Parents of the HS Class of 2024

Enjoy the trip! Hope it is smooth!

Have fun in Hawaii.

For us school starts in 3 weeks. Late start this year compared to prior years. I had thought 2 weeks but just now checked school website and see it is later than expected. We do have to go to school on August 15 and 16th for some stuff.

Son saw CalPoly SLO as part of his camp. We were planning to go visit UCLA and UC Santa Barbara but that got cancelled due to all of us getting COVID during that time.

we would also like to visit some schools in East coast and May be RICE, university but not when we will do it. Probably next year summer or spring break after we narrow down to what type of college he wants.

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I learned something interesting today. A relative works at a LAC. Her eldest is starting 9th grade this school year. Annual tuition at the LAC is ~$52,000/year. Relative said that while working at the LAC, tuition is free of charge for any of their kids that get admitted to & attend the LAC.

Which is great. BUTā€¦

You have to pay federal income tax on that $52,000ā€¦because itā€™s considered additional income.

ā€¦which, ironically, would amount to about the same as paying full tuition at a regular in state university.


I have a friend whose kid is at a top 20 schoo where she works. My friend pays only room and board. Sheā€™s happy for the tuition break. I donā€™t think she cares at all about the taxes.

I think your estimate is high. Maybe for top earners. But for someone making a good salary how can it add up to in state tuition. I think our in state tuition came in as 30K. Even at a top tax bracket you would pay anywhere close to that in taxes. Maybe your numbers are based on very different assumptions?

The 2 closest in state colleges to them have in state tuition of $8100/yr and a bit over $14,000/yr, based on whichever college youā€™re talking about.

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Wow, thatā€™s low. I was thinking state flagship and itā€™s much more.

Would also matter how well regarded the LAC was v. the local state school. In our area, most of the LACS are really top notch, so going to one free and only paying room and board is a good deal. Most people would be very happy. But like everything YMMV>


Iā€™m purposely being evasive on which college is it because the relative is a very private person. But they do not live in the northeast.

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Got the schedule for DS24, 3 APs and 1 honors class, 2 regular and a mandatory PE class (Required in CA)


The tab on the UC admissions link titled ā€œFR GPA by HSā€ really shows how much more difficult it is to get into all of the UCs than it used to be. Some of the schools have always been difficult to get into (UCLA, Berkeley, UCSD, etc.). But if you enter your kidā€™s HS into the search and then scroll down to 2007 for schools like UCSC and Riverside youā€™ll see the Accepted GPAs have really increased.

@sbinaz -

Yeahā€¦ that is interesting.

@Htas - probably depends on which state. In CA, none of the state schools (UC or CSU) get anywhere close to $30k a year for tuition for in-state.

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Interesting that you guys get it so late. My S is deep into summer homework that is due in a month, they donā€™t know their specific class order until two weeks before school starts but know what classes they will have in the spring. Is hours and hours of summer homework the norm or just here in the Northeast?

My kid had summer homework in 2 subjects. One was AP English Language(thats how we knew he will get this AP class) and a Math one.

My DD24 has an assignment for IB English (and Iā€™m now realizing I need to look at IB Spanish and make sure sheā€™s not missing something on that) and she hasnā€™t read the book yet or done the assignment! Classes start in two weeks. Iā€™m about to start whip cracking! At least DS22 is finally submitting his required forms and doing his mandatory CBTs for college (also starting in 2 weeks).

[edited to add: Crap! Yes, she was supposed to be doing stuff for Spanish. Excellent.]

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Weā€™re in the Northeast and my kids get no Summer homework. But they get a lot during the school year. And lots of Summer reading. But nothing for APā€™s etc. Iā€™m glad.

So he has homework for AP lang and 100 pages of reading and a test on the first day for APUSH in addition to decent packets for honors language and physics. First year no summer math! He read the english books, now time for the essays. The history is going to take many hours, this teacher has high expectations.

The only classes that have summer homework at our school (in CA) are AP and IB.

My D had summer work starting in middle school (midwest). Mostly English, math and FL.

Iā€™m not an expert but I believe the student would be the one paying taxes which is likely at a lower rate.

If someone is in that scenario, I would check with your accountant. It might depend on what the scholarship is used for.

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I dont think itā€™s considered a scholarship to the child as most scholarships are not taxable.

Im guessing the school is treating it as a financial benefit to the employee parent as part of their job which is why Im assuming they consider it as income.