Parents of the HS Class of 2024

@helpingthekid73 have you taken a look at Tufts? It’s high on D’s list and has a dual degree BA/BFA program

D24 said last night that ALL of her friends are planning on attending ASU. And she doesn’t want to go to college with “everybody from HS,” so that, along with ASU’s size, is a big factor for her wanting to go to college outside of our area.


Yes! It is a great program. He is actually a musician and they have a dual degree program I believe with NEC. He actually decided that he wants smaller and more rural but it is a great place. Is your D planning on submitting for Youngarts this year?


@helpingthekid73 yes, I thought the Tufts program with the conservatory also sounds amazing, but I understand looking for a different campus environment. I thought D wanted small and rural, but learned on our tours she wants access to a big city. Good to know! I am not as familiar with music programs but your son sounds really interesting and amazing and it will be fun to see which programs excite him!

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D24 signed up for an info session at school next month w/an admissions person from UofA. She said that at the moment, all of her friends are planning on attending ASU (we’re in the Phoenix area). She doesn’t want to go to college “where everybody from high school is going.” :slight_smile:

If your D is an artist she should look into Youngarts, it is a fabulous program for all of the arts for HS students.

They have examples of the last few years winners on both their website and youtube page.


Thank you! I have shared this with her and I’m definitely looking into it!


Good luck to kids taking SAT this weekend. Ds is taking on Saturday.


D24’s hospital volunteer orientation is finally set for Saturday of Labor Day weekend. FINALLY! It’s taken a month to get to this point. Sheesh!

Enrolled D24 in 3 free online courses w/Modern States: Calculus, French, and 1st 1/2 of US History. She’s going to use them as a way to prep for AP exams throughout the school year, AND to also use them as a backup method of hopefully earning some college credit in case she doesn’t do as well on the AP exams.


Agreed! May your pencils be sharp and your test center stay open!
Good luck to you all!


My son is taking the ACT on Sept 10. Prep has been very light till now. Will see what happens. He has taken on a very heavy load this year (3 APs, 2 honors in a very competitive school district) so I am anxious about that too. Wishing everyone a great Junior year!


Good luck to your D. My S24 also is taking and the center is 40 miles away and that is adding to the stress.

Good luck to your S !!!

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Thank you! Good luck to yours too! And good luck with the early morning drive!

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Good luck to all the kids who are taking the SAT on the 27th!!!


Joining this thread - S24 is my oldest and I’ve been learning a lot on this site. He is taking the SAT this weekend and it feels like the first real step towards college. I’m glad we signed up for the August SAT even though it meant a lot of nagging this summer to study because this year has started out even busier than I thought it would. His Fall sport is taking up tons of time and he has a tough schedule with Calculus BC and Physics, among others.
This will be the first completely normal year of high school for him – hoping it will be amazing.
I’m glad to be among others who are a bit obsessed with the college search. My husband and I went to our state flagship, and I am 75 percent sure S24 will also - but it’s good to know about other options and we have 3 more kids so everything will be put to use eventually.


Welcome to the Group. Good luck to your S24 for the SAT exam. We choose to go with August SAT for the same reason as you.

D24 isn’t taking the SAT or ACT yet. Will do probably SAT on whatever Saturday it’s being held in November. Haven’t signed her up yet. D24 has overnight choir retreat tonight, so we’ll be down 1 kid. She went to student hours after school yesterday for some extra math help.

We are in the same boat too, busy school and music schedule for the fall, hoping for one and done after tomorrow, but we shall see, he has worked hard and is prepared. Got his class schedule today and this will be a year!