Parents of the HS Class of 2024

Did you mean San Diego State University which is part of the California public CSU system?

University of San Diego is a private Roman Catholic college. @Katiekatie12345 felt that Fordham would likely be out because it is Jesuit. If so, I would imagine USD might be out as well.

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I meant U of San Diego. I get the reluctance to consider schools with a religious connection, but I don’t think there is an anti-gay bias at U of San Diego or Santa Clara. San Diego and the Bay Area are very progressive and gay friendly communities.

San Diego State would be great too. Pretty much all the California publics are worth a look.

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I am looking for some ideas for meets need colleges that might do a good job preparing my D24 daughter to apply to architecture schools for a masters in architecture. Bonus for colleges that also offer a bachelors degree in architecture, but I really doubt that my daughter will want to commit to a pre-professional path as an undergraduate. At the moment, she thinks that she would like to become an architect, but she still has a very wide range of interests. I think that she would prefer to attend a college that would allow her to explore those interests and then decide on a major and career interest a bit later.

Other than architecture, she loves English, languages (both spoken and classical), chemistry, physics, history, math, and visual arts. Actually, she seemed to like most of her 9th and 10th grade courses except Biology. I personally think she would be quite good at computer science, but she refuses to even try any courses in it. Sigh. So from a parental view, double bonus if the school has a gen ed requirement that includes computer science, but that is me talking not her!

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Have you thought about posting this as a separate thread in College Search & Selection?


My guess you will be directed to the big southeast and southern state schools that provide great merit. I don’t know much about architecture programs there but may be worth a Google. One of the Arizona state schools is often brought up as giving close to full rides with kids of your daughters stats


I’d try to focus on schools which have a school of architecture or 5 year program. It’s much easier to apply from a school than into another program. You should maybe create your own thread so folks familiar with arch. programs can help you


OK, thanks. Just did.


I believe the 25% ED is skewed because many of those are for legacy and recruited athletes. That’s what I read somewhere on CC.

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agreed, but even removing that their ed number is significantly higher. My S is a high level musician so he does have a “spike” which may help with ED admission, can’t imagine it will do anything for RD.

Is there a local volunteer ambulance squad? They typically depend heavily on EMT‘s who start during HS, then can take shifts and be line officers during the long college breaks, to give regular members some needed relieve.

It means they’ll have thousands of Patient Contact Hours that often are required before entering graduate programs.


@Katiekatie12345 has your son done the research on the UK requirements, in particular for Oxford and Cambridge? He’ll have to pick one of the two to apply to and needs three AP scores at Oxford and 5 at Cambridge (all have to be 5).
For instance

It’s preferable to get these over with by junior year so he has a chance at an unconditional offer and won’t have to wait for results to come out in July.

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Thank you. Yes, he is aware of this requirement. He’s going to try to achieve the 3 scores of 5 for Oxford this year.

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For everyone interested in UC admissions stats here is an interesting link that has A LOT of data on number of kids admitted to each of the UC’s by school. Admissions by source school | University of California

If anyone knows of a similar dataset for other larger public universities (University of Michigan, UT Austin, University of Minnesota, University of Wisconsin etc.) I’d love to dig into those.


Summer is soon coming to a close for us, with school starting up again on 8/3. Have to take kiddos to school on 8/1 to pick up their schedules, get locker assignments, and all that jazz.

Took D24 to get new hospital volunteer health screening completed at the hospital she’ll be volunteering at.


When is everyone thinking of doing college tours?

I originally thought that we’d spend all of spring break on a college tour road trip through NM & TX, but the 2 schools in TX we want to tour are on spring break the same week that we are. BUT a school we’re eyeing in KY is on spring break the following week (when we’re back in session).

So we will probably just do a NM college road trip at the start of spring break week, and then D24 & I will do a visit to the KY school towards the end of that week, I think. We will hit up the 2 TX schools some other time.

Still deciding when to drive down to Tucson (we’re in AZ) to go tour U of A. I’d prefer it to be on a day that they’re also doing honors college tours (or info sessions, at least), so it’d have to be on a week day. It sinks in for D24 more if she sees it in person. :slight_smile:

We saw UF during spring break this year.

This summer, my daughter visited UMich and also saw Univ Iowa when she did a summer writing program there.

The writing program was great because she was there for 2 weeks and got the opportunity to really spend some quality time on a college campus with peers. She had a roommate staying at a dorm eating dorm food. They went to writing classes, visited local restaurants, shops, and got to see various parts of the campus, libraries, etc. It was much more indepth than an hour tour.

She realized that building facilities do matter (UMIch was much nicer than Univ Iowa) and gave her a sense of what type of college experience interested her.

We’ll probably go on some local visits during teacher in-service days, see a couple of schools next spring break and try to squeeze in a couple next summer right before senior year.

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I took S24 to look at some schools in NC and SC over April break. I think we may look at Miami next February since we will be there anyway and then in April he will possibly head South to look at Alabama, Auburn and Georgia.


We are going to try and go somewhere for the NJ fall break and maybe again in the spring if I can get off from work. Otherwise next summer it will be. Hoping to go when we can catch productions and concerts so S can see what different programs have to offer.

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All of the threads about SATs are extremely interesting. I am convinced that this year is going to be the last one that it is going to be widely taken. It is being proposed on other pages that you go test optional if the SAT is not above the 50% for the last incoming class, which for most LACs and even T50 schools are in the high 1400s.


We are going to go spring break ‘23 for northeast. We are in CA so her non -NE schools are all in CA. D24 is president of GATE so she’s going to plan the campus visits around her fave schools. :joy:

Summer ends for us in two weeks. D24 has drivers license test 8/15. She’s been driving this whole time. ACT test is on Oct so she will prob do prep up to then but less with school starting. She finished her city internship today and they had a nice luncheon for the kids. We go to Hawaii on Monday. Finally summer vaca for us.