Parents of the HS Class of 2025

I’m anxiously awaiting D25’s friend’s score. She was sick the original test date so took a makeup. Wondering if D25 will stand alone as (possible) NMSF at her school or if she’ll be one of two.

My kid keeps their phone in airplane mode while in class, so as not to be distracted. Since we’re already past the mid-morning lunch period, I’m gonna have to wait until after school to find out if the scores are out. I’ve made it this long, another couple of hours are fine. Just fine…


oh that’s rough. My D doesn’t have her phone if airplane mode but is on silent and never answers my texts during the day.

I appreciate that they’ve made the choice to “disable” the phone so they’re not checking it when they’re supposed to be learning. I certainly couldn’t make them do it if they hadn’t chosen it. So I’ve learned to text before 10:30 if I hope to catch them at lunch, or just wait until 2:15 when they get home.

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OK, so the kid is home from school. They logged into the website. No results yet.

What time of day did the results come out on Nov 6?

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Our school sent us an email at 3:30 saying results were in but when D26 checked her College Board account it still says “pending”.

Ours came out between 7:30-8:00 AM EST on 11/6

Did D26 take the PSAT/NMSQT or the PSAT10?

Well, I’m more than “not happy about” the PSAT scores not coming out today as they were promised.

Did anyone else who was supposed to get them today receive theirs? I mean, I could totally believe my kid’s school messed up submitting them somehow, since everything else about the PSAT administration was such a crap show…

Finally convinced the kid to log into the website, even though they downloaded the app that’s supposed to have the results, and we have scores. I’m calming down now…


I’m glad they were there. One of D25’s friends had an issue with the app too and didn’t get her results until the next morning (earlier result day).

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Kiddo got a 1420 on his SAT, down from a 1480 on the PSAT. He is really crushed. Went ahead and signed him up for the nearest digital exam in March, which is about 1 1/2 hours away from us. Any idea if the 1420 would be high enough as the confirming score for National Merit?

Since the confirming score cutoff falls “near” the Commended score cutoff, you should be able to do the math to figure out if your kid’s 1420 is gonna be 209 or above, and you’ll have a pretty good idea. I think. I’m reading the stuff on Compass Prep and that seems to be what they’re saying.

Thank you! SSI would be 214 so I think he’s good. But he is still bound and determined to break 1500 in March. It will be good for him to work for it!

1530 SAT here. The 750-ERW/780-M split is interesting, considering that the kid’s verbal scores were higher than math for both the PSAT and ACT.

But yeah, a 1530 SAT corresponds to a 35 ACT, so that’s the one we’ll be sending with the kid’s applications, I guess.

At my daughters BS, no one discussed test scores, grades or even what colleges they were applying to. It was nice. My S25 is not the type to discuss those things either.
My D23 got a perfect ACT and didn’t tell any of her friends.


I wonder if it being a boarding school has something to do with that? That is, it could be the case anywhere, but at a boarding school not only are you around other students in an academic setting, you actually have to live with them, and so how you interact with them is going to be different.

This is the case where I live as well. I’ve never heard anyone talk about their test scores except on CC. My D23 had no idea how her friends did and neither does S25.

I’m going to edit to say I did have a friend who was shocked at how low her daughter’s ACT score was and she did tell me about it.

yes, same for me eldest. Had a perfect ACT and didn’t tell anyone.

D25 has much looser lips. Apparently, she’s shared her PSAT score. I guess the kids were talking about it since everyone took the PSAT at school. I have no idea if she’s shared her SAT/ACT; hopefully not. I think her scores are significantly higher than her friends so it would be awkward.

This kid is killing me because she’s apparently an amazing test taker but absolutely refuses to prep. She’ll sit for the actual exam, no problem. But refuses to do practice tests at home. Hasn’t taken a single full practice SAT nor ACT at home.

Although I’ve shared scores anonymously here, I don’t talk scores with friends in real life.

To be fair, I did get her to do the bluebook PSAT since it’s a new format and there’s only one shot at NMSF.

I think that’s a fantastic score! Remember the paper SAT seems to be harder than the digital PSAT. My D25 took the August paper SAT and got a 1390 but got a 1480 on the digital last month. She’s taking the digital in March and I’m curious to see what that score will be.