Parents of the HS Class of 2024

yes, hoping for the same. This will be totally S’s decision. I dont think that a change will make a huge difference in his options but 30 or 40 points will put him above the 75% for all schools on the list rather than between the 50 and 75%. Who knows what is going to happen with scores their cycle!

Thanks. He did really well on the practice test. It came as a big disappointment.

it is definitely a big blow to self-confidence. Hugs.

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So sorry, it is really terrible that the kids have so much invested in this. My older S was disappointed in his score and decided that he would submit when it was ok and not when it wasnt and just went on to other things. Good luck to him.

Do we have practice tests for SAT. College board have only 10…more will help?

yup, here is the link, the kids on reddit have it all! These are real SATs from the past 6 years, not practice ones.

if you go to reddit and search for r/sat you can find the sat page and it is in their pinned files. good luck!


My son’s SAT scores came out today - they were still “pending” on Friday. Probably a good thing because they were lower than he wanted and it would have soured his weekend. He will take it again in the Spring as we had kind of assumed, but it sure would have been nice to be one and done and not have to worry about it any more.

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Do you know by any chance about ACT tests?

that is what we hoped for for S24, take it once and be done with it. It didn’t turn out to be that way so have to try at least one more time.

I looked and couldnt find it sorry

As least its a baseline - that’s how I’m looking at it.

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Hope everyone is doing well. Has been a crazy busy time at work and not had much time.

On the SAT front his score is about 50 to 60 points lower than his target. He has finally agreed to a private tutor after saying no to a class or tutor before. Lets see how things go. With his score he will be ok with some of the schools he is looking at but not others, especially because engineering majors they look for higher scores. We have been told to look at the 75% of a school as target score than 50% to be safe.


Good luck! 50 points seems to be within the normal variation of the test, what a mess!
This business with only submitting if you are above the 50% is so crazy, it is only going to drive the scores up and up. Soon every school will have a mean SAT score of 1510

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Thanks. Agree that the mean score for most schools has been going up once they started this test optional. Sigh! A 50 points can be a normal test variation but the variation was mostly on the Math side and he is bummed because of it. In all of his practice tests and the tests he did he was 780 to 800 and this he got less here and he does not understand where he went wrong. His next test is in a center close to house instead on 50+ miles aways (does not have to wake up at 5:00 AM for getting to test center on time) so hoping that will help him a little. He does not have much time to prep though before the october test so we will see what happens.

so that is interesting, my S also was scoring 790/800 on the math practice tests and had a 770 on the actual one, the math this time seemed a little tricky. He also didnt understand what he got wrong. He had the most success from very specific practice on the grammar section and brought his mistakes from 5-6 on a test to just 1 on the actual one. That seems to be something that can be learned with a really good tutor, the reading much less so. He had three sessions with someone who went over rules and specific advice with him that was so helpful, just practicing did not do the trick.

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Interesting about the Math I am hoping he can get back to what he has been getting in the Math in practice tests. Thanks for the tip on grammar section he got 2 wrong here so if he can eliminate this that could also help. Hopefully tutor can help here.

Hi folks. @BoroDad here from NJ. 3rd times a charm!

I really appreciated the help from the CC community with my S16 (Pitt) and S18 (UConn) and now we are gearing up for my S24. Looks like @Booajo has the same age kids.

S16 really wanted GWU and got ~$12k merit aid but zippo from Bucknell and Maryland we just couldn’t swing the price. Fortunately we convinced him to add more affordable schools and he started in Engineering at UConn, but took a hard left turn into Econ/PolySci which was more of his passion.

S20 really wanted WPI or BU and liked The Berg, RPI, and Fordham as well. He got tons of aid (except Maryland, honors - but no aid!) but like his brother he was allergic to loans and needed more merit for the private schools. He landed at Pitt in Chemistry and His 35ACT and grades got him $15k merit.

My S24 is not yet all that interested in the search and is unsure of his interests on careers. All we know is that hes all about the humanities, classics, and social science and wants something not 4-6 hours away like his brothers. We are skipping the official PSAT and have is first ACT planned for later this year. We have 3 fairly varied visits planned (UDel, Fordham, Marist) just to get feet wet.

I think well start this search the other way around - with more affordable schools first.

Good luck everyone


my S was scoring 790/800 on the math practice test and got a 760 on the actual one. However, he didn’t finish the reading section and that also negatively impacted his writing section.

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D24 is interested in U of A’s BS in Medicine major. ASU has a major almost identical to it, but ASU got crossed off the list because their equivalent major is only offered at the downtown Phoenix campus…and she doesn’t want to live in downtown Phoenix and possibly have to also commute to classes on the main Tempe campus.

It appears that there are 4 sub-emphasis options within the BS-Medicine degree program. She’s going to look at the different options before our tour next month:

  • Basic Medical Sciences Emphasis
  • Integrative & Practice-Focused Medicine Emphasis
  • Medical Technology Emphasis
  • Medicine & Society Emphasis

I’m hoping that U of A remains test optional for the HS Class of 2024 students applying next year. We are in state and she has the GPA to be an auto-admit.

U of A recently started a BS-MD program, but they only accept <10 students per year to it and D24 doesn’t have the GPA or test scores to qualify for that, plus she hasn’t cured cancer or solved problems like world peace or stuff like that. Haha.