Parents of the HS Class of 2024

Remind me why she wants to do health care volunteering? My understanding is that places are over run by high school, college and post college students wanting to volunteer to try to get experience for medical school. One of my physician boards was talking about people paying to work as a scribed to get experience! Unless she is planning on applying for BA/MD (DO) programs it may not be worth the effort to try and find those kind of volunteering opportunities. My S has had success working in a senior center. He is actually helping seniors use their phones and iPads, it is pretty engaging for him and actually helping the seniors. Maybe that would be something she could look into?


Visiting while classes are in session is great. That will be a weakness for us. DD24 is in public CA school and all the schools sheā€™ll be visiting will be CA public universities on about the same schedule. I donā€™t want to take her out of class a bunch since she tends to get behind when she misses. Iā€™ll probably have to pick a couple front runners and take her out for those and the rest will be virtual tours combined with in person weekend visits.


Our hospital isnā€™t accepting any new volunteers, including adults, because of Covid restrictions so Iā€™m not surprised your student is struggling.


Sheā€™s interested in pursuing ā€œsomething medicalā€ after college and wants to volunteer while in HS just to get some exposure to the healthcare fieldā€¦so she can see what itā€™s like, start to figure out if itā€™s really something she might want to pursue, that sort of thing.

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I might suggest contacting a local PT office or chiropractor. Both are very familiar with shadowing hoursā€¦which will show her another side to ā€˜something health relatedā€™.

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Some positive progress to reportā€¦

D24 got a phone call back from the rehab/skilled nursing facility that she emailed earlier today. They want to schedule an in person interview.

The hospital volunteer phone interview she had earlierā€¦the one where they said they had no HS volunteer openings right nowā€¦that person fwdā€™d D24ā€™s info to another hospital, which does have openings which would work w/D24ā€™s preferred schedule. They sent her an email with a ton of info, so D24 is reading through the 30-pg volunteer handbook right now and will respond back today w/the information theyā€™ve requested. She just shouted at me from her bedroom, ā€œHey, Mama! This hospital does robotic surgeries. And they ARE accepting volunteers on clinical floors in nursing units. I think Iā€™d like to try that out.ā€

D24 & I are signed up now to volunteer on 3 successive Saturdays in Oct. for ~3 hr each at the refugee assistance charity. When their schedule opens up for Saturdays in Nov, weā€™ll sign up later at that time. They accept 16-17 yr old volunteers, but adult guardian has to be present. Weā€™ll be delivering ā€œWelcome to Americaā€ boxes of lots of various household goods & supplies. D24 is excited about this one especially. From a mom perspective, I think itā€™ll be good exposure for her to see how doing something like this can make a big impact in your local community.


Thatā€™s a great idea! Thank you! Iā€™ll mention this to her!

@sbinaz Have her try the VA hospital or clinics. Volunteer Or Donate | VA Phoenix Health Care | Veterans Affairs


College confidential for the win today. S24s SAT tutor texting me that all of the august sites by us have filled and made sure that I already signed him up. Yes I did! CC told me to do it months ago, woohooo!!


Looking for some target/safety school ideas to consider for my high-achieving S24.

His S22 brother just went through the process, but S24 wants a totally different experience.

S24 is gay and wants a progressive school in a progressive city or another country. Weā€™re from the Midwest (not Chicago) and he wants to be far from here. Heā€™s interested only in the coasts (with the possible exception of Chicago) or out of the country.

Heā€™s 4.0+ GPA with high rigor (BC calc, AP chem, APUSH, honors physics and AP Spanish next year as a junior) and will likely have SAT of 1500+. In the US, heā€™d consider Brown, Tufts, Columbia, Northwestern (maybe the only middle-country school), USC, Pomona, Berkeley, Stanford, UW. He would LOVE to attend Cambridge or Oxford in the UK or U Toronto.

Obviously, all of these schools are reaches/high reaches. Maybe UW a target but probably not.

He clearly needs some targets and safeties. Any suggestions?? In or out of the country. Thank you!


Does he have any special ECs? Northeastern used to be a target with these numbers but now it is a reach. What about NYU? Fordham? What does he want to study? The main page will have tons of recommendations for you but they will probably tell you to wait a little longer for more specific suggestions.

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He has a lot of leadership roles at his school, including several in the area he wants to study ā€” psychology. A good, deep, spiky XC focus in that area. Plus considered a top leader in his school. Heā€™ll be 4-year varsity and 3-year varsity in another sport. Likely captain of one or both teams.

So not a cancer-curer, but solid.



Have been away for a few weeks due to all of us in the house having Covid and then busy with work after recovery.

Great to see lot of Activity and some new people join in.

Summer is going ok. He is prepping for SAT, Doing Some Tennis teaching. He is also doing a Java Course online and one thing we have figured out is S24 does not do well with self paced fully online courses. He has tendency to keep postponing stuff.

Time flies more than half of break is over already. S/24 school start 8/15. So a Month from now.


He doesnā€™t love NYU bc of lack of central campus. Fordham likely out bc a Jesuit school. Heā€™s tough! Thanks for your suggestions.

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The issue is that all of the ā€œsafety/targetā€ schools that your son may be interested in had crazy admissions last year and others may reject him for yield protection. BU is another option, my S21 has an LGBTQ+ friend who is absolutely loving McGIll.

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Sorry I didnā€™t comment on it before, but Northeastern and BU would also be considered. Unfortunately, as you said, likely not safeties or targets anymore. McGill is a great idea. Thank you for engaging.

I was going to PM you but your profile is hidden, wanted to give you some LGBTQ specific advice. pm if you are interested.

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Iā€™m interested. I didnā€™t mean to make it hidden. Will try to make it open. Thank you.

A couple thingsā€¦

Almost every college is gay friendly, but small schools will have a very small dating pool.

Sounds like he is an ā€œaverage excellentā€, and that will make things tough. I suggest applying to a lot of schools and falling in love with one of the ones that loves him.

You didnā€™t mention cost, so Iā€™ll assume youā€™re fine with full pay but if he sticks to psychology there will probably be grad school and that is expensive.

Iā€™d suggestā€¦
U of San Diego
UCLA, UC SB, Cal, and UC San Diego
The Claremont Consortium except leave off Harvey Mudd
Cal Poly SLO
Santa Clara Itā€™s Jesuit, but he might like it.
U Dub
U Seattle
Uof Denver
CU Boulder
There are too many NE Lacs to type. lol. He should be a good candidate at a lot of them from Colgate to Lehigh to Wesleyan to Bowdoin to etcā€¦

I know you said he isnā€™t interested in the midwest, but Kenyon, Mcallister, and U Wisconsin could be good fits.