C’s, which is hard to bounce back from, but we are not targeting any Top 50 schools.

NO plans whatsoever for her to take the SAT this summer. She’ll take it spring of this next school year.

The plan for her to fill her HS fine arts requirement with her extracurricular choir (i.e., the one that had the big choir trip that’s going on right now) is now dashed because she didn’t have enough hours logged without the choir trip. So it’s a good thing that she’ll be taking a fine arts class next year.

She’ll be headed to a couple of fast food joints on Monday to apply for a job. Later this month once she turns 16, she’ll apply for a hospital volunteer gig for a few hours a week…hoping for a weekend shift.

GPA at end of the school year wasn’t straight A’s, but was good enough to keep all of our target schools still in the running.


We are in MA- was supposed to be the week prior but they had three snow days and they are off on Monday 6/20 for Juneteenth observed so have to do the three days 21-23 :weary:


We are in NJ and the lsat regular day of school is June 23, NYC is even later.

So much for D24 applying for a job this week. Nobody around here is hiring unless you’re 16. So we have a little under 2 weeks left to wait for that. Nobody allows volunteers at charitable organizations unless you’re 16.

That is odd given the shortage of workers. Even with a work permit? School can provide this.

I’ve checked around. You have to be 16 around here. D24’s school doesn’t do work permits. Besides, the school year is over and she turns 16 in 12 calendar days, so there’s no point to go through a long complicated work permit process which we probably wouldn’t get until AFTER her 16th birthday.

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Why not apply now and tell them she can start in 12 days? It takes a little while to schedule interviews and process hiring paperwork anyway.


Yes I have seen this locally also and one reason my Son had to wait to start his job late last year. He started working from after he turned 16. Since its a matter of days may be she can relax for these days and work once she hits 16.

Nobody wants you to apply until you’re 16.

D24 finished her last final exam today. Can’t believe she is going to be a junior! Feels like just yesterday we were doing college tours with D20, and I’ve blinked and one is a college junior and one a high school junior. She has a little more than a week before her camp counselor job starts so I’m sure she will be getting a lot of sleep these next few days! Good luck to all the 24s wrapping up sophomore year!


Final grades for the semester posted yesterday. He was able to barely make it to a A with 90.1 Phew :slight_smile: And finished the year with all A’s this year and he is very happy.

Now on to the summer activities and he will be going to Cal Poly EPIC program for a week and he is excited about experiencing staying in the dorm for a week and get a feel.


Got a flyer in the mail this week from ASU about an in person “Sun Devil Day” prospective student event the morning of 7/1, so signed D24 up for it.

Waiting anxiously for 7/5 when AP test scores come out!

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Booked school visits for a bunch of small LACs and a few Ivy’s this summer. Now debating if we should wait until the fall. Didnt get to see any schools with S21 so just not sure what the best timing is. Between S, H and my schedule getting away during the school year is so hard!

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