Parents of the HS Class of 2025

I’m going to have to stop procrastinating soon, but I’ll give your D’s list some thought. Do all of the current schools work with your budget? And are you looking for other schools near Hobart & William Smith to visit while dropping off or picking up from camp? Or colleges for the regular “college search?”

One school off the top of my head that would be another reach, but not as reachy as many of those on your list, is Colorado College.

ETA: Giving it a bit more thought, I’d look into:

  • Pacific Luterhan (WA): About 2400 undergrads
  • Seattle U: About 4200 undergrads
  • Skidmore (NY): About 2700 undergrads
  • St. Michael’s (VT): About 1400 undergrads
  • U. of Denver (CO): About 5900 undergrads
  • U. of Redlands (CA): About 2600 undergrads
  • Whitman (WA): About 1600 undergrads

For St. Mike’s, this is their first sentence of their About Us page: “We’re a Catholic school that is welcoming to every faith background, culture, and identity.” Seattle U is Jesuit, which generally has a similar philosophy with a focus on social justice and service.

Hope this helps!

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