Parents of the HS Class of 2025

So your school does online ACT? I’m pretty sure around here the standard is paper. Our school doesn’t administer the test though. My D25 hasn’t done any practice ACT’s yet. We’ll start that after the PSAT which she will be taking a practice test for this weekend.

I’m so annoyed that she’s going to have to take another SAT at some point. Really thought she’d be one and done. She scored about 60 points lower than her practice SAT’s and that’s super frustrating!

Would she take the SAT? My kids like the pace of that better. Our primary reason for getting it in now is taking the paper test.

Our school requires all juniors take ACT spring of their junior year. They recently switched to online versus paper and she hates online tests. She hates standardized tests in general so I dont think she would even consider doing the SAT.

The SAT is a little shorter and less time pressure.

The whole let the kids do it themselves/parents should intervene argument is a false choice though, no? Like, first of all it’s scalar rather than binary, and secondly it depends not just on the kid and on the parent but also on the precise situation in the precise moment.


DS got his SAT score. His math was 90 points higher than his Spring math PSAT -yay. His Reading was 100 points lower, ugh how?!

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I think the reading section was super tricky! D25’s reading/writing section was the same as her October PSAT but 100 points less than all of the practice tests she’s done. It was really disappointing this morning. She rocked the math section though. We were expecting a score about 60 points higher conservatively.

S25’s was the opposite! Higher reading than the practice tests and 100 points lower in the Math. No idea. He’ll take it again in the spring but will probably be mostly test optional. At this point the average scores have gotten so high, it seems pointless to submit for most competitive schools.

Sadly the Naval Academy requires testing. At least they will superscore.

The Math “curve” was pretty generous from what I have seen. D25 got 6 wrong, which is more than usual but all the missed questions were rated “hard”

Reading or Writing? Writing can be a killer.

really? My D25’s math score didn’t seem curved at all.

Not sure what her score was but I think you saw it more at the top. -4 still got you a 780 and - 5 a 770. But then -6 dropped to a 750.

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D’s score was also down from the practice tests. But the percentile was constant, so not really sure what happened. If you look at the percentiles online her score would be 80-90 points higher. Bit of a let down here as well. She is going to take it again in November.

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Another disappointed one over here. Score was 100-150 points lower than all the practice tests so we are a bit stumped as to what to do from here :frowning:


I am from the class of 2024, for the kids who took it for the first time in August and got a score less than practice dont worry too much and let them take one or two more times. For my S24 he got about 50 to 60 points lower on the Math and the first time he took in the SAT than in practice tests. The second time he took he felt more comfortable with the test and he was able to match his practice scores in the test. The first test he took he had the test center 60 miles away and that added to the stress of taking the test first time. Good luck!!


My son’s Reading and writing in the Spring PSAT was 99th percentile. It dropped to 79th. Signing him up for November

yeah she had a 740 in math. I wish they would have curved the English section. lol

yeah it’s frustrating. We don’t have much time to put in any more studying right now so she’ll just retake next August. She’ll be focusing any study time she has on the digital for the PSAT etc. My D25 score was still decent enough to get her some good merit, just not the top tier at all of the colleges she’s focusing on.